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ITT: Ame types while falling asleep


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I never write as much as I mean to, even when I have things to say, I can never seem to find the time to write.
And when I do find the time to write- for instance, now- I never have the frame of mind to write about what I had wanted to.
Time is stupid like that.
But as I lay down to sleep, on the verge of crying for a reason that remains utterly unknown even to me, I figure I may as well further exhaust my laptop. Writing tends to help my mood, and while it's true I do my best when I am utterly miserable, I havenm't the energy to commit that mood to any such work right now.
So I have this neat little program that functions as a notepad, but on a black screen. Great for maintaining the darkness my whirring fingers so love. And I know my keyboard well, for I use it more or less constantly. So here I am quite comfy, my hands plugged into the keys.
I'm going to close my eyes now, and just type as I feel fit. In fact, I think I will desliberately leave this completely uneditted when I post it. You'll see the cascade of typos not only from misplaced fingers, but misplaced thoughts as well.
My eyes are closed now. The screen is tilted back, so evenn w eere I to open them as I am so tempted to do to fix those like seven typos I just made, I couldn't seee them. So, what now? I think I'll simply go to sleep again. Perhaps if I'm really luy, I'll typoe something ina dream
Good night, readers~
Except, you know, not really since I'm not like
... you know
Switching positions/ Hopefully my hands are in the right place again. This is hardly comfy to typoe in any case, but
I've more of a chance getting to sleep like this- on my side, rather than my back./ I always have to sleep around a blanket, or at least, it's comfiest that way. Sometimes in deklliriu I pretend to myself that I
, jpdomg sp,epme O pve/ Bit tjere's no one I love, so tjhat's difficult. Even if there were osomeone I loved I wouldn't let mself think of them that way unless I already knew they felt the same. So Ispend a lot of time tinking about not thinking abotu people.
I can feel the trains of thought in my mind dereailing. By the way, I have to wonder why derailing isn't perceived as more romantic a word. It's like running away, onto the undiscovered road. A rail is a simple path back and forth- it's predictable and routine. That's the kind of life we lead. So if someone is derailed, what will they do? Where could they go?
I think thgat's a wonderful thoughtl. But then again any thought is wonderful to me, if I can possibl extort it into me vanishing from this wold.
I would wish that I was adopted osmehow as a victorian ladyy, but I suppose thats rather rasha s the ladies then had it worse off than anyone. Nonethe less, 'tis an aesthetic fascinaztion I have, perhaps. I'm not sure hwat else. Ah, yes, my dreams are taking me to a book store now. I'm afraid my thoughts re skipping stones and scenes faster than my fingers can quite recount for you all. Bu wer're in a bookstore looking at the manga. Well, there were aac couple series I was interested in, but overall nothing major. Do you think that if I lift up my hands the weight of the computer will topple it over?
No, probably not.
Well anyway I imagine that would be somehting that they would calculate first
I officially habe no diea wha tt they ewre talkoing about
so yeah. idek if I want to reallyt past. but get heavy into
I esd tod there was a girl who iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mnie==eiw / My rthougbts srtayed to Pokemon and freedn=ung befr=ir I haoid
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To me, there's something romantic, about falling asleep with my fingers at a keyboard. I've plugged myyself in again. I've wanted to do this more, actually, but haven;t. Anyway, good night.
If only I could work it so my right arm were lesss trained while dopoing this. I'm als still really afraid the computer will be kncoked off the edfge of the bed whemn I sleep but #tolo.
Anyway U;nm akready super tired and I know I'm typoinjg a lot jesis my arm hurts hold on
ok thank u for holding im sure it was very difficult for you to read past those 2 like braks
trophy 4 u.
but yeah there;s nothing i want to do and ive been so tired lately so ill just
finger my way to dreamland
bvecause that doesnt sound like an 80's lesbian porn flick,
not that im a coniseur of 80's porn, or lesbian porn,
or any porn
that you know of
i still canmt find a good position for my right arm
fuck you gravity
i quit
idk im tired, and im imagining people in bug dinosauir suits
brb checkking distance to edg of bed
kuje ab ubcg =, ijatm sguftubg,
okm evertthing is going 2 b ok
except my arm which will fall off
so these are my thouights tring to fall asleep and they're super tainted by the inconviniences of computering while doing that
which i guess is to be expected
computering totally needs to be a verb btw
who decidede the word berv
or any word for that matter
unga rtonga uool lkaa limpah
ganlge is secretly world god
im imagining link and amanadu both doingas htye will but mgy bodd just stolu mi tem. i am lsing it really hard right now nad dear god i cannot reach that y keyy with your spill oj i mean about minions ben i sm th identitt of kings
o am fan wag
i am so tired i tjink this is i am thje torture of a werewolf
and i am well aware that im making ew sense im just tryiung to thhri 3020? you b u an bit abn iotuib jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
[[There were about three more pages of just j's. Snipped for length.]]
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Okay so I'm even more tired tongith than I was last night- presently it's five in the morning so thatm might have omething to do wo tih it, but I'm pliugged in and yea h just epect me to start fin and slowly deteriorate becaue that seem to be the case
At least until the rr or whatever can raise hee weaoin necessaru o asistance i feekk
I came here to ask a question bur jnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[[snipped another several pages of 'm' spam here.]]
[[When I awoke I found that over the night I had accidentally set the program's text size to maximum. I still have not figured out how to undo this.]]
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I'll be surprised if I don;t burn out on this one pretty quick too. At least, not once I get comfortable, if that ever happens.
I', super anxious about tomorrow because on one hadn it's supposed to snow like a motherfcukcer, because motherfuckers snow a lot I guess, and on the other hand I'm so afraid it'll wimp out and I've already yolo'd and decdied to not go to my early class and if that doesn't cancel myg rade might hurt a little bit
But fuck me if I'm trudging through the snow for an a class that doesnt even last that long and then I wait around for like 89898 years.
so I didnt exactly do anything producitive tonight, I ended up just looking up pictures of Madoka x Homura because I've never had an ITP until now. and they're b looody adorable and I'm super jellu that she has someone like Homura who's willing to go to those extents and i's just
a giant
And it makes me actually feel lonly which is, one on hand, interesting, and rather apppropriate for a tea party, and on the other hand, slightly painful.
...Wait, tea party? Hm, where did that come from...
Well, I seem to have started slipping. Edge points out that when I start to et elquent is when I start to make typos. I point out that he's spsychonanalyxing unstable slep patters in an individual with four root beers.
I do not have four rootbeers, but don;t hkkk him that- is secer, wyat uif /U'v Wyaht if I'm nor goodenough fir people tob be cinbtiuaklly assumykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
what fu tge
I accidentlly just deleted everything there

