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Pokemon Reborn Pentaop is Here


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  On 10/6/2018 at 12:07 AM, ZEL said:

If anyone wants to keep me company

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It's a work in progress.


considering i only record on Mondays and Fridays this might make my nuzlocke more challenging

im in

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  On 10/7/2018 at 12:33 AM, LeoYT said:

considering i only record on Mondays and Fridays this might make my nuzlocke more challenging

im in


You know... Your name should be shouting out that you're on YouTube and somehow that caught me completely off guard. It's nice to know another fellow PokeTuber is here. 🙂

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  • Developers

Can't remember if it was the episode before the last or the one before that but nappy use to defend developers now he's spamming outrage it feels like. Though I'm not hurt I didn't design the feilds 😏 Regardless, they haven't quit so maybe nappy will come back around and defend.

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  On 10/8/2018 at 6:58 AM, smeargletail said:

Can't remember if it was the episode before the last or the one before that but nappy use to defend developers now he's spamming outrage it feels like. Though I'm not hurt I didn't design the feilds 😏. Regardless they haven't quit so maybe nappy will come back around and defend.


he's said that he likes the game, but the "bullshit" is something he hates. Granted he basically put the bullshit on himself with the Nuzlocke...

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  On 10/8/2018 at 7:03 AM, DreamblitzX said:

He legitimately hated the mirror field though. Which I guess makes sense with Nuzlockers having a deep-set hatred of crits


Who doesn't hate the Mirror Field tbf? It's fields like the Mirror Field which makes people say that field effects are bad yet only a few are inherently bad. It is funny how people have been saying field effects are a bad idea yet keep forgetting that Game Freak had implemented a Misty, Electric and Grassy terrain before it was implemented in Reborn so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  On 10/8/2018 at 7:16 AM, Abyssreaper99 said:

Who doesn't hate the Mirror Field tbf? It's fields like the Mirror Field which makes people say that field effects are bad yet only a few are inherently bad. It is funny how people have been saying field effects are a bad idea yet keep forgetting that Game Freak had implemented a Misty, Electric and Grassy terrain before it was implemented in Reborn so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Terrains are introduced

Seeds are introduced

Ame: Hello there.



I rarely feel as though field effects are over powered.

Once I figure out how they work I am usually able to work around them.

Also I love the text that pops up when you start a battle.

Personal favorite is the Snowy Mountain field.

"Snow glows white on the mountain."

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The only Fields that I would consider inherently bad in Reborn are 

-Mirror Field:No need to explain this one

-Short Circuit Field:The Boost to Electric Moves becoming essentially Psywave is incredibly obnoxious. I live if I get X Role but I die if I get Y? Or I Kill if I get M Role but dont If I get N? What the fuck is this. I would rather have a consistently strong or weak boost.

-Circus:This is probably he best out of the listed fields as it has the most consistency and the player has a lot more degree of control over the field.


My Favorite Fields would be 

-Forest Field:Best Fight in the Game takes place on this one in Shelly.

-Superheated: Charlotte really carries this field. Now that her Typhlosion is legal,the Fight is a loads of Fun with Rain Dance and Trick Room. Along with Charlotte,Solaris First Battle is a great Story Battle

-Water Surface-Amaria Fight is really cool,and it is fitting that one of the hardest fields is made for the one of the best Offensive and Defensive Types in the game.

Fairy Tale Field: The Field is busted beyond belief but I really like the aesthetic of it.


Others like Factory,Ashen Beach,Wasteland,etc are all cool and lead to some great fights.

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  On 10/8/2018 at 3:38 PM, KnightlyNobody said:

The only Fields that I would consider inherently bad in Reborn are 

-Mirror Field:No need to explain this one

-Short Circuit Field:The Boost to Electric Moves becoming essentially Psywave is incredibly obnoxious. I live if I get X Role but I die if I get Y? Or I Kill if I get M Role but dont If I get N? What the fuck is this. I would rather have a consistently strong or weak boost.

-Circus:This is probably he best out of the listed fields as it has the most consistency and the player has a lot more degree of control over the field.


