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Ladder Reset + Future of Reborn

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Okay, so firstly! As promised last week, Ladders have been reset for.. every tier ever, even some tiers I didn't even know we had, but, you know, whatever!

As such, we're starting up a new laddering competition!

Again, this runs across all tiers, the top three non-duplicate names of every tier with a top score of over 1300 will be awarded prizes. c:

And I didn't think I needed to say this before, but... no boosting, really. If you were found boosting before, then you are ineligible for this competition as well.

This contest will end at the end of spring, AKA June 21!

We'll also be doing some final tiering stuff piece by piece as we go, probably starting next week. So, look for that.

Now, um, you might be wondering what I mean by "final".

Nyu notified me a few days ago that with the latest dev version of the serverside PO stuff, a note was posted-- Now that I think about this, I wonder if I'm actually not supposed to be telling people this publically... oops. ...Anyway, a note was posted to the server developer people (which includes Nyu). Basically, when Gen 6 comes around, as we know, it isn't using the traditional sprite set up that every other game to date has, in favor of the whole 3d Rendering thing. As a result, it's apparently looking to be problematic to incorporate on PO, and as such, um. Coyotte has said that he plans to discontinue support for PO with the advent of Gen 6.

So that's fun.

This poses a few problems for us, but as the staff, we had talked about this before when Gen 6 was released, and already decided on a plan of action in this event.

Basically, Reborn isn't going to end with PO. The league will, and that's - well, it might be time. But we're going to change the community a bit, and keep on keeping on.

Currently, the plan is to migrate to an alternate chat client. We're not sure quite what this will be- likely something such as IRC. We'll see what our options are.

Furthermore, rather than limiting ourselves to Pokemon without any real simulator to back that up, we're going to expand into a general gaming community. Specifically, we will probably begin offering more site features and support for things like Minecraft and in particular, League of Legends.

We already have a lot of users who are heavily entrenched in these games- and we've had our own MC server for forever already. I think focusing on these things, the variety of online multiplayer games we all enjoy besides (but still including!) Pokemon, will be a positive step forward to the community. And besides, like 90% of us already play LoL, so it's only appropriate.

There is one issue with this change, and that is actually our domain name. Obviously pokemonreborn doesn't mean much for a general gaming community, but I would like to keep the handle of 'Reborn'. We need to switch to a new domain, and I'm not sure what yet, but I am totally up to suggestions. I would love to do something as simple as reborn.com but it's unlikely I can get that. My second thought is something like reborngaming.com

Totally open to ideas. I'd really want something shorter, though, and preferably without that ostentatious hyphen we've got now.

TL;DR: Ladder reset, competition over, PO is ending and Reborn is converting to a general gaming/LoL community- looking for suggestions on the new domain.

I ask everyone to bear with us through this transition. Even though our time with PO may come to an end, I can promise that we as a community will be... Reborn~

ily guys

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*flips 5 tables*

that was fun.

Now, about the topics on hand... ladder reset, awesome. Doesn't affect me though.

3D sprites gonna be a problem?? Dun think so Ame-bun. 3DS is 3D capable but there's that handy little switch that adjusts it or turns it off. I don't think they'll have a problem grabbing and incorporating them 2D sprites.

I'd still be down with Reborn being a general gaming community. Kinda what it's grown into anyhow. Some of us were up late yesterday kicking some tail on Halo, after all.

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3D sprites gonna be a problem?? Dun think so Ame-bun. 3DS is 3D capable but there's that handy little switch that adjusts it or turns it off. I don't think they'll have a problem grabbing and incorporating them 2D sprites.

^, basically.

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Turning off the 3D feature does not magically create a sprite. It creates a 2d image of a 3d render which is still problematic for PO's current scope.

That said, I don't actually know myself what the whole scoop with the issues is, the above is just my guess, and what I said in the first post is what was mentioned in the note.

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I kinda thought it was the other way around, really. turning the 2D image into the 3D render, which has mostly to do with the dual projection of the images. I'm still highly skeptical of this timely notice from these guys.=P

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If we truly do have that issue to deal with, then I suppose many of us can support that, all of us will still be in contact with these forums anyways, I'm sure they'll find a way to be able to incorporate the future Gen 6 into the PO mainframe, but if they can't, we all still have the forums, and I'm more than happy just knowing you guys, since you're all the highlight of my day most of the times anyways, admittedly I will miss the battling PO server though.

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I'm hoping this is a sick, sick joke.

It's gonna suck, and I'll really miss League/Battling in general.

Side note- What if POv2 were to stay accessible? Wouldn't it, in theory, be possible to carry on PO without transitioning to Gen 6?

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I'm hoping this is a sick, sick joke.

It's gonna suck, and I'll really miss League/Battling in general.

Side note- What if POv2 were to stay accessible? Wouldn't it, in theory, be possible to carry on PO without transitioning to Gen 6?

