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What do you think the best team for Reborn would be?


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And with very few minimal switching of party members?


I just played through the game for the first time, although I probably missed a few side quests. I was just thinking about replaying the game but I wanted something different but at the same time potentially more comfortable. 


My last game I ran a team of

Infernape - the mvp of the team. I actually got a shiny when soft resetting for iron fist. Taunt saved me a few times, although I switched mach punch out for acrobatics at the fighting gym because it helped out so much. I just wish it could get overheat. My infernape was naive so running a mixed set would be fine.

Meowstic -> Alakazam which was a very necessary upgrade roughly the same bulk, but way more power and with it's high speed, lack of priority utility moves didn't matter.

Ampharos -> Jolteon another needed upgrade. The electric type bulk just wasn't enough and honestly, Jolteon is probably the best non-legendary/mythical eletric type. 

Leavanny one of the original team members, it put in a surprising amount of work. It was actually amazing for doubles with how it got protect naturally.

Donphan -> Excadrill I tried to make donphan work but a solo ground typing just didn't work, although it did last me through Shade's gym and then some

Weavile - I waited so long for this guy purely out of love for it. I don't believe I could get knock off at the move tutor unfortunately though. I liked having a speedy dragon slayer on my team though. Prior to Weavile I tended to just carry around fodder, aside from having a Bisharp for a while.


My team probably could've used a bulky water type over my weavile in all honesty but it worked.


I'd like to try a different team though but I'd also like it to be somewhat comfortable and accessible through out the storyline at reasonable points. I know that with one of the mods I found on these forums I could breed mons and dump them in the shared pc box or something like that but I'd rather acquire them during the actual story. In terms of starters, Snivy is actually my favorite starter. I simply ran Chimchar over it because apparently contrary doesn't work.



Also also also! I don't know the owner/lead creator of the game very well, I think their name is Ame but I wanted to say that their game is awesome, I love all of the work they've put into it and it's really the first pokemon game that's ever really challenged me. I've never ever had to soft reset and change strategies before gym leaders and other challenging opponents this much.

Edited by Vinnie
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Some of what I'd consider to be the "best" Pokemon


Blaziken = Speed Boost and good Level-Up Moves

Excadrill = Monstrous Attack and good Level-Up Moves (Mystery Egg) [Diggersby can be a good alternative to this)

Tangrowth = Really great in general and can do just about anything you want it to do

Magnezone = Great Type and Special Attack

Swoobat = Very early and Calm Mind + Simple wrecks a lot of Bosses [Arcehops is also really good]

Crawdaunt / Azumarill  = Very strong Water Types to round out the Team


Other typical choices such as Gyarados and Gardevoir come too late for your preferences.

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Speed Boost Blaziken - Give it Sky Uppercut + Aerial Ace/Acrobatics + Stone Edge

Mega Launcher Clawitzer - Aura Sphere + Dragon Pulse + Crabhammer (for STAB) + Any move that gets its ability boost (Dark Pulse/Water Pulse works for me)

Gothitelle - Thunderbolt + Calm Mind + Psychic

Weavile - Go for what suits you best!

Roserade - Giga Drain + Sludge Bomb + Extrasensory + Toxic Spikes/Hidden Power (Fire)

Noivern - Boomburst + Dragon Pulse


Note: Whether or not to use this team is your choice. You may change this team a little, or not use it at all.

Note: These team could work for you, but some Pokemon are available later in the game.


Note: These Pokemon have mixed moves for a few difficult situations, so you can change them. I have not given a some Pokemon a few moves. It is because you can put any of your desired moves there. If you aren't planning to use mods or to breed, then give Roserade Sludge Wave instead of Sludge Bomb and anything you like instead of Extrasensory.

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Flygon and Mamoswine are both really good choices too. Flygon gets Dragon Dance now, and iirc you can get Trapinch pretty early on in the game, before Serra to be exact. As for Mamoswine, you might want to breed Icicle Crash on it so you are not stuck with Ice Fang.