My Favorite Fields would be 

-Forest Field:Best Fight in the Game takes place on this one in Shelly.

-Superheated: Charlotte really carries this field. Now that her Typhlosion is legal,the Fight is a loads of Fun with Rain Dance and Trick Room. Along with Charlotte,Solaris First Battle is a great Story Battle

-Water Surface-Amaria Fight is really cool,and it is fitting that one of the hardest fields is made for the one of the best Offensive and Defensive Types in the game.

Fairy Tale Field: The Field is busted beyond belief but I really like the aesthetic of it.


Others like Factory,Ashen Beach,Wasteland,etc are all cool and lead to some great fights.


I can't wait til we get actual fights in the Flower Garden & the Starlight Arena

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  On 10/8/2018 at 8:17 PM, DreamblitzX said:

I can't wait til we get actual fights in the Flower Garden & the Starlight Arena


Flower Garden doesnt seem that bad as long as you can prevent the Field from reaching past Stage 2. However,we are probably going to have to fight both Laura and Bennet as a Double Battle,and if the Field gets to Stage 3 and Beyond the fight is over.


Starlight Aura scares me as Anna might be a Elite Four Member,and we may have to fight a fucking Jirachi which in the field will be utter hell


On Top of that,The Reborn Elite Four may necessitate a Ice Shard User as we may have to fight Heathers Mega Mence on a Snowy Mountain Field

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Some Youtube Comment said
My two cents on reborn so far: Reborn is a fun, yet flawed game imo. I think the game is amazing, the various field effects the amount of effort within the story, environments and overall atmosphere of the game is very entertaining. But this game is full of moments that are bs, the difficulty isn’t just hard it is ridiculous, as the odds are ridiculously stacked against you. Not saying the game is impossible or too hard, just saying some aspects are unfair, as entire strategies team building and breeding can be shut down by rng. While I don’t think reborn is by any stretch a completely unfair impossible games, at times it can be overly frustrating, as the field effects seem to serve as a way to turn rng against the player. This is my only “issue” with the game as while I have been playing through it, there are instances where a lucky flinch or Para, screw me over. The game is designed in a system of trail and error, and this persists throughout the entirety of the game, no matter your skill so much is thrown at you that it is expected that you keep failing till something works. To some this is rewarding to others it is simply unsatisfying. That’s why the discussion, of reborn flaws are so divided. Personally I feel that the challenge is great, but some aspects are simply there to punish to player.

Show lessThis is a really stupid comment.[/quote]

"as entire strategies team building and breeding can be shut down by rng." Pokemon by nature is based on rng, but let's come back to this later.


"as the field effects seem to serve as a way to turn rng against the player." There are moves that can change the field. Rain + Sun = Rainbow Field. OR, and hear me out now, you can USE THE FIELD EFFECT, TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Mindblowing conscept, ikr. But you're allowed to turn the rng against whoever ur facing as well. It's not like these are one-sided game mechanics that you can't take advantage of, you're allowed and encouraged to take full advantage of the field.

"The game is designed in a system of trail and error" This person probably limited themselves in what mons they wanted to use, since there's nothing stopping you from allowing yourself to have mons on reserve. Granted, it's probably trial and error on the first run, but once you're prepared and understand what you're facing, you can go into the battle not blind and having some kind of strategy.

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I forget that we are defintly going to have to fight Lin on a New World Field and her Hydreigon will probably be something like this

Hydreigon (M) @ Darkinium Z  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Dark Pulse  
- Draco Meteor  
- Earth Power  
- Flash Cannon


This looks like hell without Choice Scarf and or Nagandel with Draco

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Reborn is, to an extend, trial and error. you test a strategy if it fails your try another or the same altered a bit. Granted if you try the exact same thing over and over expecting things to change... well, lemme ask Vaas about that

thanks boy

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  On 10/8/2018 at 8:52 PM, KnightlyNobody said:

I forget that we are defintly going to have to fight Lin on a New World Field and her Hydreigon will probably be something like this

