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That LoL Feel When...


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  • 2 weeks later...

TFW you're the useless support

Also TFW Ahri dashes out from under your cursor and dies (resulting in you literally button-mashing in hopes of healing her and instead just casting your silence in a random place XD), then complains you didn't heal her. I mean she didn't know, but it was kind of annoying nonetheless (add to that the fact that she was kind of a bitch all game and I can't help but not feel sorry for that mistake)

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ok I don't have screenshots due to laptop updates and lolking being down but I do have vivid memories and a popular meme style so here we go

>tfw your team is top draven, mid teemo, bot sivir, and jungle nidalee

>leaving you, support taric, as the only fronliner

>tfw their team has no tank either but a kha'zix jungle and an ezreal/mf (support) botlane

>tfw draven gets fb and a few kills early

>tfw draven and the enemy garen are yelling in allchat

>tfw you're trying to learn the game and not get your adc killt so you can't pay attention to it

>tfw the kha asks draven if he's a follower of tyler1

>draven says hes never heard of him

>game goes on

>you die a few times; sometimes its worth, sometimes ahri landed her charm, you go do supporty things, place pink wards


>tfw its 50/25 and draven keeps trying to solo baron and its not working

>but the enemy team keeps goading him on

>we FINALLY get him to help us end

>kind of

> we mostly just farm to the point where draven can just push in and spawnkill (basically) while we actually end the game

> the draven, in all chat:


pretty much the most draven a draven game has ever dravened

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tfw you use headbutt every time, get a flinch every time, and beat them without serene grace

This thread is for League of Legends, fam. But you have my fave in your siggy so you're cool

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