Arcanine, from what I understand, is an all-around mon. Intimidate coupled with Morning Sun (and maybe the eventual Will o' wisp) provides longevity, but if you prefer more offensive set you can go for moves like Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, Close Combat and Extreme Speed - take your pick and mix & match, really.


Some other mons that are generally considered very good are Gengar and Aggron. Gengar - like Sharpedo - can go for Destiny Bond and that away always secure at least one K.O in every battle you bring them in. Aggron and Sturdy + Metal Burst works in a similar fashion. Other good moves for Aggron include Iron Head / Heavy Slam and Head Smash / Stone Edge. 

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Alola-Ninetales and Mismagius are Nasty Plot monsters. Both have good movesets especially Mismagius, with a wide array of different types of special attack moves. A-Ninetales can also use the move Aurora Veil in one turn with Snow Warning, which is extremely helpful in hard battles.

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You can breed all mons you want and then use Shared PC to take them on a new game. It works indeed. As you want to try breeding, I'll leave the team I think it's best with all EVs/IVs and egg moves. Just so you know, I prefer fast and offense-oriented mons. Also I tried to build a team that covers all typings, let's go:


Blaziken - Everyone on forum agrees that Blaziken just wrecks the game, if you want comfort, this one will be your pillow.

Ability: Speed Boost (that's the main reason he just wrecks)

Nature: Adamant

IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP

Item: Wide Lens (So it'll never miss Blaze Kick and High Jump Kick)


 - Bulk Up (Attack Boost, learns through lvl up)

 - Blaze Kick (STAB, lvl up)

 - High Jump Kick (STAB, move relearner)

 - Brave Bird / Thunder Punch / Earthquake (Brave Bird you get through lvl up, Thunder Punch from move tutor, and Earthquake is not available yet, but a great move for it)


Greninja - Another wrecking ball

Ability: Protean (STAB everything)

Nature: Timid

IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31

EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP

Item: Sea Incense (I use to have more damage on water moves, but you can go for Leftovers or Life Orb)


 - Water Pledge / Scald (STAB, Water Pledge from move tutor in Lapis Ward, Scald is get after Amaria and it's better)

 - Extrasensory (STAB, lvl up)

 - Dark Pulse (STAB, TM from Luna)

 - Surf / Ice Beam (Surf will help in double battles, change for Ice Beam when it becomes available also STAB)


Roserade - My favorite grass pokemon, not too much love from people. Roserade SHOULD be bred, or it won't be so good

Ability: Techinician

Nature: Timid

IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30 or 31/X/31/31/31/31 (The first set is for using Hidden Power, hard to breed, but worthy)

EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP

Item: Miracle Seed or Amplifield Rock (Miracle Seed to boost grass moves, Amplifield Rock if you need a strategy to take care of terrain on a battle)


 - Magical Leaf (STAB, with boost from Techinician goes for 90 BP)

 - Extrasensory (Coverage, Egg move on Budew)

 - Hidden Power / Toxic Spikes (With the IVs I said, Hidden Power [TM] is Fire, giving coverage against Ice mons. Toxic Spikes to give advantage on battles came from lvl up)

 - Sludge Bomb / Grassy Terrain / Dazzling Gleam (Sludge Bomb is STAB but the TM is not available yet, go for it when it comes. Grassy Terrain [lvl up] + Amplifield Rock. Dazzling Gleam [TM] is for a bit coverage for your team, but it's not so good)


Crobat - The runner.

Ability: Infiltrator

Nature: Jolly

IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP

Item: None or Flying Gem (Crobat will use Acrobatics here, so use Flying Gem when facing a strong foe, not on every battle, unless you have that amount of gems)


 - Acrobatics (STAB, goes for something like 170 BP when using Flying Gem, TM)

 - Cross Poison (STAB, get when evolves)

 - Leech Life or U-Turn (Leech Life comes from lvl up and offers coverage agains Psychic, U-Turn is from TM (don't remember where) and is best if you want to use Crobat as a Scout)

 - Confuse Ray (Just to support)


