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Pokenations 3: Type Draft


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it's the moment you've all been waiting for. the time every nation gets what defines them. it's time to pick some types and kickstart the crazy fun times we'll have. i welcome you to the 2018 not so annual pokenations type draft. the pre-established picking order is as follows 


F >D>A>E>C>B


once the first round has went through the second round will begin in reverse order so it should look like this:




as we wrap up that portion we'll then randomize the picking order again for the third round and update everyone either in this thread or discord. to keep things organized i ask that ONLY nation leaders picking the types and committee members posting any updates comment on this thread. with that out of the way. go nuts.


nation a- flying/dark


nation b- psychic/fighting


nation c- normal/poison


nation d- steel/fairy


nation e- ground/bug


nation f- water

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Stop calling me a normie. I’m sick and tired of not being able to enjoy memes. Knuckles was the last straw and I’m declaring war on all you elitist fucks who think it’s okay to demonize the casual meme enjoyers. Do you realize how much pain, trial and tribulation this discrimination has caused me, personally? Too much to even handle. So next time you wanna throw some shade on people that just wanna have a good laugh, come at me in my instagram DMs. I bet you don’t even lift bro
with that out of the way picking

N O R M A L 

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  • Veterans

Only intellectuals like me could have seen all this coming. A truly stunning, jaw dropping turn of events. Who could have predicted the first nation to pick water? Who could have seen Steel, Flying and Normal being taken all in round one? Truly my brain is unrivalled. We can only have those that are worthy of rivalling us in our mental prowess. Therefore our one and only choice is:




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It's the night here, so here's a story for everyone! There once was a band of lads who had to pick three things out of 18 in order to find a prize alongside 5 other groups. First they picked the normal option! It was bland, but it did the job. Then they used...other means. They delved into the toxic side of things, using liquor, drugs, or even poison to get their job done. That didn't work. Finally they chose the worst route, torture. They found the prize but the torture killed the victims. On their death beds, they vowed to haunt our MC's for eternity! They became.... GHOSTS Oh and the poor lads banished them.


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Nation A representative back at it again for the last time. 
We will be a strong unified cohesive nation. The bond we have fostered will be unbreakable and that is what will ultimately lead us to victory. the last type that I choose perfectly symbolizes this and that is... 



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