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My Little Pony General


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I know I'm not the only brony/ponyfan in Reborn, so

My Little Pony General is what it is says, uh, generally. We discuss the show and fan stuff and stuff and whatnot.

Let's start off with this:

Have any(pony) seen the Molestia blog/idkwhatit'ssupposedtobe?


I really liked the art and the uh, somewhat questionable stuff they draw.

You can find it here: http://askprincessmolestia.tumblr.com/

Anyhow, does anyone have a best pony? (obviously Spike doesn't count;he's a dragon)

Mine is best-tier

TzkKPbt.gifPinkie Pie

What's yours?

Do you have any pony items?



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Favorite pony?

--That's a really hard one, subjective to the day. I'd have to say Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, FLuttershy, and of course Derpy. I can't choose just one.


--Buying some Rainbow Dash headphones soon, but that's gonna be a while. Nothing else, I guess.


--No, but a friend of mine does~

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Favorite pony is without a doubt the fabulous Rarity. She's so awesome *squee*

I have a bunch of ponies t-shirts and some of the little figurines.

I'm not sure if you mean original content or original character.

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Seconding Pinkie for best pony.

The only pony item I have is a limited edition glittering pinkie pie figuring. c:

Oh and also an older Princess Celestia and Princess Luna model thingy complete with a hairbrush and accessories.


oh and saya got me a rainbow dash shirt. I'm not sure if Kitty still has it though...

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Favorite episode is definitely Part of One, Pinkamena is just too adorable. <3

For least favorite, yeah, I could second Babs Seed, or, I tend to not like the crusader episodes in general too much.

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Seconding Magic Duel as favorite (cuz dayum Trixie)

Least favorite? The 'Racist Barn.episode (can' remember the name), the plot was terrble and tje singing sounded like a llama trying to rhyme.

Not a question but I'll say my favorite song s the Canterlot Wedding's Loves in Bloom

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Oh, the 'What my cutue mark is telling me.'

Twilight's transformantion was acceptable but if you're going to spam songs every 5 minutes to introduce this then fuck this shit

Am I the only one who loves Magical Mystery Cure due to the songs? =3

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My brony friends always do this thing where they associate a pony with people's personalities, and I've been associated with Cadence multiple times, sooo...

Applejack, because Honesty is something I really hold up high and look for in people.

I might not really be what you call a pegasister, since I'm normally out of the scene and only watch it once in a while, but the times I do watch it, it's enjoyable. I have a 2in Applejack figure on my shelf, along with a lot of different stuff.

I just like to love and tolerate, it's a nice message. If only it stopped trolls :c

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My favorite is the episode with "Becoming Popular" in it. I forgot the name. Also, OC flood inbound:


That's Sugarplum Down. She's very shy and reserved to a fault, but is extremely empathetic.


Silk Ribbon was meant to be similar to Rarity, but more Prench and an interior designer.


Doobie Munch was my pothead OC. 4/20 baby.


I dabbled in sketching. His name is Argyle Scrolls. Kinda a brainiac, not so great socially.


This is Jory. My username on the site he was made on was actually Possum, but it was eventually changed to Jory due to this. That name has been with me ever since.

So... yeah. I also had the username Sweetie Belle as well as The Doctor on the one site I used all of those for (frienshipismagic.org). The site is actually down due to issues with the host and probably isn't gonna be coming back :c

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Your OCs get a solid 7/10.

Not bad, but the color scheme could get some working on.


We all know Sweetie Belle's cutie mark would be rslated to singing, Homeles- I mean Scootaloo would be related to stunts and tricks, whhat about Applebloom? My guess would be umm... planning? She did plan the cuitemark crusaders show (i think)

forgiive the typos ive goten the silvwr flu
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Scootaloo's talent is with her scooter

Applebloom is really good at design things. Not clear what form that'll take , but she is definitely highly artistically expressed.


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I wad thinking perhaps Applebloom would take on a cutie mark related to apples,so I really couldn't think up of ome, but artistic talent sound logical however trend-breaking it may be.

Also, I couldn't understand why they gave Rarity a cutie mark for Generosity. The only times she ever showed generously is yhe first two episodes.


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cuz we're all friends, that's what friends doo

Nah, it's just a sign of her outstanding generosity.

Applebloom - Carpentry/Building. (Float; Babs Seed) and other things I cannot recall.

Scootaloo - Scooter tricks/stunts.

Sweetie Belle - Singing.

Just the general speculation; I hope it'll be different, as it won't be engaging/interesting if it's what the fans speculated for like 2 years.

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