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Despair is Fun. A Madoka RP(IC). Paradaisu.


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Junko, Rika, Rosemary, Rosalyn


Junko sneaks away. If she is seen she doesn't know


Rika blasts the bear again dealing 7 damage and leaving a nice burn mark on the bear.


Strings of magic stretch out from Rosemary's doll wrapping around the flower creatures having established the link.


Rosalyn's jumped away from the bear back to its owner and rips the flowers off of Rosalyn's arm causing them to curl up.


The Bear having giving up on its attempt to hug the illusion instead. Tries to just slam where it thought the girl was and when it hits the ground a large dust cloud arise from the impact, as well as a small dent, was left where it slammed the ground. 


Yoshirou, Tsukihash, Elizabeth


Looking through what was left in the lost and found Tsukihash finds an old remote controlled car and it controller through its missing batteries.

Digging through the drawers Yoshirou doesn't find any keys but they do find an old map of the park and a few instruction manuals for the some of the rides and other machines the park had like a backup generator.

Elizabeth finds the ID for a maintenance employee as well as a set of keys along with it.


The original set of cops head back to the city while the newcomers begin to do a sweep of the park heading away from the Ferris wheel. Looking at the Looking at the ladder Iva doesn't trust that some of the steps would hold her weight.


Approaching the statues if come apparent that they were just recently destroyed and some looked more melted then smashed.  After a bit she beings to hear the sound of what might be a battle from above. Looking up she sees a flash of what might be fire and then flamming figured falling down and crashing on the platform she was one. 


The figure stands up after a moment still of fire. Minus the fire, it might have been a stone humanoid lizard in armor holding a stone axe.  With a hiss, it charges Valerie.

(time to fight)

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Rosalyn then quickly wiped off the flowers and picked up her catte thing and hurled Miles at the bear's back with one hand at the exact same moment that it leaped off of her hand, before it quickly grew to the size of a small horse and tackled the bear with all of the mass of a small horse made partly out of steel.

Magic Limit 25+ Familiar Control 10 + Familiar Mimickry 5 = 40

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Valerie backs up a bit in surprise. Then, realizing that falling off the platform would be a terrible idea, she starts moving forward a bit. She freezes the blood in her left arm to block the incoming attack with, looking to turn the brunt of the attack away from her body.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing that the Bear is being dealt with, Rika turns her attention to Junko, for some reason she wanted to protect her, maybe because she wanted to be friends, she couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly. she hid next to Junko and kept a close eye on the bear in case it tried attacking them

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As expected, the inside of the Locker Rooms was old, dusty, and filled with cobwebs. So much so that Elizabeth nearly ran into one just by walking into the place. Needless to say, it annoyed her greatly, but didn't turn her away from actually looking around. However, it quickly became apparent that there was a problem, one that would actually get in the way.


Most of the lockers were still closed.


Learning that fact made a bit of sense to Elizabeth. They wouldn't just open ALL of the lockers when they were closing the place down. But, it was a problem in it of itself, but one that she was able to think of a solution for rather quickly. Namely, transforming and then using her scythe to cut through the locking mechanisms in the side, which was rather easy to do thanks to their old age. It was time consuming and probably a waste of her weapon, but it did its job... Eventually, because one of the last lockers she could check actually had something in it, namely an old ID and a set of keys. The find itself, despite how small it was, was exciting for the Magical Girl, causing her to pick both up while dispersing her outfit and weapon. The keys might be of help later... Hopefully. She couldn't be sure, but it was best to have something that WOULD help.


With the keys and card in hand though, Elizabeth walked out of the Locker Room, nearly walking face first into the same cobweb as she did before, spinning the keys on her index finger as she looked to the Security Buildings, where she remembered Yoshirou- Er, Haruki- went to. It was rather dark, as expected, but not dark enough that she couldn't make her way through and find Haruki, though her arrival would probably have been forewarned by the jingling of keys that still spun on her finger,


"Hey, Haruki, found something useful" she said with a grin, holding up the ID Card as well.

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...Junko was planning on sneak attacking the Witch, but she chickened out at the last second.


...Now that her friends were in danger, she was going to try that again.



Fuck. Why did I forget to specify that I was actually planning on trying to sneak attack them last time?


Stealth 5+Magic Limit 15



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Yoshirou was disappointed with what he found as he rifled through the various desks. It was mostly just random junk: personal affects, instruction manuals, a map. None of it much help. He was frustrated when Maridox walked in, twirling the keys he'd failed to find. She'd catch more than a hint of a scowl on his face when he turned to face her in the dimly lit room. "That's good." He said, shifting to a more positive expression, "I didn't get anything, was looking for those." He laughed self-deprecatingly, trying to diffuse the tension he was sure his initial scowl had caused. 

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After looking over the ladder with an expression of curiosity and worry Iva decided that it simply wouldn't do.

So she backed off a little and once she was sure the Cops were gone she quickly transformed and with a wave of her scepter created a large snowdrift.  Something tall and strong enough to support her weight, but that would melt away fairly quickly.  Then she simply climbed up into the shimmer.


ML=5, Ice Control=10,


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Kage sighed. "This is neat, I guess." He didn't sound particularly enthralled with the toy, however. Having nothing better to do and his search being thoroughly unproductive otherwise, he headed back out to the area connecting the three points of interest. The telltale jingle of keys told him that one of the others had been more productive than he had. "So, what are the keys for? Anything helpful?"

