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Baby Moves !!! ( And Tutor )


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Looking For :

Popplio That Knows PerishSong,HydroCannon Shiny ( Good Iv's )


Rowlet That Knows FrenzyPlant,SkyAttack Shiny ( Good Iv's )


Litten That Knows HeatWave,BlastBurn Shiny ( Good Iv's )


Alolan Vulpix That Knows MoonBlast Shiny ( Good Iv's )


Pikipek That Knows BoomBurst,BraveBird Shiny ( Good Iv's )


Eevee That Knows HyperVoice,IronTail Shiny ( Good Iv's )


What's Your Request ?

Edited by Shutter
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Js I think alolan vulpix (ice) doesn't learn flare blitz, and if you want my opinion, flare blitz on kanto vulpix is also wasted because it's a special attacker.

As for eevee, I think hyper voice is a tutor move iirc~

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i mean if your needs arent that hard to achieve i guess peepo can trade you the alolan starters

but seriously 

blast burn, hydro cannon and frenzy plant?

and shiny?

youre sick

@Alistair sry for pinging but what do you think

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My dude yaw gotta read the guidelines, especially those concerning forum etiquette~ Yaw no wanna get warned 😉


If you're still not successful in getting the mons, I'd advise you to make your offer easier to fulfill or post your request in the Breeding Club 😊 Personally I think the issue is EV training because ppl can breed and teach tutor moves, but EV training is arduous (at least I'm a breeder but I'd never do EV training except for my mons 😂)

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You just post in the thread to bump it (e.g. "BUMP") but you can only bump once every 24 hours.


Users are allowed to BUMP their threads once per day (after 24 h has passed) if they have not already posted - the same rule applies to collaborative threads like guilds, auctions and giveaways.



Also, as a suggestion, perhaps you'd find more success in your endeavours to obtain these Pokemon if you clarified what you class as "good IVs" and specified what you have to offer in return for them. Some class good as 20 or above, some don't consider anything less than 25 across the board. Screenshot your list of offers or write it down. If you offer specifics then we're more likely to get interested if we happen to stumble across your thread. Some Pokemon you're asking for are hard to obtain unless you've picked them as a starter, with IVs that are hard to obtain, fully EV trained (though you haven't said in which areas you'd like them trained), and with moves that take time and effort to get. As it is you're asking for niche Pokemon and not dangling any carrots in front of our faces.

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@Shutter Hey, I may sound a little rude, but believe me, I have already made that mistake before:


How do you want to be the very best that no one never was if you can breed your own mons? 😉


Also, there seems to be a problem with the forum, that's why you are not getting views on your post, it's happening to me too.


Regarding your mons, I can help with your request. Right now I am able to breed Popplio, Litten, Alolan Vulpix and Eevee. I can get a Rowlet by myself but I don't know where to catch a Pikipek. So if you want my help you need to give me more information.

1. Where to catch Pikipek (I really don't know where on reborn);

2. What are the 'good IVs' of every mon. I can breed 5IVs, but I need to know where you don't want the 6th;


Now we have to talk about moves:

1. Why would you want Frenzy Plant and Sky Attack on Rowlet? One is Special move and the other is Physical move. Decidueye may be a Mixed attacker, but that would need 6IVs, and you will only get it from me if by luck I breed two Rowlets with it (I want one for myself too);

2. Why would you want Heat Wave and Blast Burn for Litten? It's known that Incineroar is a Physical Attacker which would benefit more from Fire Punch and Flare Blitz;

3. Pikipek has the same problem. You want Boomburst but Toucannon is a Physical Attacker;

4. For Eevee, I suppose you are going to evolve into Sylveon, why would you want Iron Tail on a Special Attacker?


I may be missing something but I don't think some of those moves will be good adition for your mons. 


Now for my breed. I don't use SandBox or Hardcore and I don't even know how to hack mons into the game, so all my mons are traded or bred. That being said, I can continue: Breeding 5IVs mons is relatively easy. Breeding 5 IVs Shiny mons, is very hard because you can't manipulate Shininess at all. 6IVs mons took a lot more time and you'll only get it from me if by luck I can breed 2 individuals. 6IVs Shiny is out of question (for me at least).


If you need more knowledge on Breeding, I'll leave some useful links for you to do some research:

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Only when you give the information I need, I can start breeding your mons. See ya~

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@HUEnd thanks you, I'll let all six mons ready. I see, anyway It would bem better to have that information and teach him the best solution.


@Candy I didn't know the charm would interfere in this. Still 1/33 is too much hard work to have shiny + 5 right IVs. I'll take a look at this mod. The only thing I use to help me is a macro on my keyboard to make the character walk alone..


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I'll only say this, if you make another trading thread I will report it and even link some of my mod buddies here. note: this isn't a threat, this is a promise. follow the rules

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