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Which Pokemon have great movepools through leveling up alone?


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So, as we all know, TMs and move tutors are a rare commodity in Pokemon Reborn (that is, until very late in the game), which ends up crippling and/or restricting the movepool of a lot of Pokemon (Empoleon, for example). With that in mind, I thought it would be interesting - especially for new players - to list the Pokemon lines that have great or self-sufficient movepools by leveling up alone. I will start by naming a few:


Flygon - Rock Slide, Dragon Claw, Earthquake and Dragon Dance through move reminder.

Blaziken - Blaze Kick, Flare Blitz, High Jump Kick and Bulk Up

Swampert - Earthquake, Rock Slide and Hammer Arm (and Muddy Water too, if you don't mind it mixed)

Octillery - Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Bullet Seed, and Rock Blast and Gunk Shot through move reminder

Golurk - Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Dynaminc Punch, Heavy Slam


It would also be cool to name the contrary: Pokemon lines that are crippled throughout most of the game by the absence of some TMs or Move Tutors

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Nidoran is horrible. And also my favorite evo line.


Hariyama has Knock Off, Fake Out, and Close Combat.


Drapion is solid with Crunch, elemental fangs and Knock Off via reminder.


Gardevoir is amazing with Calm Mind, Psychic, and Substitute via arcade TM. Moonblast is even better than Psychic but comes in at lv62.

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Guest Relinquished

Jynx (Psychic, Blizzard, Perish Song, Nasty Plot -comes with it already learnt- )

Raichu Alola (move relearner teaches for lvl1 Thunderbolt, Psychic, also Nasty Plot as Pichu level up move)

Golem!!! (Explosion, Stealth Rock, Earthquake, good rock moves)

Cacturne (Energy ball, Spike Shield, Sucker Punch, etc)

Blaziken (doesn't need explanation)


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Heracross - Close Combat and Megahorn are learnt naturally and bullet seed and night slash can be relearned. 

Gallade - Psycho cut, close combat (leaf blade, night slash relearned)

Rhyperior - Hammer arm, edgequake, rock wrecker, megahorn, poison jab

Arcanine - Outrage, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Extremespeed, thunder fang


Greninja sucks in regards to movepool, the only move you learn that can fully take advantage of Protean with is Extrasensory.



On 6/19/2018 at 2:17 AM, iDunno said:

Blaziken - Blaze Kick, Flare Blitz, High Jump Kick and Bulk Up


Brave Bird, too. If you don't mind the recoil piling up.


17 hours ago, Ronan Erudon said:

Nidoran is horrible. And also my favorite evo line.


Actually, you get Sludge Wave at Aya(5th badge) and Nidoking learns Earth power by himself. Sheer Force-Life Orb Nidoking is a force of nature, and mine just kept the Megahorn he naturally learns for some pocket bug coverage.

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1 hour ago, Genderist said:

Actually, you get Sludge Wave at Aya(5th badge) and Nidoking learns Earth power by himself. Sheer Force-Life Orb Nidoking is a force of nature, and mine just kept the Megahorn he naturally learns for some pocket bug coverage.

Once you get Sludge Wave and Earth Power, yeah he's great. I use him as part of my main team.


But there are very few pokemon that learn 0 useful moves until lv37, and that's assuming you don't evolve to Nidorino/Nidoking. 5th gym is a long time considering you can get him as early as post-1st gym.

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Even though they are obtained very late, Honedge's and Riolu's natural learnsets are amazing. Honorable mention to Volcarona, because even though it doesn't learn any good grass type moves by leveling, Fiery Dance+Bug Buzz+ Quiver Dance+Whirlwind can pull off some solid stuff if you know your game.  

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