Most likely. Personally, I'm fine with 5th gen being the peak of PO. If I want 6th gen battles I'll just hop on my 3DS.

On to other things: The ladder reset. First off, yay! Can't wait to climb back up. As for PO possibly ending. It seems a little odd to hear about it at this given point and time, almost fishy. But even so, I don't really think it should be disregarded as false, or "a prank" just yet. It's simply speculation. Anyway, we won't know for sure until X and Y hit shelves, and since anything can happen in that time frame, lets just enjoy the time we have like PO is ending, and if it doesn't then more fun, and if it does, we made the last few months a blast. Reborn will still be Reborn anyway. Plus there's Pokemon Showdown for anyone who wants to play Pokemon.

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My sig... again.

In all honesty I was really starting to like reborn; it's not gonna be fun if the server goes down :c

As for the ladder reset. Everyone quick! Get in the top 10 before Emvee comes back >>

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I have a question.

Does the server have to be connected to the registry to allow people to connect to a specific server?

I can recall a number of instances where the server registry menu was crashing, but we could still use Direct Connections via nyu.im and the IP number itself. Will this be true even if the registry goes down?

Also, don't you dare use this as an excuse to shut down the Pokémon Reborn project.

Also. TF2. a fair amount of people here play it.

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*flips 5 tables*

that was fun.

Now, about the topics on hand... ladder reset, awesome. Doesn't affect me though.

3D sprites gonna be a problem?? Dun think so Ame-bun. 3DS is 3D capable but there's that handy little switch that adjusts it or turns it off. I don't think they'll have a problem grabbing and incorporating them 2D sprites.

I'd still be down with Reborn being a general gaming community. Kinda what it's grown into anyhow. Some of us were up late yesterday kicking some tail on Halo, after all.

Bad example time.

When it comes to 3D models, it's a bit tricky. PO would be fine with ripped and resized pictures of the pokemon instead of sprites if they looked how they would in-game. Problem being, that's not usually the case. The way you see a character in-game is totally different than how a computer program/the game itself sees it.

Way you see it:


The way the game reads it:


Now just looking at those, wouldn't it be a bit wierd seeing everything in such an odd position all the time? Granted my knowledge of these things comes from mostly skin modding and not actual skeletal reconfiguration, but it's still the fact that these are full blown 3D models now. Hope I made it as clear as I could with my bad explanational skills.

Edited by Wes
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As it is now, it's still too early to tell. What Wes said is basically what I was trying to explain to someone earlier about the 3D models; they were insisting that it'd be a snap to code in the 3D Pokemon into PO the exact same way X and Y have it coded into the games. I don't know much about coding - what I do know comes from a good friend of mine - but I'm willing to bet that coding 700+ Pokemon into PO is, putting it lightly, a hell of a bitch to do. Metagame changes like tiers and the legality of certain moves/abilities are a whole other ballgame. If anything, we just won't incorporate Gen 6 into the metagame and like others have said, Gen 5 will be the peak of PO and there'd be no need to shut it down.

If the opposite happens and PO does shut down, Ame's idea to convert Reborn into a general gaming community is a great one. We could still do it even if PO stays active. There are great alternate chat clients we can use, we still have the forums, and shutting down a battle simulator doesn't kill a community. I think it'd be best to start searching for chat clients right now so that we have a backup in case PO really does shut down, and making the transition from Pokemon to general gaming and stuff (if we haven't done that already coughcough) is easy. I dunno what some people are so worried about.

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Anyway, time for serious talk.

I am all for the idea of General Gaming Reborn, while still including Pokemon. I was getting a bit bored of most things here being Pokemon. I know it is mainly a PO Server forum, but I'm getting bored of PO. So a place for all types of Gaming would be amazing - maybe incorporate the idea of clubz. Y'know, a club for a certain game. Or just a sub-forum or thing. =i. I dunno. I'm not a pro coder. I do not have pro skillz =C.

Edited by Shirinui
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I think we should get more into general gaming regardless of PO shutting down or not.n. We already. Have huge interest in things like LoL, Minecraft and TF2. Plus, our streamers already also stream things not Pokemon related at all. Personally I already consider myself a variety gaming streamer here on Reborn so if anything we'll have general gaming somehwere in the community. The shift is inevitable IMO. This isn't a bad thing though, I think.

As for Gen 6, it's easy enough to SAV up Pokemon now, though it'll take a while for the technology to exist for an entire new generation. Regardless of what happens with PO we can always continue battling via physical games. . Sure, not everyone has them, but not everyone has every other game that everyone owns.

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Draw Pokemon based on the 3d model - Make a sprite from the drawing - Luxury option : Animate it.

Custom sprites aren't impossible, guys. The Pokemon will still have their official art - Which we can sprite up. There are already sprite versions of the announced starters. Making the rest, which I do believe won't mean many, won't really be hard. Hell, if I can do it, anyone who knows their custom spriting can.

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