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That LoL Feel When...


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OK so a bit of a story goes with this one. I'm trying to play a casual game of league with my friend after buying Fiora. I decided I wanted to try her out and queued up for draft pick. I was happy to see I was first pick on blue side, so I shouldn't have any conflict in getting the role that I want. I gently inform everyone that I'd like to go top. However, second pick wanted top too and insisted we duo top. I, probably like many others, disagreed and asked he go another role and respect pick order. By the time it was time for me to pick, I locked in Fiora mid. Because I was irritated, I'll admit, I had some choice words for the next person who seemed to be stubborn and angry that I wouldn't relinquish the role at first. "Fine, I'll go mid because this kid's mad that he spilled his cheerios this morning." While not exactly a shining moment in my life, it definitely was one that escalated the situation. The guy eventually decided that he would go jungle instead and allowed me to go top, followed with an "I hope you feed so I can report you." Sure, nothing too bad. I knew he wasn't going to gank my lane because he was upset, regardless of how kind I tried to be afterwards. I politely asked him if he wanted a leash, and not receiving a response I gave him one. I go to top to face against Yorick. Never a fun time for anyone really, even the Yorick. I lose lane 1/4 while still remaining tied for CS with him. Deciding that feeding Yorick more was a bad idea, I decided to roam mid. Had I known that the Orianna and the Warwick were duoing, I wouldn't have. I saw Ori was getting annihilated by Viktor and Warwick couldn't do much as he was low. Deciding now was my chance to help, I dove in, scooped up the kill, accompanied by the unfortunate death of Orianna due to ignite. Because of this, I get flamed for being selfish and coming mid to steal a kill. I politely told her that I was roaming because I was losing my lane. Deciding no minion should go missed, I decided to farm a wave in mid while she was dead, to which I received more flame. Every time I went in to kill someone, I watched as Ori would sit back with Warwick and watch me get a few kills, but also die in the process. I ended up having the highest amount of gold that game because I was carrying rather hard until the end where my friend got picked off before the teamfight. No one seemed to appreciate that half the time I was pushing top lane down to the inhib because if I dared to enter Ori's lane, I would be screamed at. And so, apparently i could do no right, and received two reports at the end of the game.

just remember that reporting u for feeding means nothing so just mute them and chill. and if ur worried that this can lose u a ranked game by muting someone then dont worry, pings cant be muted so thats how u can communicate with them. Also in a blind pick if someone steals my lane or decide to duo lane with me then i will just wait a second before the game starts and leave champ select. i only do this once a day cuz the ban gets longer the more u do it per day( 5 min-10 min-20 etc.) and just get on the forums or play osu while i wait for the ban to end.

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OK so a bit of a story goes with this one. I'm trying to play a casual game of league with my friend after buying Fiora. I decided I wanted to try her out and queued up for draft pick. I was happy to see I was first pick on blue side, so I shouldn't have any conflict in getting the role that I want. I gently inform everyone that I'd like to go top. However, second pick wanted top too and insisted we duo top. I, probably like many others, disagreed and asked he go another role and respect pick order. By the time it was time for me to pick, I locked in Fiora mid. Because I was irritated, I'll admit, I had some choice words for the next person who seemed to be stubborn and angry that I wouldn't relinquish the role at first. "Fine, I'll go mid because this kid's mad that he spilled his cheerios this morning." While not exactly a shining moment in my life, it definitely was one that escalated the situation. The guy eventually decided that he would go jungle instead and allowed me to go top, followed with an "I hope you feed so I can report you." Sure, nothing too bad. I knew he wasn't going to gank my lane because he was upset, regardless of how kind I tried to be afterwards. I politely asked him if he wanted a leash, and not receiving a response I gave him one. I go to top to face against Yorick. Never a fun time for anyone really, even the Yorick. I lose lane 1/4 while still remaining tied for CS with him. Deciding that feeding Yorick more was a bad idea, I decided to roam mid. Had I known that the Orianna and the Warwick were duoing, I wouldn't have. I saw Ori was getting annihilated by Viktor and Warwick couldn't do much as he was low. Deciding now was my chance to help, I dove in, scooped up the kill, accompanied by the unfortunate death of Orianna due to ignite. Because of this, I get flamed for being selfish and coming mid to steal a kill. I politely told her that I was roaming because I was losing my lane. Deciding no minion should go missed, I decided to farm a wave in mid while she was dead, to which I received more flame. Every time I went in to kill someone, I watched as Ori would sit back with Warwick and watch me get a few kills, but also die in the process. I ended up having the highest amount of gold that game because I was carrying rather hard until the end where my friend got picked off before the teamfight. No one seemed to appreciate that half the time I was pushing top lane down to the inhib because if I dared to enter Ori's lane, I would be screamed at. And so, apparently i could do no right, and received two reports at the end of the game.

