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Pokemon Reborn VII + Site Update


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Hi! Okay, so Episode 7 of da gaemz is here!


As always, you don't need to do anything special to keep your save, just download the new thing and unzip wherever, probably delete the old download if you want to save space idk, and have fun~

I've included notes in the read-me this time, so enough about that.

Some site points!

...Holy crap after 10 years of using this forum software I just learned how to tab.

Button! See!

I'm sorry, that's exciting to me, I suddenly want to make a lot of really pretty posts. But that actually isn't the button I was looking for, this is:

  • The Rupee System is fixed! It turns out the forum update didn't actually break anything, it just turned it off, but that was enough to fool me because I'm dumb
  • I've also fixed some things on the Trainer Card import feature. Namely, it should accept the new formes from B/W2. I also added a note about importing Pokemon with fewer than 4 moves, which presently causes the error wherein one pokemon is duplicated on the card. This was kind of funny because the Pokemon with less than 4 moves was almost always Ditto, so Ditto basically just transformed into its neighbor even on the Trainer Card and I, for one, thought that was a very clever move on Ditto's part BUT some others were not so highly amused, so you know how to avoid that now.
  • I've begun adding some other pages for the Reborn Game. Things for troubleshooting and advertising and being cool and- the idea was for these things to be done so I could brag about them in this news post but that didn't happen so you know whatever you'll see them soon.
  • I had promised that we would reset the ladder and go into the next competition for Spring on the 21st and to make a long story short that did not happen, so, instead we'll start on April 1st. Also, rather than doing tier revisions in big conglomerated lumps, I think we'll just be moving things piece by piece for now. I think the first thing we'll be looking at is going to be Kyurem-B. Let's keep discussion about that out of this topic here though; I'm just letting you guys know my plan.
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There's like 49383495 other things and by that I mean more like 3 other things that I'm considering posting here but for various reason I elect not to but as such you should expect more soon


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"you thought you were at the top of the ladder"

Time to do a great deal of NOTHING with this release because already finished in beta >> <<
I'll definitely look for stuff you didn't remember me telling you to fix though! : D

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Really can't wait for that ladder reset. Guess I'll just save all my serious laddering for then. As for the new episode, from what I've played it was really fun. Y'know, except where Aya royally fucked my entire team for three hours. But, I learned my lesson! Get a better team! I'm really digging the story too, and the new wild Pokemon encounter music was really amazing. Actually had me looking forward to wild encounters instead of dreading them. So good job with that! :P One final note, Solaris or whatever his name was, was a badass motherfucker with that Garchomp. However, once I get Chunkybum, his ass is going down! :D

please give me a dratini soon ame, please

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Hey man, let me catch up. julia and her sonicbooming, charge cannon spamming, parahaxing, companions are givin me a hard time. parahax shuts down pachirisu's bide, bidoof just gets owned. they like to s boom it for some reason. electrode's rollout is problem when its charge beam isn't. a paralyzed meowth faints fast, and my starter is a water type. i don't remember it being this when i beat her first time around on my other computer.

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Throwing in my bit...it's about the ladder. N

There were a bunch of us talking this morning (i think it was me, Brave and Explosms but that really doesn't matter) about looking at the ladder and seeing how many of the people who are at the top 10 or so right now, for the most part, coincides with those same people hand a shit load of other alts (over a hundred in some cases). We kinda came to a consensus that starting over with a new alt contributes largely to why they are up top:

- you get bigger boosts for winning off the bat, which could surpass progress of a hundred battles as previous alts in as little as three

- It's also a way to take a massive chunk out of scores that are higher up, potentially lifting another alt to the number one spot where the "fallen opponent" used to be before losing 25+ points in one battle

It's easy to tell that a second/third/hundredth alt has pretty good odds to heavily skew scores on the ladder in one's own favor. That said, it seems to be a good idea to place a limit on the number of alts one can use for the competition (perhaps something like three). Using different alts over and over again is, more or less, an equivalent of boosting - unethicality to gain an advantage. Nobody should have to stoop to such a low - I used one alt to get to 1328 in OU, and I'm confident others can do the same.
Hey, it's my opinion, but I know I can get some people to agree with me on that one.

EDIT: I seriously hope this isn't an April Fools joke, or else I just made myself look like the biggest idiot in Reborn history.

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