Excadrill - The Electric Dealer

Ability: Mold Breaker (it has Sand Veil to raise speed, but you'd need another mon on the team to set Sandstorm before or waste a turn with Exca to set it, not worth in my opinion)

Nature: Jolly

IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP

Item: Metal Coat or Wide Lens (Metal Coat to boost Steel moves and Wide Lens if you go with Rock Slide)


 - Swords Dance (Boost, comes from lvl up)

 - Earthquake (STAB, comes from lvl up)

 - Iron Head (STAB, move tutor)

 - Rock Slide / X-Scissor / Poison Jab / Brick Break (Coverage. Rock Slide comes from lvl up, the others through TM, it's up to you, I prefer Rock Slide)


Weavile - The Cherry on the Pie

Ability: Pressure

Nature: Adamant or Jolly (I prefer Adamant)

IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP

Items: Black Glasses or Never-Melt Ice (Depending on your need)


 - Hone Claws / Aerial Ace (If you want Boost go for Claws (my choice), if you want coverage go for Aerial Ace)

 - Throat Chop (Egg move or Move Tutor, the move Tutor for this move is not available on Reborn yet though)

 - Ice Punch  (Egg move or Move Tutor)

 - Brick Break / X-Scissor / Poison Jab (Coverage, go for what you think it's best)


With this team, I guarantee that you can take all gym leaders until Titania with some just adjustments on movesets (mainly Roserade). Amaria water field and Ice moves is too much to Blaziken, Roserade, Crobat and Excadrill, so I don't think this team can make something, even if you change terrain (I have to test it one day to make sure). That's it, good luck 😄

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3 hours ago, Trufa said:



With this team, I guarantee that you can take all gym leaders until Titania with some just adjustments on movesets (mainly Roserade). Amaria water field and Ice moves is too much to Blaziken, Roserade, Crobat and Excadrill, so I don't think this team can make something, even if you change terrain (I have to test it one day to make sure). That's it, good luck 😄

Honestly Amaria's water field was scary, but air balloons made it work out fine. As long as I have enough power to knock out her mons it's probably alright. 


I really don't see how great Blaziken is here. Without protect you can't always get a speed boost up, and without focus sashes you can't say guarantee a swords dance(which isn't available and is why you're running bulk up) + speed boost set either. I suppose it is probably the most outright powerful starter though.

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7 hours ago, Lost Swordsman said:



Speed Boost Blaziken - Give it Sky Uppercut + Aerial Ace/Acrobatics + Stone Edge

Mega Launcher Clawitzer - Aura Sphere + Dragon Pulse + Crabhammer (for STAB) + Any move that gets its ability boost (Dark Pulse/Water Pulse works for me)

Gothitelle - Thunderbolt + Calm Mind + Psychic

Weavile - Go for what suits you best!

Roserade - Giga Drain + Sludge Bomb + Extrasensory + Toxic Spikes/Hidden Power (Fire)

Noivern - Boomburst + Dragon Pulse


Note: Whether or not to use this team is your choice. You may change this team a little, or not use it at all.

Note: These team could work for you, but some Pokemon are available later in the game.


Note: These Pokemon have mixed moves for a few difficult situations, so you can change them. I have not given a some Pokemon a few moves. It is because you can put any of your desired moves there. If you aren't planning to use mods or to breed, then give Roserade Sludge Wave instead of Sludge Bomb and anything you like instead of Extrasensory.

Some of these are pretty late game. Weavile takes a long time to get. Noivern does as well since I tried working with a Noibat in my very first play through but I eventually realized I'd be better grabbing one at later levels.

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18 minutes ago, Vinnie said:

I really don't see how great Blaziken is here. Without protect you can't always get a speed boost up, and without focus sashes you can't say guarantee a swords dance(which isn't available and is why you're running bulk up) + speed boost set either. I suppose it is probably the most outright powerful starter though.

I don't use Bulk up often. It can go sweeping without it, if you have nice IVs and EV training. And IF you need to set bulk up, almost never Blaziken will fall if the foe is not strong against him (Water or Psychic), you just need to plan the battle well, but yeah, you need a bit luck or a focus sash, but it's worth. My opinion only.


