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That LoL Feel When...


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It doesn't simply work like that, buddy. You or your team dun goofed somewhere.

The reason most people fall prey to Rek'Sai is because of her deceptive strength as a duelist, especially since that Rek'Sai had Devourer enchantment and surely more than her fair share of stacks.

That might have been where you or your team went wrong.

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I will admit a lack of vision control was eminent, considering I would blow all 3 stacks of my ultimate in a fight before Rek'sai came in from the side, immediately targetted me, and knocked me up before I had the chance to do anything, and in the blink of an eye I was from full health to zero. The fact that she only needed her two damage items and just went straight to magic resist tank made it so that even after I charmed, I still had no chance to get away or blow her down in seconds.

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That feel when hard carrying out of bronze 5. A positive win rate, and a positive attitude. Fuck yes, I am getting the hell out of here. Also beat a Garen in lane as Renekton for the first time. Improvement!

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He's supposed to be an assassin with waveclear...the nerfs were targeted towards his splitpush/duelling potential.

Assassins shouldn't really be good duellists, with a couple of exceptions. That's some the basis for the changes to Akali / Hextech Gunblade.

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didn't really consider zed too much of a threatening guy to face anyway so this is probably one of the most trivial patch notes

in other news jesus christ Fizz's W changes are monstrous

the second he buys a liandry's and nashors is the second he fucks everything up in seconds, doesn't even matter that Q's essentially been reduced to a gap closer now

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Indeed. They buffed the hell out of Fizz. I'd expect his ban rate to jump to ~65% and nerfs to hit the PBE either next patch or the patch afterward. (Fizz had a 42% ban rate according to lolking.net when 5.2 went live.)

That feel when Zed vs Wukong level 6. Jukefest

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tfw listening to "Deathfire Grasp" while playing mordekaiser just doesn't feel right anymore

tfw nothing says "i don't give a fuck" quite like the enemy Kayle's impecably timed Intervention

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tfw a high elo guy thinks you're also a high elo smurf due to you above average performance and meta-game knowledge even tho you haven't even reached lv 30 and you're pretty much still cardboard 7

feels good and kinda flattering


That feel when you're about to get a pentakill but because of your brazilian internet you get disconected when you're about to kill the last guy and your team also loses at the end because you were their carry.

That feel.

That. Effing. Feel.

Edited by Telos
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