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Pokemon Reborn Pentaop is Here


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  On 7/13/2018 at 12:17 AM, ferret ninja said:

Mo got so lucky with cacnea not sandstorming, cottonee not using leach seed/missing nature power/getting poisoned, and cradily not using recover(glitch?). Nappy got super lucky though with none of florinia's pokemon being able to deal with  masquerain, criting the maractus, avoiding ferroseed leach seed, and landing every air cutter including on the sand veil cacnea. Really felt like Nappy just got lucky on this battle more than him being prepared for reborn and can't wait for when it is his turn to get unlucky.


would you please explain how using a mon that quad resists her main type is "being lucky"? The crits are lucky, yes, but Air Cutter has a high crit rate, and only a 5% chance to miss. I can get what you're coming from with those two, but calling him having Masquerain super lucky is inaccurate at best because, for all he knew, Flobot would use a Grassy Field and a more regular Grass team, thus having a Quad Resist for everything she could throw is simply well planned

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  On 7/13/2018 at 1:22 AM, Felix~ said:

But yeah, they're learning, that's cool. I think the next big hurdle they're most likely to flop on will be Shade. Corey gets a lot of options to fight before the gym and there's a damn good chance they'll get something to resist his stuff. Maybe the ZEL/Taka fight will trip em up.


I give them until Shelly, if they don't get rid of her weather then she is gonna destroy them.

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  On 7/13/2018 at 6:33 AM, Wolfox said:

would you please explain how using a mon that quad resists her main type is "being lucky"? The crits are lucky, yes, but Air Cutter has a high crit rate, and only a 5% chance to miss. I can get what you're coming from with those two, but calling him having Masquerain super lucky is inaccurate at best because, for all he knew, Flobot would use a Grassy Field and a more regular Grass team, thus having a Quad Resist for everything she could throw is simply well planned


 I'm saying that having his first pokemon spam one move without any attack buffs to ko five pokemon blind is pretty lucky. The field didn't mess with his pokemon or its moves at all, his counter was a sweeper instead of a stall (where he would probably lost), he was immune to ground which flo was big on, and none of the 1st five pokemon had moves to cover his lead. His Masquerain is a good pick by him as a grass counter, but he was lucky that it ended up being a perfect counter in a blind fight on a blind field and that everything went right for him. I'm not saying that he wouldn't have won that fight without everything going right. He was pretty prepared for a blind nuzlocke run, but him making the blind battle look easy by being able to sweep five pokemon with no offense set up is more luck than him being prepared for reborn.

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  On 7/13/2018 at 6:45 AM, Abyssreaper99 said:

I give them until Shelly, if they don't get rid of her weather then she is gonna destroy them.


Idk, In nappy's case at least, I'm only gonna consider him for now as the only one not to have lost, he has Monferno, he can probably pick up a flying type like Emolga between now and then and there's a decent chance they'll pick up a rock type before heading in from the grand staircase crack. It's another case where there's a lot of options beforehand. Shade on the other hand gives you one possible ghost type in the gym itself and then idk, the event Nuzleaf near Beryl and the Beryl cemetery ghosts. Those're advantages but they ain't likely to tank the high damage team (i think) Shade has, not when they're going in blind to boot.

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what I'm bamboozled about is

they know Common Candies level down pokemon

they also know pokemon don't obey you in battles if you overlevel


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  On 7/13/2018 at 10:31 PM, Candy said:

what I'm bamboozled about is

they know Common Candies level down pokemon

they also know pokemon don't obey you in battles if you overlevel



They prob still have that mindset of "more level = more power" and they forget til it's too late.

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I might be mistaken but Ive noticed an uptake of posts recently regarding how far people think they're going get.  While I don't necessarily condone those posts because the players could have shown improvement to warrant a re-evaluation they don't add to the discussion if you already said how far you think they will get in a previous post


edit: also encounters list wiil be updated once I see which event pokemon nexus got in todays episode

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Yes! They got the encounters they missed 😄 looking better y'all

I wonder if any of them will find every police officer prior to the Beryl PULSE battle?

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  On 7/14/2018 at 2:31 AM, uberle said:

"We're not gonna fight another Tangrowth."






Ame needs to message them saying she has a patch for them but all it really does is change every pulse to a tangrowth

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As funny as it is watching Nappy blow several vein at Nexus running back to the Opal PokeCen, during my first run I also did that way too many times, due to not being able to remember what the map is shaped like.

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Here's my evaluation of their playthrough so far:


Nappy & Mo - Makes sure to be as prepared as possible, listening to advice given in the comments well.

Jay - Trying his damn hardest to prepare but failing. He has finally had an episode without a death folks!

Twit - Doing better than expected, becoming more serious about the game.

Nexus - Looks at advice, ignores most of it then proceeds to call out BS. Stubborn in his approach to the game, just like some of his arguments within the generation debate.


I think either Nappy or Mo are going to be the ones carrying in certain fights to avoid losing the penta-op completely. Pretty funny how he sat there waiting for everyone just to find out it wasn't story (although the side quests alters it).

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I'm surprised Florinia went as well as she did tbh. Either I'm misremembering how tough the earlygame was because I was worse back then, it's been nerfed a fair bit since E15, or my memories have been distorted by my E16 Hardcore playthrough.

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You know when I heard the penta-op was starting I tried to nuzlocke the game after leaving it for a while lost to the lost to Florina gave up decided to play the game normal sense the last time I played the game was long ago.


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