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Rainbow Run of Rejuvenation [On hiatus due to lack of funds]


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Season 1 episodes:

1. An abrupt start


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  On 6/27/2018 at 1:51 AM, J-Awesome_One said:

This... This is going to be VERY good. Ohh man. Are you going to start at like the very beginning on the boat or was this a way to get rid of all of that?


Oof don't expect much xD with Reborn I could take many liberties because I knew the story, but Rejuvenation has so many unknowns I have to keep my options open for later versions lul besides I wanna take a break from excessive image editing :blobsweats:

I'll start right at the boat, not the Maria stuff because Violetta doesn't know anything about that prologue lul

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holy crap her personality is the complete opposite of vanilla....awesome o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o i bet she will totally get along with Venam and Amber (btw i almost think she is like terra except she doesn't use l33t l4an9u4g3s ) next thing you know she will spout innuendos everywhere ψ(`∇´)ψ

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  On 6/27/2018 at 6:07 AM, Angelkitsune said:

holy crap her personality is the complete opposite of vanilla....awesome o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o i bet she will totally get along with Venam and Amber (btw i almost think she is like terra except she doesn't use l33t l4an9u4g3s ) next thing you know she will spout innuendos everywhere ψ(`∇´)ψ


Actually, she sounds like if someone combined an alcoholic, Amber and Venam. xD

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ooooooo another run~ sounds interesting~ I haven't even gone through all of FEtR and now you have another one?

Yeah, the plot of Rejuv is gonna drive this one insane, def gonna read this!


also nothing can amass to the sheer disappointment of seeing Oshawott as the chosen starter jk just please, PLEASE use Vivillion as your ace or something

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  On 6/27/2018 at 1:30 PM, uberle said:


This looks fun


Vivillon will wreck everything!

As soon as it gets Hurricane


Also at least ONE mon here should be name Skittles


Oof I'd love to but I'm already going with a gemstone theme 😂 I wish there was a skitty on board cause that's perfect name lul


  On 6/27/2018 at 2:24 PM, Dragoknight said:

ooooooo another run~ sounds interesting~ I haven't even gone through all of FEtR and now you have another one?

Yeah, the plot of Rejuv is gonna drive this one insane, def gonna read this!


also nothing can amass to the sheer disappointment of seeing Oshawott as the chosen starter jk just please, PLEASE use Vivillion as your ace or something


Ahaha~ I'm not starting this until I post the S2 finale so you have some time to catch up 😉 Or not lol 

And ditto with oshawott. But that's the only starter Ame made to have a rainbowy theme going on lul

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  • 2 weeks later...

250?cb=20131007201431~Rainbow Run of Rejuvenation Episode 1~250?cb=20131007201431


July 1st, 20XX


Dear Diary,


Today is another L☆I☆T day to add to the list of L☆I☆T days in my life! I’m actually writing this on board a beautiful ship, which I’ve never been on one before. It almost feels like I’m in that movie… “The Titanic”, but of course like the first half, where there’s a lot of wealthy people drinking and having fun and fun~ Not the second half, of course, because that’d be way too dramathicc.

My momma and I are moving to the Aevium Region. Rosetta, Celestia and Azure are all there already waiting for our arrival at the port. It’s been just a few weeks since I saw them, but it feels like it’s been ages! A girl can’t be parted from her siblings too long hehe~ I hope they planned a party for us though. Maybe Rosetta thought ahead… but if they were on b o r i n g mode like Celestia always is, then no worries I’ll improvise 😉 Luckily I secretly bought a couple of wine bottles, so I’m ready for anything!


Good bye,





July 5th, 20XX


I was bored. Mom had told me about a banquet at 6PM, so I had plenty of time to do one last exploration before we docked at the Oceania Port.

“Oh hey there!” I shouted at the sight of this guy I’d spoken to a couple of times already.

He jerked his shoulders and took a step back when he saw me. He looked so excited to see me again.

“Actually, I have an appointment about now and have to get going, see ya,” he said and scurried away.

“Bummer,” I sighed, and went down the stairs in search of more people, possibly new faces.

Two floors down, I found a girl I’d seen at lunch yesterday, but didn’t get to introduce myself to. I didn’t lose a second in calling her attention.

“Hello, how are you?”

