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Scyther, Starmie and A-Ninetales must be on the team. I may change the others. Perhaps Incineroar over Infernape and Mamoswine over Krookodile. What do you guys think?


Ability: Technician
Nature: Jolly
Item: Life Orb
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
 - Swords Dance
 - Bug Bite
 - Aerial Ace
 - Brutal Swing


Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid
Item: Mystic Wter
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
 - Recover
 - Scald
 - Psychic
 - Power Gem


Alolan - Ninetales
Ability: Snow Cloak
Nature : Timid
Item: NeverMeltIce
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
 - Aurora Veil
 - Moonblast
 - Ice Beam
 - Extrasensory


Ability: Moxie
Nature: Adamant
Item: Black Glasses
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP

 - Bulk Up
 - Earthquake
 - Crunch
 - Shadow Claw / Dragon Claw (when available)


Ability: Iron Fist
Nature: Jolly
Item: Charcoal / Life Orb
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
 - Bulk Up / Swords Dance
 - Fire Punch
 - Thunder Punch
 - Close Combat


Ability: Poison Heal
Item: Toxic Orb
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Evs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
 - Bulk Up / Swords Dance
 - Seed Bomb
 - Drain Punch 
 - Thunder Punch / Mach Punch

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It looks like an awesome team and really fun to use! I have some ideas to maybe improve your team or just to make your team a little bit more fun to use.


Scyther gets Knock off by the way. It has 5 more bp than brutal swing if the opposing pokemon isn't holding an item. If it is it is even stronger ofcourse. It also gets X-scissor which is 20 bp stronger than bug bite.


Put Rapid spin on your Starmie for those pesky rocks for your sweeper scyther! Also consider to make it lefties for overall better support. Scald isn't the hardest hitting water type move anyways so mystic water is in my opinion a bit of a waste for your item slot.


Have you ever thought of putting nasty plot on your A-ninetales? It can straight up sweep a lot of teams with blizzard nasty plot behind a veil.


Why would you run Adamant krook? It isn't like the speediest Mon with base 92 speed and you have moxie anyways, I personally would always run Jolly krook. Unless you're planning to make it scarf later. By the way to run a dark and a ghost type on the same mon is kinda useless. It has the same coverage in psychic and ghost so don't run shadow claw please I beg you! Haha.


I personally would always go with flare blitz on Infernape especially when you're running jolly. In this way you can also use it as a revenge killer instead of set up. It also gets rocks so you can maybe but this on Infernape. In this way you have 1 less setup Mon but you have a revenge killer and a hazard setter just like @tamamonomae0 said.


Have you considered to make the breloom technician with spore? Technician boosted mach punch and bullet seed is also a lot of fun to use! You can add sub or SD as a fourth move whichever you would like the most. You also kinda lack priority so this would help with that as well.


I know you said that you wanted Starmie on the team but you also could swap out Starmie for a defensive wall like Slowbro. Make it calm mind (when it's available) with slack off and regenerator or something you like more with max hp and defence (bold) so you can take hits a lot better. You can also go with Sylveon for wish support and still hitting kinda hard with pixilate hyper voice. Give em both lefties.

You maybe can switch Infernape for Assault Vest intimidate incineroar with max hp max attack brave natured. for a decent overall wall.


I also noticed that you have a lot of set up with bulk up and SD. I know that it's because you have veil and that's kinda what veil does. Giving opportunities to set up but you might wanna put some extra kind of speedy revenge killer on the team like archeops with U-turn. He hits really hard and is really fast.


But overall your team looks really good and fun to play with!


I hope my opinions on your team will help you a bit but you should play whichever way gives you the most fun!

Edited by N1Dude
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@tamamonomae0 I chose Ice Beam because A-Nine has Snow Cloak, so Blizzard will have 70% Acc, not so reliable.

I thought about Eviolite on it, I'll use it!

The only pokemon who can set something is A-Nine, but it's also the only one who would benefit from it, that's why it doesn't have Snow Warning. Also I couldn't think about other Special Attacker to use on the team. I don't want to use Roserade on this team so I don't know. Maybe Charizard or Typhlosion over Infernape since Breloom will have fight moves?


@N1Dude I thought about Night Slash and X-Scissors on it. But as it has Technician, all the moves I chose will have 90 BP

Leftovers would be good for it, but which move do you think it's best? Hydro Pump has 70 Acc, and Scald may burn, I think it's worth.