Hydreigon (M) @ Darkinium Z  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Dark Pulse  
- Draco Meteor  
- Earth Power  
- Flash Cannon


This looks like hell without Choice Scarf and or Nagandel with Draco



Seems about right

But it's worth noting that it is highly likely,if not certain, that her Hydriegon will be a PULSE-2

Meaning max EVs in all stats

We gonna need a Florges 

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  On 10/8/2018 at 8:52 PM, KnightlyNobody said:

I forget that we are defintly going to have to fight Lin on a New World Field and her Hydreigon will probably be something like this

Hydreigon (M) @ Darkinium Z  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Dark Pulse  
- Draco Meteor  
- Earth Power  
- Flash Cannon


This looks like hell without Choice Scarf and or Nagandel with Draco


Assault Vest Primarina seems like it could be good against this

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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:01 PM, uberle said:


Seems about right

But it's worth noting that it is highly likely,if not certain, that her Hydriegon will be a PULSE-2

Meaning max EVs in all stats

We gonna need a Florges 


If that is the case then I will finally use those Type Reduction Berries in a Normal Pokemon Run and not Draft League,oh how Times Change. Babiri Berry Florges and Clefable,Choice Scarfs,and Nagandel will everyone new best friends


If it does end up being a Pulse Mon then it might have Sheer Force or Adaptability which is even more of a nightmare

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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:08 PM, Azery then said:

It wouldn't be good vs Black Hole Eclipse. That thing's Black Hole Eclipse one shots Eviolite Chansey's, no way Primarina is living lol.


I mean, Chansey doesn't resist. and Drei has decently high attack so it could be based on Crunch in that situation

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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:06 PM, KnightlyNobody said:

 If that is the case then I will finally use those Type Reduction Berries in a Normal Pokemon Run and not Draft League,oh how Times Change. Babiri Berry Florges and Clefable,Choice Scarfs,and Nagandel will everyone new best friends


 If it does end up being a Pulse Mon then it might have Sheer Force or Adaptability which is even more of a nightmare



I myself have a Hydreigon breed and EV trained to see if it can stand up to Lin's.

Gonna have to rely on speed ties though.

Also PULSE-2s don't transform

We've already met one

Solaris's Mega Garchomp when we fight him in Agate

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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:10 PM, Wolfox said:

I mean, Chansey doesn't resist. and Drei has decently high attack so it could be based on Crunch in that situation


No it, literally just one shots Chansey with Dark Pulse as the base. Black Hole Eclipse gets boosted by 6x on the New World Field lol. (4x to just Black Hole Eclipse, 1.5x to Dark moves in general.)



+6 252+ SpA Hydreigon Black Hole Eclipse (160 BP) vs. 244 HP / 12 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 705-831 (100.4 - 118.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
(+6 = 4x boost to SpAtk, Specs = 1.5x.)
+6 252+ SpA Hydreigon Black Hole Eclipse (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Primarina: 336-396 (95.1 - 112.1%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:06 PM, DreamblitzX said:

Assault Vest Primarina seems like it could be good against this


Assuming Lins Hydra isnt Pulsed Powered,Boosted Flash Cannon does chip damage to Maxed SPDef Av Primarina

252 SpA Hydreigon Flash Cannon vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Assault Vest Primarina: 61-72 (16.7 - 19.7%) -- guaranteed 6HKO

+6 252+ SpA Hydreigon Black Hole Eclipse (160 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Primarina: 336-396 (95.1 - 112.1%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO


Yeah,best course of action is to bait the Z Move and then go hard Prim



Edited by KnightlyNobody
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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:12 PM, Azery then said:

No it, literally just one shots Chansey with Dark Pulse as the base. Black Hole Eclipse gets boosted by 6x on the New World Field lol. (4x to just Black Hole Eclipse, 1.5x to Dark moves in general.)



+6 252+ SpA Hydreigon Black Hole Eclipse (160 BP) vs. 244 HP / 12 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 705-831 (100.4 - 118.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
(+6 = 4x boost to SpAtk, Specs = 1.5x.)

ah, okay.

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