12 minutes ago, Vinnie said:

Some of these are pretty late game. Weavile takes a long time to get. Noivern does as well since I tried working with a Noibat in my very first play through but I eventually realized I'd be better grabbing one at later levels.

You said you'd use Shared PC to move those mons to a newer save file. So I think you don't need to worry about how late they appear ingame. Noibat though, struggle for a while haha.

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20 hours ago, Trufa said:

Greninja - Another wrecking ball

Ability: Protean (STAB everything)

Though it is 'another wrecking ball', and its ability is pretty helpful, but you still need to be careful (and a little bit of luck) as some of the opponents' moves can be super effective on it when it changes its type. I usually go with Smack Down instead of Surf till I get Ice Beam.


20 hours ago, Trufa said:

Roserade - My favorite grass pokemon, not too much love from people. Roserade SHOULD be bred, or it won't be so good

My favourite Poison Type, and you are correct about the fact that it get not too much love from people. I think that you should go with Toxic Spikes instead of Grassy Terrain, but it's your choice.

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1 hour ago, Lost Swordsman said:

Though it is 'another wrecking ball', and its ability is pretty helpful, but you still need to be careful (and a little bit of luck) as some of the opponents' moves can be super effective on it when it changes its type. I usually go with Smack Down instead of Surf till I get Ice Beam.

I agree. The good of Greninja is its Speed, usually you can change typing before the foe attacks. Smack Down along with Gunk Shot are other alternatives, but I like Greninja with full Stats in Special Attacks, so even with STAB, I don't think it's worth to have a Physical Attack.


Regarding Roserade. Both are good alternatives, I suggested Grassy Terrain because it really helped me against Adrienn and Titania. They mons become so overpowered in it, that I couldn't win without changing. Both are useful moves when thought before hand.

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39 minutes ago, Trufa said:

Regarding Roserade. Both are good alternatives, I suggested Grassy Terrain because it really helped me against Adrienn and Titania. They mons become so overpowered in it, that I couldn't win without changing. Both are useful moves when thought before hand.

The best option would be to change Roserade's move when needed.

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I was able to clear the game up to the end of E17 (including beating Solaris at Pyrous Mountain) with just a single team of six--never used a single other pokemon in combat, didn't breed, no in battle items (healing/X-items), and no mix event mons so stuff like Stufful, Panpour, and mystery egg were ruled out. I also chose not to use Torchic because that's easy mode. I also allowed for a non-combat pokemon to Fly because everywhere you can Fly to has a PC right there.


Team was:


Incineroar: One of the best starters and will only get better when E18 gives it Double Kick by levelup and tutors. Intimidate was the only thing that let me beat Garchomp. Fire/Dark STAB is great, especially since a lot of good Dark types are locked behind the mystery egg, are very frail ('Doom and Sharpedo), or just come later than Shade where having a good answer was most important for this (Alolan-Muk and Krookodile). Fire is just straight up one of the best types in Reborn, if not the best.

Roserade: Traded EXP and Budew coming with three 31 IVs guaranteed makes this a monster. In challenge/efficiency runs like this, Roserade pretty much immediately invalidates what little consideration of a Grass starter existed. Moves like Toxic and Leech Seed are boss for single enemy encounters like Solaris, PULSE Avalugg, Mewtwo, and PULSE Swalot, on top of its good offense from Giga Drain (and sometimes Venoshock). It also has other options like Grassy Terrain and Technician Hidden Power but I never utilized the former and my HP typing was something bad (I think Bug). 

Bibarel: I only picked this because I wasn't sure if Roselia and Torracat would be able to duo the game up until I got Espurr and I needed something to Surf/Dive/Waterfall in the overworld. Pretty much every decent or better Water type is either a starter, comes from a mix event, or is after Kiki which is fairly late. This was probably the least useful of my combat mons, but Strength/Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Swords Dance is not completely horrible with Simple. tbh I'm still not sure if it was necessary. I know I used it in some important fights but it's possible I could've just played better.


