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TFW you actually get cooperative and friendly teammates. Had a Vayne go mid after I said I couldn't do it, so they let me go ADC. And it worked out because we were all playing very well, and the opponents had Heimer support who wound up doing nothing. Best thing I saw him do was laugh at us at low health under turret. Vi ulted and then we all laughed as he died.

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TFW you win a teammfight with no one on your side dying and killing everyone except Sion. He takes so long to kill, but does no damage.


>No damage

I think you're in the wrong thread. We talk about League of Legends here.

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Sure is vague in here.

Did you kite him or did that specific Sion just not do damage to you?

Because Sion is pretty notorious for having huge damage dealt to champions numbers with full tank. To be fair to you, maybe you're comparing his damage to an ADCs damage. I don't think you're a silly billy though, so i'm going to assume you just kited him and I misunderstood this whole situation.

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Sure is no damage

Only just completely takes down an adc from half to 0 and then some. You know though, his passive wasn't used so he probably didn't do enough in the clip to meet your standards of damage.

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Well, he was building full tank, but was still behind everyone else on my team, and I was Twitch, so I outranged him even when he tried attacking me. Slow + Stealth is fun. And everyone on my team was attacking him since everyone else on their team was dead. We even had 2 sources of true damage (Twitch poison and Ahri Q). Still did nothing us.

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