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Pokemon Reborn Pentaop is Here


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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:12 PM, uberle said:


I myself have a Hydreigon breed and EV trained to see if it can stand up to Lin's.

Gonna have to rely on speed ties though.

Also PULSE-2s don't transform

We've already met one

Solaris's Mega Garchomp when we fight him in Agate


My Hydra is still in the PC waiting to be trained God Damnit. Solaris Chomp being Pulsed and not Mega does makes sense though

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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:19 PM, KnightlyNobody said:

My Hydra is still in the PC waiting to be trained God Damnit. Solaris Chomp being Pulsed and not Mega does makes sense though


It's Mega, it's just that the PULSE2 isn't a hold item, it's a manual buff granting 252 to every stat.

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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:21 PM, KnightlyNobody said:

 Yeah,that why when I first faced Solaris in EP18 I was confused as his Chomp was dealing a lot more damage than it should have even with me removing the Sand.


I didn't actually beat it.

For me it got sent out before the T-tar and I just heal spammed and waited for the hail to kill it.

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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:24 PM, uberle said:

I didn't actually beat it.

For me it got sent out before the T-tar and I just heal spammed and waited for the hail to kill it.


I lost first time and managed to win Second try. His Chomp ended up being his last mon and I had already set Webs and Toxic Spikes,so I just sacked my Politoad to reverse the sand and then stalled him out with my Phys Def Gliscor

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So I just want to go back and talk about that Youtube comment as I'm not surprised people turned down a very valid complaint. The fields and other factors do kind of screw players over as Pokemon relies more heavily on RNG than most RPGs do...other than fire emblem which ho boy that's a fun one to talk about. The point to his complaint is that even with understanding and having a well built team can still mean you lose just by the luck of the draw which is more often than not. Pointless frustration is the best way to put it. Not saying anyone should do anything about it because that'd change it from a luck based game which people have grown to know and love to a luck based game where luck is more against you than for. Just saying he has a point and not everyone is a salty and angry person who hates the game if they aren't part of the community meaning they don't know any better.


That is all. [Rides off into the sunset]

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  On 10/8/2018 at 9:08 PM, Azery then said:

It wouldn't be good vs Black Hole Eclipse. That thing's Black Hole Eclipse one shots Eviolite Chansey's, no way Primarina is living lol.


Looks like it would do 2/3 - 3/4 to a Full HP Full Spdef AV Primarina with a neutral nature, after the x4 damage from the field.

Them moonblast is a guaranteed OHKO to a full HP/SpDef Hydreigon with neutral natures and no Sp.Atk investment.... before the 2x damage from the field



....Oh I was still on the last page of the discussion and this has already been gone over a bunch lol

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  On 10/8/2018 at 10:48 PM, DreamblitzX said:

Looks like it would do 2/3 - 3/4 to a Full HP Full Spdef AV Primarina with a neutral nature, after the x4 damage from the field.

Them moonblast is a guaranteed OHKO to a full HP/SpDef Hydreigon with neutral natures and no Sp.Atk investment.... before the 2x damage from the field


Yeah but if you're running that spread on Primarina, good luck doing much damage to most other fights lol, Primarina is a nuke but that set loses A LARGE amount of it's offensive appeal.

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  On 10/8/2018 at 10:49 PM, Azery then said:

Yeah but if you're running that spread on Primarina, good luck doing much damage to most other fights lol, Primarina is a nuke but that set loses A LARGE amount of it's offensive appeal.


I mean it's still base 126 Sp.Atk which is very high. with good IV and modest it's still punching through things.   

Also do the type boosts stack with the boosts for individual moves? I was always under the impression that specific overrode general

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  On 10/8/2018 at 10:55 PM, DreamblitzX said:

I mean it's still base 126 Sp.Atk which is very high. with good IV and modest it's still punching through things.   

Also do the type boosts stack with the boosts for individual moves? I was always under the impression that specific overrode general


They stack, and you'd be surprised at how much the lack of investment can hurt stuff. As I said, it'd be a phenomenal counter to Hydreigon but mediocre elsewhere.

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Anyway, we're pretty off-topic, so enough of that. hopefully todays episode is out soon!


(Also neutral nature no Sp.Atk EVs does like 75% of the damage of full sp.atk investment, which isn't bad at all)

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  On 10/8/2018 at 11:31 PM, Gainery said:

RIP Barney


Brought back to die again.


? I don't know what you mean by that but I will probably find out when I watch it. Also as the nuzlocke is now officially done over should I even keep track of deaths anymore and instead keep track of whiteouts?

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Nappy said that all mons that died before the nuzlocke ended are still dead, however you can revive them, but if the revived pokemon dies, they are permanently dead. Nappy forgot that, and let Barney die again.


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Does anyone with the game files know what Fern's Dartrix's IV and EV spread form the Trainer School battle is? I'd like to damage calc it myself since they seem adamant on thinking the game is unfairly against them.

I thought they had found an actual problem with the game at first, but they just discovered pokemon have max evs and ivs. Like, was that not to be expected? (the comment section has kind of been saying it for 50 episodes). I love how they complain about their mons lacking IVs compared to trainers when they use rare candies, resulting in them not having any EVs on their pokemon. I can't wait to see their reaction to the PULSE 2.


Edit: Also, Nexus selling his shards... sigh

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Well hopefully they enjoy the rest of the game even if they aren't nuzlocking it. To be honest I'd be fine if they took a hiatus to start a new penta-op so they aren't suffering for another 100, hour long episodes.

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