“Um, do I know you?” she asked. Her puzzlement was understandable.

“No, and that’s why I’m talking to you now,” I smiled. “I’m Violetta from room 308. I’m on my way to Gearen City where my momma and I and my three siblings are going to live together.”

I stuck my hand into my purse and got my accordion photo album.


“Look, this shortie is my oldest sister Rosetta, this my second oldest sister Celestia, then my older brother Azure, and of course this is me,” I said pointing at a family picture of us. “This picture was taken when we went on vacation to the Sinnoh region. Then there's this one when Rosetta graduated university with a degree in Pokemon Medicine- she should already be working as an assistant to Nurse Joy at the Gearen Lab. If you pass by, you might see her. And-”

“Err, my friend just texted me and told me to meet her at the upper deck, so see you around,” the girl said and walked away with gradually increased speed.

“Bummer,” I sighed again, but my low spirits didn’t last long because a guy I’d only seen the first day we boarded the ship came out of a room and almost bumped into me.

“Hello there, how are you doing? Nice being on a lovely ship like this right?” I greeted, and the guy raised his face from looking down at his mobile.

“Yeah, I guess,” he replied.

“You know, I’m quite bored. There’s still an hour until the feast, and I already explored the ship five times in four days. My momma said she had to meet someone, maybe the captain since she said he’s an old friend of hers, and she won’t be coming back for a while so I’m alone and bored.”

“Woah, calm down,” the guy said. “I don’t know, have you tried registering for the Aevium League?”

“The League? But like, that means I have to travel all around the region and stuff. I want to stay in Gearen, go to university, make new friends and invite them over to party!”

“Uh well, maybe don’t register then.”

“Alright. I’m still bored. You know what, I should show you my collection of minerals! Bummer, I should’ve shown them to that girl who just left too, she’s so missing out.”

I grabbed my two black boxes full of gems out of my bag.

“You see, I’m a mineral collector,” I said with pride. “But I just started last December because Celestia, my second oldest sister, gave me one of these collection boxes as a Christmas present. My household doesn’t follow the Christian religion, but we always celebrate Christmas. Christmas is quite weird, don’t you think? Anyway, look, I have a rose quartz my oldest sister Rosetta gave me. I also have a tourmaline, tiger eye, some jaspers-”

“You know what, if you’re looking to make a lot of friends in Aevium, I’d recommend you to sign up for the League so you meet more people and make more friends,” the guy said, scratching his head.

I paused and closed my collection box.

“Now that you say that,” I said, placing a hand on my chin. “That makes a lot of sense! Travelling isn’t too bad if you can meet more people. Maybe I can participate in parties each town I visit! That would be fantastic!”

The guy let out a sigh, pulled my arm and hastily led me to the room he had exited from moments ago. There were a dozen or so machines that looked like computers, but not every one of them was in use.

“Here you can do the sign ups,” the very kind guy said. “I’m leaving now, bye.”

“Wait-” I called back, but the guy was already out of the door and and out of my sight. “Oh well, I doubt this will be too complicated.”


I pressed the switch to turn on the monitor. The display showed the face of a smiling short-haired woman, who, despite probably welcoming multiple League challengers per day, didn’t seem weary from her job at all.


“Hello, this is Amanda. It is my duty to get newborn trainers like you out on the road and ready to go,” the woman said.

“Great, I’m Violetta. I decided to be a trainer a minute ago, so hope I won’t screw things up!”

“A minute ago? That is some extra-quick judgment,” Amanda laughed. “Let’s take a picture of you for your trainer card, alright? Take two steps back and strike a pose.”

I did as was told. I smiled, but my whole-body picture was too small to make out most of my facial features.

“Nice picture. Congratulations, Violetta. You’re now registered for the Aevium League! Be sure to visit the Gearen Lab so I can hand you your newbie trainer starter kit and your brand new starter pokemon.”

“Oh my nachos, I’m so super excited~ I’ll be arriving at the Oceania Port around 8PM so I’ll hit you up then!”

We said bye a couple of times to each other, and she hung up on me. The machine printed out my trainer card. I was pleased with the glossy texture.


“Let’s go, let’s go! I wonder what mom will say when she finds out I’m now a trainer ehehehe~”

Now with still 45 minutes to kill, I headed out to find more people to talk to. Perhaps I could make a new friend in the ship as well? Then we’d be besties even when we leave the ship. Such thoughts tickled my mind as I went up the stairs.


