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That LoL Feel When...


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Yeah, he's really not that easy. The hardest thing for me to do is use his ult correctly. I almost always fail to use it properly. But I'm trying to get better at it and so far it's going well. And I really enjoy his kit too.

Hard to learn but well worth it. If you learn the ulty combo you are set. Hints for him. R then W Q and E then ignite. It gives you three shurikans which is your main damage. :) enjoy the master of shadows
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It is an execute, but that's not how executes work in LoL. In League executes like Garen and Jinx's ults do more damage based on how much health your missing. At a certain point I assume the damage crosses over to where there's no hope of survival if you're missing however much health

TFW one-shotting the enemy ADC with Luden's Corki

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Indeed. You also should keep in mind that there are two kinds of of executes: one that actually scales off the flat amount of missing health (Elise/Fizz/Garen/Jinx/Lee Sin), while others' damage just increase by a percentage based on how wounded you are (Nidalee/Quinn/Riven).

For example, let's say there is a 4000-health Jax but he is missing 3000 health.

The first type of execute (for this we'll use Garen's ult) Would deal more damage for each point of health Jax is missing (40% of target's missing health) so it would deal 525, the base damage, plus 1200 for Jax's 3000 missing health, which would mean in total the ability does 1725 damage. That would kill based on Garen's Magic Penetration and Jax's Magic Resist.

The second type of execute (Riven's ultimate) instead increases by a percentage based on the percentage of health an enemy has missing. That same Jax, with 1000 health and missing 3000, faces a level 18 Riven with 357 AD (making for 250 bonus AD) and at full health the damage would be 160 + 150.

However the damage increases by 2.67% for each percentage of health Jax is missing, which is capped at 300% damage against enemies at 25% or lower, so 480 + 450 = 930 damage. Jax survives this somewhat easily especially after factoring in Armor.

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TFW your vayne rushes IE and blames the team for the loss when you outdamage her as full tank sion. I had 5.5K health just stacking it on there being a tank. Our vayne didn't even hit 20k damage to champs.

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TFW your vayne rushes IE and blames the team for the loss when you outdamage her as full tank sion. I had 5.5K health just stacking it on there being a tank. Our vayne didn't even hit 20k damage to champs.

Thus is vayne players for you

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I had a Vayne instalock adc even though I was already going bot with Miss Fortune, and we already had our top lane. Our support dodges and the next game I am first pick and notice that same Vayne is on our team. What do I do? I ban Vayne, laugh at his dumb ass, and then laugh even more because he dodges. Fuck Vayne players.

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I had a Vayne instalock adc even though I was already going bot with Miss Fortune, and we already had our top lane. Our support dodges and the next game I am first pick and notice that same Vayne is on our team. What do I do? I ban Vayne, laugh at his dumb ass, and then laugh even more because he dodges. Fuck Vayne players.

Do it. Tfw you play Cassopeia for the first time in ranked and eat everything alive

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I ban Vayne all the time, and I'm beginning to ban Riven too.

A ton of players who main one of those two (especially riven) are extremely toxic and really...they're just not worth giving the time of day anymore. (Back in mid season 4, it was found that 5% of all Riven games were leaves.)

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That LoL feel when you finally find someone you can duo queue with, and then after destroying in a game of ranked, you introduce your new duo buddy to your existing group of LoL friends who you brag about... And suddenly, they suck (the group of friends that I bragged about, by the way, not my new duo buddy, aka Nas)...

TFW you flash smite steal baron :D

That even better feel when you stroll in as Taric and steal baron, then almost stroll out, but the enemy hits a lucky skill that ends up killing you. Luckily, because of this, your team charges and destroys the entire enemy team.

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That even better feel when you stroll in as Taric and steal baron, then almost stroll out, but the enemy hits a lucky skill that ends up killing you. Luckily, because of this, your team charges and destroys the entire enemy team.

that's kind of what happened in that game. I stole baron as Nami a long time ago, but I still think the flash steal was awesome. The Yi tried to claim his smite didn't go because of ping, however you can't out smite someone who timed it perfectly.
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TFW your team is losing, but you take Baron just as the other team gets there to take him themselves, then proceeding to ace the other team and destroy the final lane turret, both Nexus turrets, and the Nexus itself, with the last 3 steps taking place in less than 40 seconds. Tristana is amazing.

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