Yeah, makes sense a Jolly Krook. I just wanted to boost its attack HAHA Alright, Alright, I want Dragon Claw on it, but I'll change Shadow Claw for Brick Break.

Yes, I thought. Seems better, Extrasensory is there for coverage, but Starmie will have psychic so, no problem.

The point of Punches on it is because of Iron Fist Ability, Flare Blitz wouldn't benefit from it plus have the recoil. Do you think it's better if I go for Adamant and change SD for Stealth Rocks?

I have too, but I really like the HP restore from Poison Heal. I can also change SD for Spore because of 130 Atk base stats. 


I always prefer using Fast mons. Slowbro doesn't fit my needs here. And Starmie will not leave, sorry. Also for Sylveon, I don't know, but I don't like it very much, it lacks in versatility and I already have A-Nine with Moonblast for Fairy move. Incineroar is good bet for me, I don't know though if it would be good on the team, because of Dark type. I already have Krooko for this.

Archeops sounds good, but I also don't know who I should replace.


And thanks! I like to discuss opinions 😄

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1 hour ago, Trufa said:

I thought about Night Slash and X-Scissors on it. But as it has Technician, all the moves I chose will have 90 BP

Leftovers would be good for it, but which move do you think it's best? Hydro Pump has 70 Acc, and Scald may burn, I think it's worth.

Yeah, makes sense a Jolly Krook. I just wanted to boost its attack HAHA Alright, Alright, I want Dragon Claw on it, but I'll change Shadow Claw for Brick Break.

Yes, I thought. Seems better, Extrasensory is there for coverage, but Starmie will have psychic so, no problem.

The point of Punches on it is because of Iron Fist Ability, Flare Blitz wouldn't benefit from it plus have the recoil. Do you think it's better if I go for Adamant and change SD for Stealth Rocks?

I have too, but I really like the HP restore from Poison Heal. I can also change SD for Spore because of 130 Atk base stats. 


I always prefer using Fast mons. Slowbro doesn't fit my needs here. And Starmie will not leave, sorry. Also for Sylveon, I don't know, but I don't like it very much, it lacks in versatility and I already have A-Nine with Moonblast for Fairy move. Incineroar is good bet for me, I don't know though if it would be good on the team, because of Dark type. I already have Krooko for this.

Archeops sounds good, but I also don't know who I should replace.


And thanks! I like to discuss opinions 😄

Ah yes i forgot about Technician, good choice then.
Well if you prefer fast mons and prefer going for fast wins and power, I'd give it surf over scald. Burned mons won't do anything for you if you're going to whipe them out asap anyways. In competitive pokemon they use the opposing burned mons to stall out and recover a bit and i don't think that's how you want to play with this team i guess.


Maybe consider Iron Tail over brick brake. It's a stronger move and hits ice types and fairy types. Too bad of it's 75% acc, but after 2 moxie boosts EQ sweeps everything anyways so you probably only have to hit 1.


In my opinion you shouldn't make Infernape a half setup half support mon. It's one or the other. With this team i would make it as fast as possible to revenge kill mons with 60% percent or less hp with Close combat and Flare blitz and. You can scare out mons with its speed and set up Rocks. Infernape is a mon who doesn't need HP cause of it's speed so a flare blitz or 2/3 wouldn't hurt it's capabilities and you have at least 2 other sweepers in Krook and scyther. It's moveset would be Close combat flare blitz Stealth Rock and Mach punch/Gunk shot (for opposing set up with speed/coverage). The other set would be the one you're having now with fire punch and thunder punch with SD. tbh, i totally forgot about iron fist boosting fire punch and thunderpunch xD.


Not running snow warning on A-Ninetales is kinda useless with veil. Veil needs hail to be set up so where do you get the hail from? I would run snow warning with light clay. Veil is kinda OP so think about having it for 8 turns. You can set up nasty plot and just ruin teams with blizzard in hail with 100% acc or with your Krook. If it takes a hit cause of the veil you might even have 2 chances to hit Iron Tail or to just 2HKO with EQ.


For another special attacker consider Chandelure. His sp. attack is sky high and his speed tier isn't bad either. I'm running specs chandelure atm and it just OHKO's a lot. You can also choose Salazzle. Her very fast option of poisining EVERY mon with corosion toxic can be very handy to stop a lot of set up in the opposing team. Cou can give it sludge wave flamethrower and that's a nice combination of STAB and she gets nasty plot as well.


