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That LoL Feel When...


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Why do I still play this game? I'm stuck in the same place because I'm garbage, and I never get better apparently. Read the same generic "helpful advice" and try to improve on that with no change. So why do I even bother? I'm starting to believe that this is as far as my skill level will go. So why continue to play this game if my highest level of play will always be that of some bronze 5 dumbass. It can't be because of fun, because it certainly isn't fun being garbage. I guess part of me still believe I will actually climb out someday. Although at this point I doubt I will attain the skill needed for such a thing. I'm literally the worst player in NA.

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I recommend that first, you not play ranked when you're feeling like a shitty player. When you go into a game with the mindset that you'll do badly, you'll probably do badly

And if you're not having fun playing, then maybe you just shouldn't bother. At the end of the day, League is a game, if it's not a game you enjoy, then you shouldn't waste your time trying to force yourself to enjoy it

Win or lose, Bronze or Diamond, I love the game,. So I keep playing it, even when individual games sometimes make me feel shitty

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TFW you befriend the enemy team's Amumu :D

Full story:

So I was hybrid Sion and I was getting triples and suiciding and it was awesome. But every time I tried to go for Urgot, Amumu would stun me and then I'd die. So it became sort of a running gag throughout the game that Amumu wouldn't let me hug Urgot. Then, I started killing Amumu first every teamfight. And he asked me why. And I said, "You looked like you needed a hug." And it was hilarious :P Then their team managed to come back despite me actually playing a good Sion and things happened. And then in postgame I said "let's be friends forever" (:P) and he accepted. I also got lots of compliments. Then we played another game where the two of us carried a 3/10 Zed with a little help from a splitpushing Nasus and it was fun

The end

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TFW you go on a 17 game losing streak, dropping from Silver 1 to Silver 5 0 LP, and then start to get on a 7 game win streak, and still counting.

Happened to me a while ago, but TFW you lose your job and drop from S2 to B1 in a day Because you intentionally lose the game anytime someone does the slightest thing to irritate you. TFW you climb back of out bronze the very next day easily but your elo still isn't the same and lose double the LP you gain.

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TFW you befriend the enemy team's Amumu :D

Full story:

So I was hybrid Sion and I was getting triples and suiciding and it was awesome. But every time I tried to go for Urgot, Amumu would stun me and then I'd die. So it became sort of a running gag throughout the game that Amumu wouldn't let me hug Urgot. Then, I started killing Amumu first every teamfight. And he asked me why. And I said, "You looked like you needed a hug." And it was hilarious :P Then their team managed to come back despite me actually playing a good Sion and things happened. And then in postgame I said "let's be friends forever" (:P) and he accepted. I also got lots of compliments. Then we played another game where the two of us carried a 3/10 Zed with a little help from a splitpushing Nasus and it was fun

The end

Fitting your picture is Annie. Hybrid Sion i have to try that one.
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Lol, I didn't even think of that XD

And it honestly worked a lot better than my usual Hydra+tank. Mostly I just built Black Cleaver instead of a tank item (I also got it second, damage is better early, tanky is better late on a jungler imo)

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Lol, I didn't even think of that XD

And it honestly worked a lot better than my usual Hydra+tank. Mostly I just built Black Cleaver instead of a tank item (I also got it second, damage is better early, tanky is better late on a jungler imo)

Good ole Sion Jungle xD

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Typically one would only get a physical or a magic damage item, not both in the same kit because Sion wants to be a massive meatshield so the more he can invest in defenses, the better.

That said, the most common AD item is Hydra, and the most common AP item on Sion is Liandry's Torment.

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That feel when you're having a really good Zed game, and are 15-2, ready to finish things and then boom 1000+ ping spike for you and your teammates. This shit was horrible. Even the enemy team was complaining about it. It turned what could have been a 40 minute game tops into an hour long game. Luckily our Fizz pulled an xpeke while the rest of us fought a 4v5 long enough for it to happen. But I'm really getting the hang of Zed now. Poor Twisted Fate couldn't even touch me in lane I was juking shit so hard.

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I've been trying to learn Zed. He's not easy lol

That feel when on a MASSIVE winning streak

Yeah, he's really not that easy. The hardest thing for me to do is use his ult correctly. I almost always fail to use it properly. But I'm trying to get better at it and so far it's going well. And I really enjoy his kit too.

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