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Ni No Kuni!


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Title. Ni No Kuni. Blah.


This is a thread I made because I've been playing the living hell out of this game and it has been the best thing ever for me.

If you have a PS3, pick Ni No Kuni up. It's best game.

If ya dunno what the game is, it follows the adventure of a young boy named Oliver, who's mother dies (who hasn't seen that in a JRPG?) and he becomes very sad. One day, while crying, some of his tears splashed onto a doll that his mother had made for him, and released Drippy, Lord High Lord of the Fairies, from the curse placed on him. And he then tells Oliver that they may be able to save his Mother! So Oliver becomes a Wizard, ventures to the other world, which is beautiful and full of mystery. Taming Familiars, learning spells, and healing the Heartbroken; all in a day's work for young Oliver.

AND MY GOD IS IT AMAZING. It looks amazing, due to it even being combined with Anime drawers, and it is just wonderful.

Seriously. Play this game. IGN rated it 9.4, and a must play for any RPG fan. YOU MUST PLAY ITTTTTTTTTTTT.

All that aside, if you DO know of this game, feel free to discuss it on this friend! It's what it's for~.

-Your friendly muffin fanatic, Derpy Hooves.

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>Anime drawers



...*ahem* sorry.

But yes, good to know it's good. I very well may invest in, as little as I actually do play anything these days.

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Story wise, I'd say it start off damn well, though I'm with that zero punctuation game where I have speculated that it could be a figment of his grief-broken mind. The combat is rather terrible because you have to scroll thru menus real time to attack and even to block and for a 'real time battle' it has a rather slow pace as a result.


Also super-grindy because

A- super dumb random mechanic as to which monsters you pummel will maybe want to join you. Oh also, it takes forever to get to the point where that's even a thing anyways.

B- always having to work to level up the new creatures.

C- every time you 'evolve' a creature, which you need to grind to get the evolution-required item, they revert back to level one.

It really does have an awesome start to the game. But they VERY SLOWLY introduce more and more game mechanics that are more of a job and nuisance than anything enjoyable. They make you backtrack a lot.

As the story goes on... well, it's rather like watching an early morning pre-schooler's tv show.

Motivation lost, tables flipped. I could crap on this game right now. Do not play unless you're like 5 and then the controls with either be too difficult or too annoying for you to bother with.

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Actually, I find it very enjoyable. Many people enjoy it; the fact that the battles are like Pokemon, but instead like the anime. Hidden controls to speed up spells. And I hope you know you can use L2 and R2 to move the tactics wheel, rather than the Directional Buttons. That way, you can do it while moving to evade attacks. And Familiars going down to LV1 after Metamorhphosising? Very Fair. You do not need to use them to let them level, and when they return to the same level, they are super duper better.

And now! To Answer the ABC part.

A- The Chance is like Pokemon, y'know. You might not get them. Plus, what's wrong with it? Beating them and they may want to join you? I find it fine. And once you DO get to capture them, It's amazing as it gives you complete and utter customization of your teams. Y'know how in Pokemon there's complete and utter pro creatures you practically have to use for your team to be brilliant? There is none of that here. Even the creatures you can easily pummel can turn out to be the best Familiar you own.

B-Just progress with the game; don't bother grinding them, they'll come up to scratch eventually.

C-Eventually you make them, steal them at some points, and it's a very fair factor due to the fact that it becomes a super-saiyan version of it's previous form.

I do understand that it is your opinion; you are entitled to one, but I still think this is a great game and if you look at it from a different perspective, you'll re-consider. Oh and this is for Mael. Just I derped and forgot to press Quote =I.

Edited by Shirinui
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Mael doesn't like anime

^tru fax

And what he said is true, the game is flawed and he didn't like it for tholse flaws, hopefully Ni No Kuni 2 will fix those flaws, I wouldn't be surprised if Level 5 were to make a sequel, this game sold really well!

PS I love level 5! They made Rouge Galaxy!

And if you never heard of Rouge Galaxy... I'll sum it up for ya... imagine a JRPG that was kinda like One Piece, but with artwork, character design, and story that is actually good!

**mashes the dodge button**

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