Meowstic-M: One of the best early-mid Psychic types thanks to its 104 Speed and Psychic. Eats through huge portions of Kiki and Aya's teams with ease. Fake Out allows it to stop Shelly's Illumise from Rain Dancing. I grabbed it from the Lapis Alleyway since I banned mix events, but if you get the early one, with Psyshock and the Twisted Spoon this will also OHKO 4 of Corey's mons. However, the real draw to using this long term is Prankster. Meowstic-M gets access to Reflect, Light Screen, and Misty Terrain by level-up, and can learn Sunny Day/Rain Dance via TM. Thanks to Light Clay, Amplifield Rock, Damp Rock, and Heat Rock (3 of which are pretty common from mining or can just be bought at the department store fairly cheap, with an Amplifield Rock being under the grand stairway), you can pretty much disable whatever is annoying you about a fight. Don't like Terra's field? Misty Terrain. Don't want Titania setting up Aurora Veil on turn 1? Sunny Day. Want to nerf Charlotte's STAB? Rain Dance. Want to let your pokemon set up? Reflect/Light Screen. Mine ended at level 49 so apparently I didn't even use Misty Terrain.


Magnezone: Not much to explain here. It's good. Thunder Wave makes Arceus and Mewtwo slow enough that other things can easily outspeed them (although it conflicts with Toxic). It didn't really stand out in any battle except Adrienn, which is fine 'cause I mostly picked it to have something good for that fight, since my big win condition is quite bad there.

Flygon: Earthquake/Rock Slide/Dragon Claw/Dragon Dance is pretty much all you need. Gets traded EXP. Sets up on lots of things then sweeps, or can just spam Earthquake. Beats up Samson, Ciel, Charlotte, Amaria, and others. This thing is insane, and its power made me comfortable picking both Bibarel (who falls off) and Meowstic-M (who hit level 50 for Misty Terrain then mostly stopped getting exp)



aftermath of amaria battle


If you allow for even just one extra mon, using Kricketune as an early carry opens up a lot of options. Allowing for mystery egg and other mix events also gives a ton of choice because Stufful and about a quarter of the mystery egg mons are absurd (Toxapex, Excadrill, Azumarill, Ninetales) and several others are still really good (Volcarona, Breloom, Staraptor, Lycanroc, Haxorus, Gengar, Starmie, Bisharp, Togekiss)

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23 hours ago, Trufa said:

You said you'd use Shared PC to move those mons to a newer save file. So I think you don't need to worry about how late they appear ingame. Noibat though, struggle for a while haha.

Actually I meant the opposite. I believe I said I didn't want to use it. 

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@Vinnie Hey, I'm so sorry! Forget everything I said so! This team needs a little effort to make. So I'll just add more to what people have already suggested:


- Leavanny. You can catch pretty early and it can learn great moves through lvl up.

- Floatzel. If you go with Magma Gang, you'll be able to have a Buizel during the quest. Helped me a lot of times.

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22 hours ago, Trufa said:

@Vinnie Hey, I'm so sorry! Forget everything I said so! This team needs a little effort to make. So I'll just add more to what people have already suggested:


- Leavanny. You can catch pretty early and it can learn great moves through lvl up.

- Floatzel. If you go with Magma Gang, you'll be able to have a Buizel during the quest. Helped me a lot of times.

It's fine, thanks for all the advice. I know I probably could have worded it better earlier.

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If we do normal battle then just ram the strongest pokemon in smogon tier, but since we are dealing with field effect, I think utility is more important. Male Meowstic: change field effect, set up screen. Peliper: weather + tailwind + knock off. Hazard moves can be useful too.

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I made a lot of changes when ep 17 came out but I believe my original team was:


Blaziken - Bulk up + speed boost storms through nearly every gym (makes Luna look like a joke) only had trouble with Kiki, Aya and Radomus

Beautifly - absolutely destroyed Solaris and Elias

Electross - special attack sweeper

Floatzel -  alternate physical sweeper

Skuntank - first only got it because it was shiny but actually managed to pull some weight with toxic spikes/tank

Lopunny - mirror coat

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