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Favorite Races: Elder Scrolls


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Let's not beat around the bush, what are your favorite races in The Elders Scrolls?


Here's my top 3:




Bosmer/Wood Elf

I generally like the Mer better than the Men, and the animalistic ones. Bosmer is cool because it's a really stealth and Archery heavy race, making them good for Assasinations and Thieving. a little Meh when it comes to one on one Combat, but great at what they do. And design wise they're pretty damn cool if you ask me




Altmer/High Elf

Firstly, as I said, I prever Mer over Men and animalistic ones, secondly, I really enjoy the Altmeri way of being magic based in extreme lengths. Makes them quite fun to play to me. And design wise, they're Slick and quite class.




There's only two Meri races left, and based on number 2 and 3 you should be able to guess that Orismer/Orc is my favorite... not really tho, my favorite remains the Dunmer/Dark Elf (Orismer/Orc is 4rth on my list tho). The main reason I love the Dunmer is because they combine the strength of both Altmer and Bosmer while also being unique to themselves. It also helps that they're the best care for playing Vampire due to their natural Fire Resistance.


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Man, this topic bring back memories of when I got into Elder Scrolls and first played Oblivion - and that was like 10-12 years ago.


Me, my younger and my older brother all played Oblivion back then, and we all agreed to pick different race. I chose Nord and didn't regret it: it was so much fun just to punch bandits and marauders to death.


Second pick would be Argonian, since it's my go-to race whenever I play stealth-oriented character. The third spot goes for Wood Elves for being another solid choice for a stealthy character.

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3. Argonian/Khajiit - I like both of them because they're quite similar in many ways. They're both stealthy races who are openly discriminated by other races. My main reason is because of the interactions between the races in Leyawiin during Oblivion (the jokes and insults they trade between each other). They're joint because I can't choose between the two.


2. Altmer (High Elves) - I love the high elves because of how regal they are but it's also the reason I sorta dislike some of Altmer chars (too regal and snobbish). Can I appreciate how pretty many Altmer chars are, I mean their hair tho... The split of the Altmer opinions is also something I like: whether they align themselves with the Thalmor or not. Also I like the magical ability of the Altmer so there's that.


1. Orcs - The idea of the Orcs forming their own civilisations within different provinces is something that sets them apart from other races. Them choosing this out of choice rather than being discriminated against, the Khajiit not being allowed to stay in cities so may have to do this out of necessity in Skyrim. They're absolute tanks who deal a crap ton of damage, going for the ol hack n' slash stuff. Plus they seem like a race that does not take crap off of anyone so there's that. I like how there's a large variety of Orc characters, from the stereotypical Orc warriors to the Orc that tends the library of the University in Winterhold. 


Special mentions to the Dark Elves as they're also awesome with their stealthy magic approach. Plus I really like their appearance too.

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For gameplay: 


redguard: always reliable in every game for playing a warrior type character. 

dark elf: best all arounder race, very flexible and the fire resist is too good.  Not too fond of how the females look across the games though. The purple eyed girl from skyrim was cool but it's hard to look as good as her.

nord: their frost and electric resists in Morrowind was great but that got nerfed later games. I kind of prefer redguards  for my melee classes  but  Nords have better resistsances.


For lore? Wood Elves. Particularly the women since the guys didn't start being cool until skyrim lol. Cool and unique belief systems(yes I know they're cannibals), possibly the least antagonistic of the playable elves and I like their reliance on guile and trickery to stand up to the other more physically imposing races. Nords and Redguards would be my other two favorites.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1st is Dunmer. Half the time I'm not even using most of their skills (since I tend to play mage-knights), but I just love their look and their lore. If Beth could ever get off their high skyrim horse and remake a different ES, I'd love it if we could get a modern-graphics Morrowind to play around in.


I don't really know where all the rest fit in. I kinda like Orcs for full warriors with a 2h hammer and a crossbow, and Imperials for my non-dunmer mage knights. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dunmers have always been very interesting to me because they are pretty well suited for a lot of different types of characters and roles. Argonians for much the same reason. Both of them can do whatever they want basically and still be pretty good. Bretons too, but more for just the strengths they have. I've found that dragonskin is helpful for ANY character, and High Rock is my favorite province. 

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3. Altmer

Tall, golden, and smart, they are part of my favorite race of mer as well as the most beautiful one for me. They are fun to play when I want to play magic in an extreme way as @Wolfox said. And additionaly... um... most of my male characters hardly resist an Altmer chick (Except Endarie from Radiant Raiment for obvious reasons).


2. Breton

Magical humans from High Rock, they are known to have a great affinity with magicka because of Altmer's blood in them. Short but efficient during fights, they belong to the perfect race to incarnate intellectuals or Archmages. Some of them are present in Skyrim as well, being either peaceful Reachmen living in society or Forsworn. The fact that some of them are considered as criminals on their own land makes me have empathy toward them, and the theory about Forsworn having Orsimer or Daedric blood in them makes them more badass than most of the other races, in my opinion.


1. Imperials

Simple things are often the best. They're good traders and good diplomats, I almost always choose them when I want to play as a thief or an agile warrior. Also, their culture is relatively diversified, let alone Martin Septim who save the world and defeat Mehrunes Dagon. Imperial race is by far my favorite one.

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3. Altmer

Rich lore, beautiful cities, and are skilled in magic.  Even though I mostly play Imperials, I do admit the Thalmor even have taste in design.


2. Khajiit

CATS.  They are adorable, sneaky, and have fine taste in design.  They even have skooma.  I honestly don't understand why they have such a bad rep everywhere, these cool cats are hip.


1. Imperials.

They are fun, easy to play, and almost every game I play, I start with them.  Besides,  they're called Imperials for a reason.  I often consider my character to be the Emperor and rule over everyone in Tamriel.  It's always fun playing with mods...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Favourite Playable races for me are:



3. Dunmer/Breton -Theoretically the best 2 classes.


2. Khajit - In Skyrim I used this for my unarmed build. It was fun.


1. Orc - Battlerage or Bloodlust or whatever it was, was really good. Also since they are fugly I was less inclined to spend time trying to make it look good and more likely to spend time in game.

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