I think Breloom and Infernape are the two mons who should be missed the least if you keep the other 4. With ground (Krook) and flying (Scyther) coverage fire isn't that much needed and Breloom is just very vulnerable also because of his not great speed stat in base 70.

I would add Jolly (mega) heracross. I use him and he just runs house. Get 1 attack boost with CC moxie and just sweep with Skill link Bullet seed, Rock blast, Pin missile.

And put salazzle on the team cause you're kinda weak to fairy types. Or to make your team even more OP put Aegislash on the team (special or physical) and just kinda cheat a little with stance change. 

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@N1Dude I liked the suggestion about surf, will use it. 

My problem with Snow Warning is that hail will hit everyone on my team. I don't know if it's worth. But yeah, 8 turn Veil help a lot indeed.

After you said, I noticed that I lack coverage for Fairy so Salazzle would be a nice adition in place of Infernape. I don't think I'll be using Chandelure..

I chose Breloom because I like the mon and I was lacking coverage against Normal and Water. Infernape would take Normal, but Thunder Punch without STAB wouldn't be as good as Seed Bomb. I liked Heracross suggestion but relying on a move to hit more than 3 times is worse than a lack of Speed in my opinion. Salazzle and Breloom will team up nice I think. Is Heracronite available on Reborn already? It wouldn't have STAB grass move, but with it's ability I think everythin would work nice.

Also for Heracross, I would be using two Bug mons, my team wouldn't be a bit Frail?


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23 minutes ago, Trufa said:

@N1Dude I liked the suggestion about surf, will use it. 

My problem with Snow Warning is that hail will hit everyone on my team. I don't know if it's worth. But yeah, 8 turn Veil help a lot indeed.

After you said, I noticed that I lack coverage for Fairy so Salazzle would be a nice adition in place of Infernape. I don't think I'll be using Chandelure..

I chose Breloom because I like the mon and I was lacking coverage against Normal and Water. Infernape would take Normal, but Thunder Punch without STAB wouldn't be as good as Seed Bomb. I liked Heracross suggestion but relying on a move to hit more than 3 times is worse than a lack of Speed in my opinion. Salazzle and Breloom will team up nice I think. Is Heracronite available on Reborn already? It wouldn't have STAB grass move, but with it's ability I think everythin would work nice.

Also for Heracross, I would be using two Bug mons, my team wouldn't be a bit Frail?


Well 5 turns of hail with  1 allready being burned by your own ninetales for setting up vail (so 4 turns for your team) couldn't hurt your team that much do you think?


Heracross his ability is moxie, mega heracross it's ability is skill link so it always hits 5 times with bullet seed, pin missile and rock blast. So after 1 moxie boost it will have like a STAB grass attack. Not that stab is really needed because of mega heracross his base 185 attack.




Heracronite is available in route 1 idk exactly where anymore but it is on the forum as well.

By the way, just noticed that mega heracross it's speed is base 75 so it's only 5 base points higher than breloom 😅.

Maybe me saying that heracross is awesome isn't that fair because i just really really love the mon haha. So if you like Breloom better then go for it. You have to have fun playing the team and the mons so if Breloom gives you more fun then you should go for him :).


Well you'll become kinda weak to flying but Starmie has power gem and ninetales blizzard (if you choose for snow warning) so you should be good.

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Defensively, it's not only fairy types , you also have a problem with flying , having 2 mons 2x weak to it and 1 4x weak. Heracross would only make it worse.

Salazzle for Infernape is the best option, it deals with fairies and reduces the flying problem.


 rotom-mow for breelom complements this team quite well. 


But the best option is lucario 😄 Aura sphere+flash cannon+nasty plot/calm mind+ 4th move

You'll have a potential mega, a poison immunity, the two weakness that you gain with the switch are easily covered by starmie( fighting and ground)  and you will have a doggy on your team 😄 


Every team needs one!



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@N1Dude Yeah, you are right. I don't know which one to use now haha


@luis Hey, it's been a while. Lucario is a nice mon. But If I take Breloom of, and add Salazzle, how do I deal with Water types? I think I can deal with Flying using A-Nine..

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I can help you with the tb 😄 

Rock does normal dmg to water. I just mentioned it because a rock move is more important for your team than Shadow Claw / Dragon Claw. It wasn't related to the water issue 😄 


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@luis Are you Kidding? If they are lvl 1~5 I want them. I want to start a new run with them. You are talking about all 6 mons or just Staryu and Sandile? I don't think I have enough to trade for it all

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