Yes this is all pretty normal in low elo

Literally just ignore everything

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Today, i had my best and funniest game ever in normal (ever since i started playing anyway). My friend and i tested a Garen/Blitzcrank bot lane duo against Corki/Leona. Corki face-checked at lvl1 (tri-brush near blue side's red buff) and almost got killed. Even when they were losing in exp and gold, Leona kept using her E onto us and just letting us take like 50% of her HP for free (Corki didn't follow). Mid game, Leona was 1/4/0 and Corki was 0/4/1 (there was gank from their jungler). After that, we just snowballed the game hardcore. We were laughing like crazy because our teammates were also playing for fun and they created so many funny moments. There were just so many plays and trolly moments (our Lee kicked away their Corki after i pulled him in). Our entire team were laughing so much and just having fun overall. It was so nice to feel that way about LoL again.

My team was Garen (my friend) + Blitzcrank (me) + Yasuo + Master Yi + Lee Sin and their team was Fizz + Corki + Leona + Lee Sin + Gangplank

Well I just want to share my experience. You guys might not even be interested in this story.

Edited by biboo195
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Really loving the fact that I gave myself the goal of the end of the summer to get to gold and that I decided today would be a good day to do climbing only to get an afk in every game. What's worse is I performed well in lane every time, only to have that nullified by the fact that it's a 4v5.

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That feeling when you are the last to pick a champion and have to go support as Lux (bot) trying to help an average Varus, while first pick Katarina proceeds to insult you ("omg nub lux pls report") and you get killed way too often, especially by a certain Ryze... but, about at the end of the game, you get some great revenge with Lux's Ultimate (on Ryze) and Q abilities (got a nice kill on enemy Ekko hiding in a non-warded bush) and win the match.

Anyways, that was my first pvp match. I had a summoner level of 5, so I only had access to the beginner's roster, including Lux, but no actual support champion. All I could do for that Varus was spamming W and helping him to avoid enemy minions get too close to our turrets.

And if you are really interested...

that Katarina was kinda average.

Edited by Cyaloom
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That feeling when you are the last to pick a champion and have to go support as Lux (bot) trying to help an average Varus, while first pick Katarina proceeds to insult you ("omg nub lux pls report") and you get killed way too often, especially by a certain Ryze... but, about at the end of the game, you get some great revenge with Lux's Ultimate (on Ryze) and Q abilities (got a nice kill on enemy Ekko hiding in a non-warded bush) and win the match.

Anyways, that was my first pvp match. I had a summoner level of 5, so I only had access to the beginner's roster, including Lux, but no actual support champion. All I could do for that Varus was spamming W and helping him to avoid enemy minions get too close to our turrets.

And if you are really interested...

that Katarina was kinda average.

welcome to the community
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That feeling when you are the last to pick a champion and have to go support as Lux (bot) trying to help an average Varus, while first pick Katarina proceeds to insult you ("omg nub lux pls report") and you get killed way too often, especially by a certain Ryze... but, about at the end of the game, you get some great revenge with Lux's Ultimate (on Ryze) and Q abilities (got a nice kill on enemy Ekko hiding in a non-warded bush) and win the match.

Anyways, that was my first pvp match. I had a summoner level of 5, so I only had access to the beginner's roster, including Lux, but no actual support champion. All I could do for that Varus was spamming W and helping him to avoid enemy minions get too close to our turrets.

And if you are really interested...

that Katarina was kinda average.

Chances are that, even though she was really rude, she was also right that you weren't performing very well as a support. For one, Lux outranges Ryze so you shouldn't have died to him very often in lane (or were you saying he was the enemy mid and kept ganking you? In which case that just means you needed to play more defensively)

Which isn't to say you did anything especially wrong. That Kat was probably smurfing and forgo that you actually are new, you can't be expected to be amazing. But the sooner you learn how to properly play each role the sooner you'll have less smurfing Kata's yelling at you

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Chances are that, even though she was really rude, she was also right that you weren't performing very well as a support. For one, Lux outranges Ryze so you shouldn't have died to him very often in lane (or were you saying he was the enemy mid and kept ganking you? In which case that just means you needed to play more defensively)

Which isn't to say you did anything especially wrong. That Kat was probably smurfing and forgo that you actually are new, you can't be expected to be amazing. But the sooner you learn how to properly play each role the sooner you'll have less smurfing Kata's yelling at you

Ryze was mid later during that match.

That aside, being the first pvp match I probably had just to get used to Lux. I don't know many champions this well, and of course the same goes for item builds.

And (like I have said) I play very rarely. It has been more than one month since I played, as I don't really have as much free time as some months ago (school's about to begin again, so are guitar lessons), and I just find myself having a lot more fun on tf2 (I am a decent player, with about 1000 hours playing the game, there are 'only' 9 classes, and I can ragequit at any given time.)

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Well, you probs shouldn't have played your first PvP match off such a long break

League is not an easy game and takes a lot of practice and dedication to perform well at.And though it may seem like people are just being terrible, it's more likely that they're just frustrated because they want to win

You also stated that both Kata and Varus were mediocre players but since you're so inexperienced I doubt you can really say anything as to how well they performed

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to beat you down or anything. I'm just trying to give you a little perspective so you don't fall into the trap of "everyone else is bad but they blame me for their mistakes" that so many people do

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