“Oh, I hear some pleasant classical music,” I said to myself, and then shut my mouth to listen. “It’s coming from upstairs. Let’s see who is our resident pianist~”

I jumped up the stairs two by two, and reached the floor that had a grand piano stationed. The piano player was a girl a little older than me or maybe my age? That’s not important, but she had a pink creature with large green eyes who was humming alongside her playing.

I waited for them to finish playing music, with nothing more than anxiety. The piece was pleasant and all, but I couldn’t wait to make friends with her!

When she finally played the last note, I quickly approached her so she wouldn’t accidentally start a new piece.

“Hello there, you’re a very talented pianist. Your pink friend is a good hummer too, I was really moved by the music,” I said.

The girl smiled at me, and the pink creature seemed increasingly pleased at the complement.

“Ah, thank you. I’m glad you liked the music,” she said. “It’s my first time playing on a ship, so I was nervous when the Captain asked me to play for the feast tonight.”

“Oh, you’ll be playing tonight? How exciting! I’ll be cheering for you when you do, be sure of it.”

“Thanks. I was practicing just now, so I think I’ll be alright.”


That comment made me feel a little guilty and worried at the same time, so I went ahead and asked the pertinent question.

“Um, were you planning to practice more? I’d hate to intrude, but I’m also so bored and there’s still 40 minutes till the feast. I was just looking for someone to pass the time with.”

“No, I’m fine,” she replied. “It’d be bad if I practiced the same piece over and over. Everyone would already be tired of hearing that piece.”

The girl laughed, and I laughed too.

“That’s true, and I’m glad,” I nodded, and took out my accordion photo album and my two mineral collection boxes. “Then maybe you’re bored too and want to talk? I have a lot to say so I’m sure 40 minutes will pass by in a flash.”


And pass by in a flash it did, at least for me.

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AHH! IT'S UPLOADED! Short but hey. It was still entertaining. This needs to become an Anime. 😛 This feels soooo weird though. Like, there's more people involved and the main character is really... The best way I can describe her is if she took a month's worth of coffee and she's just WAAAAAY eager to make friends and just party and just ugh! I love this! I can't wait for more! 😄

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  On 7/10/2018 at 11:07 PM, J-Awesome_One said:

AHH! IT'S UPLOADED! Short but hey. It was still entertaining. This needs to become an Anime. 😛 This feels soooo weird though. Like, there's more people involved and the main character is really... The best way I can describe her is if she took a month's worth of coffee and she's just WAAAAAY eager to make friends and just party and just ugh! I love this! I can't wait for more! 😄


Short so I could break the whole ship scene in two episodes lul besides I think y'all can't take too much of Violetta at once- I know I can't 😂

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  • 1 month later...
  On 9/8/2018 at 4:33 AM, J-Awesome_One said:

My life is feeling incomplete with no updates on this. T___T


No worritos I think I'll update starting again the week of the 17th 😊 I moved and was busy getting all my new stuff + my Mac cooperating and dying on me (got a new one yesterday)

This was supposed to be going on in the meanwhile that I prepped for FEtR but prolly it'll go side by side oof let's see if I can fit it into my new schedule hehe

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  On 9/8/2018 at 2:59 PM, Candy said:

No worritos I think I'll update starting again the week of the 17th 😊 I moved and was busy getting all my new stuff + my Mac cooperating and dying on me (got a new one yesterday)

This was supposed to be going on in the meanwhile that I prepped for FEtR but prolly it'll go side by side oof let's see if I can fit it into my new schedule hehe


Ohhhh. I thought you were still on vacation. Unless this is part of your vacation...? That's stupid. Sorry. Just woke up and my brain is not working at 100% right now. Haha.

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  On 9/8/2018 at 4:07 PM, J-Awesome_One said:

Ohhhh. I thought you were still on vacation. Unless this is part of your vacation...? That's stupid. Sorry. Just woke up and my brain is not working at 100% right now. Haha.


Ye classes haven't started yet but orientation does start next week (for 2 weeks) and also have been going out everyday to buy stuff. Besides my Mac was dead all of last week pretty much so even if I'd had time, I couldn't have written stuff without it lel

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