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It wasn't hard for Elizabeth to notice Haruki's scowl, but she chose to ignore it as she tossed the keys to him, the arc good enough that it would be difficult to miss it, even with the dim light, "Had to cut open one of the lockers in the Locker Room in order to find this, I'm just hoping it's useful" she stated, just as Kage walked in, causing her to turn and face him, "From the ID Card that was with them, seems to a maintenance set. So, we probably have a way to access the rest of the park" she replied, pointing out the obvious, "What about you? Did you find anything?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Fuckall is what I found." He waved the remote control car about irritably. "At least you got something good. There's probably a back entrance to the place or something, so we can check out that Ferris wheel without the cops jumping on us." Still no sign of anything magical other than themselves, other than possibly his magical lack of anything convenient. What kind of cop pulls a gun on some kids, anyway? 

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Yoshirou wasn't expecting the keys to be flung to him, and almost missed them in spite of the excellent throw. He felt a little grateful that, even if he hadn't found them, he'd managed to acquire keys. When Tsukihashi mentioned a back door, his face lit up with an idea. "Oh, actually, I think I saw a map in here somewhere." He said, rummaging through one of the drawers to find it again, "I didn't think much of it since the Ferris wheel is pretty hard to miss. But if we're looking for a back way in, it might be marked on it." He eventually pulled the map out from a stack of guides and manuals, spreading it out on the desk. It was hard to see in the dark, so he pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight function to illuminate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Junko, Rika, Rosemary, Rosalyn
Rosalyn's Miles leaps at the Bear and grows larger slamming into the bear. causing the bear to stagger back and dealing another injury.

Rika looks for Junko and notices the girl sneaking up to the bear


Junko attempts to sneak up on the bear and attack him well she doesn't seem to surprise the bear that much her attack does cause some damage to it. Junko doesn't manage to sneak attack the bear fully but does deal 7 damage 


Rosemary sends the flowers to attack the bear. Well, the assault of the flowers didn't do much the flowers manage to work its roots into the already injured bear finally bringing the bear down. the flowers deal & damage causing the final

injury to the bear killing it.


Junko, Rika, Rosemary, Rosalyn all gain 4 exp.


With the death of the bear, the flower patch starts to die and a glimmer appears in the middle of the patch.



The Stone lizard slams the axe into Valerie's shoulder well it was a mighty blow Valerie managed to reduce the damage a bit. Valerie takes 5 damage.


Yoshirou, Tsukihash, Elizabeth

Luckily for the group, the map that Yoshirou pulls out is not a visitor map but one meant for employees they easily identify an employee entrance nearer to the wheel than the one they came in from.



Iva manages to make a medium sized snow drift near the wheel. The new cops seemed to have turned around the side of a booth or another ride and haven't noticed anything ...yet. The Drift only gets Iva about half the way up to the glimmer she figures she could jump the rest of the way if she wanted to. Also, she feels if she used more magic it would have gotten her up higher. 

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Enjoying the scene that unfolded in front of her, and the bearth's death that followed, Rika walked up to Junko and said "lets take a look at that glimmer, it could lead us to something" then she walked up to the glimmer that appeared in the middle of the flower patch. As she awaited Junko to follow, or maybe not follow her, Rika contemplated the glimmer. "hm, i wonder could that be the portal that will take us to the witch so that i can finally have some fun.. that bear died too quickly"

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Rika stepped into the glimmer, she knew that she could be putting herself in danger but she had to take the risk. if this was indeed the portal that will take them to the witch, then it wont do to have others enter before she did.

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Once Haruki pulled out the map, Elizabeth walked a bit closer to him, peering over his shoulder to get a look as well, "Huh, employee map. Never seen one of- OH! There!" she began, only to reach over and point out the entrance near the Ferris Wheel, "Looks like that can get us closer to that giant wheel. Might even get us close enough to get a good look at it, depends on how close that cop is to it" she stated, before stepping away from Haruki.

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  • 1 month later...

Junko, Rika.
Once you enter the glimmer you find your self in a large open meadow filled with gently blowing flowers all around you except for a large tree in the distance and a golden cobblestone path that leads seems to lead towards the tree.


Rosemary, Rosalyn
You see the other two you were with disappear into the glimmer with no trace.


Valerie shots the lizard not doing that much other than chipping it a little. Stone lizard takes 3 damage.

The lizard hisses and smacks the girl once more with its axe. Valerie takes 5 damage.

Yoshirou, Tsukihash, Elizabeth
Once the group walks outside again the will notice that it had slightly gotten colder and looking around they see the sun glinting off of something over at the Farris wheel.

This time Iva makes it to the portal. Once she enters she finds herself in a cave with a soft blue glow full of thick spider webs. She can hear the skittering of things crawling around the cave but whenever she would look to where the sound was she didn't see anything. There seems to three different passages one that no glow can be seen from, another that she would have to cut her way through the webs to travel through it and one that the webs seem to be thinner going into it. 

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Rosalyn quick did a double check of the area as Miles shrunk in size and slowly climbed his way up to her shoulder once more. Her eyes had came to rest on the glimmer of light as she said "Uhhh Miles? Did you see where they went?," which of course the cat, being an actual cat, did not give a vocal reply to. She turned slightly to take a look at the odd little girl, making sure that she hadn't disappeared as well before she asked, "How about you?".

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Kage gestured vaguely in the direction of the Ferris wheel, looking at Haruki. "Well, you've got the map, right? Lead the way." His voice and expression were still irritable, though it wasn't particularly focused at the other two; he was simply annoyed at how unproductive his own searches had been so far. Not to mention the cops being an absolute pain, though in hindsight he should have expected that.

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