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Swords Dancing Holligans begone!


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So, hi. I wanted to make a stall team, that can counter the "un-counterable Terrakion. SO I based this team aroun Unaware Quagsire. Enjoy~

Tyranitar (F) @ Choice Band

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Crunch

- Stone Edge

- Superpower

- Pursuit

To lead my team is Banded-Tyranitar. This --guy-- girl can Crunch the ever-popular Deoxys-S/Deoxys-D, and Stone Edge or Superpower Forretress. T-Tar is basicly a counter-lead/ late game sweeper. With Choice Band, her attack is high enough to use Superpower around twice, until being forced to switch out to Blissey to tank Special attacks, and Gliscor/Quagsire/Forretress for Physical attacks.


Blissey (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Softboiled

- Stealth Rock

- Seismic Toss

- Toxic

This team, before stalling, likes to set up hazards, this is the first step. After SR is up, Bliisey will Toxic-Softboiled until the opponent is dead. When another member is in, I can switch her in to sponge any Special move. On some occasions, she will go attack mode and Seismic Toss the hell out of things, with a whopping 100 damage! ._.

Gliscor (F) @ Toxic Orb

Trait: Poison Heal

EVs: 252 HP / 36 Def / 220 Spd

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Protect

- Earthquake

- Ice Fang

- Swords Dance

Ahh, Toxic-Stall Gliscor, beautiful isn't it? Can'y say much about this basic set. Usually try to set up a SD to counter Latios/Latias, Ice Fang usually 2HitKO's them, if it isn't killed in the in between. E-Quake+ Ice Fang are great coverage for mostly anything that switches in , Breloom is usually killed by this, yay countering.


Quagsire (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Unaware

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Scald

- Earthquake

- Toxic

- Recover

The star of this team, Quagsire, counter any non-Grass type pokemon that sets up. SD Terrakion? No problem. SD Sczior? No Problem. SD Breloom? Latias says Hello. A mix-attack set makes sure to counter most pokemon. Latios/Latias can be Toxic-stalled out by spamming Recover. If a Grass type comes up, I switch in Latias to counter it, and maybe sat up a CM. Without Quagsire, my yeam would be wrecked by these Swords Dancing hooligans that are popular nowadays.

Latias (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 12 HP / 252 SAtk / 244 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Calm Mind

- Dragon Pulse

- Surf

- Recover

This along with T-Tar, are my main Sweepers/Attackers. I had HP-Fire, but I found Surf a great counter to Sun Teams who lost the weather war, and a Landorus who feels brave enough to try to set up a Rock Polish. As stated before, Latias is my Grass counter. If Latias is taken out, my team is highly susectible to any Grass type, especially ones with Toxic Heal or a Poison countertype, like Amoongus.


Forretress (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 24 Def / 232 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Spikes

- Rapid Spin

- Toxic

- Volt Switch

Step 2 in the setting-up of hazards, Spikes shall be laid. Another brick in the Toxic brigade of Toxicing. I ususally switch in this --guy-- girl against Ferrothorn, spinning away the predicted Leech Seed and/or any hazards that are laid. If I can survive a hit from Shadow Tag Chandelure (not likely) I can Volt Switch away, avoinding the trap.

That's all for my third RMT. Please constructive critizize away. I hoped you enjoyed my version of a "stall" team.

Edited by Blast
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Blissey has no place where she takes Residual Damage. At all.

Give Quagsire something to boost those defenses. He may have unaware, but still shit defensive stats. Boast them, and you have a small chance if surviving even a Grass Attack.

That's it.


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Blissey has no place where she takes Residual Damage. At all.

Give Quagsire something to boost those defenses. He may have unaware, but still shit defensive stats. Boast them, and you have a small chance if surviving even a Grass Attack.

That's it.



What exactly do you mean by "Blissey has no place where she takes Residual Damage. At all."? She needs more defense?

Edited by Blast
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I disagree with Silver on the thing about residual damage. That's for the most part offset by her massive HP and the fact that she uses Leftovers; she's used a lot as a special wall on many sand teams for that reason.

- regarding Gliscor: go ahead and use SD Gliscor, but you need to ramp up your Attack / Speed EVs and swap Protect for Substitute. Gliscor, at 95 base Speed, has the ability to outspeed some things like Breloom and CB Dragonite so you should take advantage of that.


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I disagree with Silver on the thing about residual damage. That's for the most part offset by her massive HP and the fact that she uses Leftovers; she's used a lot as a special wall on many sand teams for that reason.

- regarding Gliscor: go ahead and use SD Gliscor, but you need to ramp up your Attack / Speed EVs and swap Protect for Substitute. Gliscor, at 95 base Speed, has the ability to outspeed some things like Breloom and CB Dragonite so you should take advantage of that.


Thanks again for the thoughts. I wanted to embrace the stall aspect of Glisor, by have defensive EVs, being able to tank most moves. But, I'll try the Attack/Speed ones.
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This team is pretty much exactly this team, which was posted on Smogon in 2011.


The Pokemon are exactly the same, and the move-sets are also extremely similar as well, except for the EV spreads which it seemed you were eager to make look different (like who runs 12 HP on Latias). I'd like to think you didn't copy from there though, since the team is a pretty common sand stall, but if you did then shame on you.

Edited by So Heroic
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This team is pretty much exactly this team, which was posted on Smogon in 2011.


The Pokemon are exactly the same, and the move-sets are also extremely similar as well, except for the EV spreads which it seemed you were eager to make look different (like who runs 12 HP on Latias). I'd like to think you didn't copy from there though, since the team is a pretty common sand stall, but if you did then shame on you.

Thats awkward. But no, it's a team I made, just an odd coincidence (I like the 12HP)

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