I had more too but I accudentally deleted that when I woke up too. >>

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So I had actuallly planned not to write tongith but after laying in bed in the dark and silence for twenrty minutes and my thoughts showing no signs of slowing I figured this miguht help to clear them
And I'm sure there'll be some massive spam of letters to amuseme in the morning. I d unno who by I get a kick out of seeing how I fell asleep. >> Note with last night when I oke up I totally derped the copy paste or something (som,ething I did multiple times throoughout the day!) so I totally missed my letter spam. What I wsa able to post I had actually saved last night when last night I accientally deleted it and trhe Ctrl + saved me.
So yeah, back to trying to go to sleep and seeing hat toughts race.
I have no clue how badly I may or may not be typoing this.
I wonder if when I do the research study if they'll let me sleep type trhere. Pro ba l not.
I definitely typio'd hard there. And there too, huh.
See, I klow what's going on. I just am not dixing it. This is a consciousnecision.
Semi conscious.
I really, really hope I get approved for that study tough. Making two thousand dollars for two weeks work would be seven different flavors of fantastic. And frankly, at this point if I don't get that money, I don't know what I'll do. I'm actually kinda super stressed. Between tests and papers and looking for a job and various other expenses, ick. That's mostly what's keeping me up, I think. I may havve ofund a jobv, but. Idk. It's not for sure.
I can close my eyes and see things. I'll describe what I see. Cureently lit looks kind of like the Ice Climbers, but in Adventure Time's animation style. And they have really long tongues. I only saw one episode, but I wouldn't be surprised if all of Adventure Time was based off of hypnogagia.
Hypnogagia is a really cool word, if I typed it right. Not many people know it. Basically, it's where I a right now- the state between being awake nad being asleep where you're kind of ina conscious dreamliek state and see things that aren't relly real, and while you know they aren't rel your mind reacts to it anyway,m like a pesuod dream. Last night I randomly mentioned tea party and root beers. I was experiencing hypnogagic effects related to those things.
Now I see someone who kinda looks like doo I tpyo------ I typiifbdhbjhfv I sn am missing everything. There we go, I totally lost my key bearing there, so I just-- sdtarting over. ANWAU. bfhfdv yes, again. ANUW ANUWAU x 5 I'mseeing someone who kinda looks like doible D from Ed Edd and Eddy- a show I aven't seen forever, and in fact have always kinda hated because it was just so gross. Like everything about it. Ed was gross. Edd was gross. Eddy was the least gross but was also still really ghross. The animation was gross. They found a way to make candy gross. The trailer park girls were-
Eugh, don't even get me started on them, that was nightmare material. Good job to the writers on their characters, but ew.
The least gross thing in that show as Plank.
Plank is that show's sole redeeming quality.
....so how is everyone.
dont respond.
i see how it is.
That was suposed to be the broken heart thing but I feel like butchered it horribly.
What if wolfgang amadeus mozaart was actually a gang of wolves
okay stop ame tht's just silly
you're never silly.
I now see a sort of striped cat thing. Itss shape and movement is kinda like Mew, nbut its colours are stripes, grey, brown, black and a light cyan. It's still cute.
It's floating the rions of a town. Buildins are levelled, the rubble is smouldering.. In the bacvkground, fire claims the last standing building, an old chuirch.
It may have been the church in that one painting by... A romantic period artist, haat was his name... I did a presntation pon him in my freshman year. Or senior year. Or something. Uhhh. JHas a D and an F in it. I dunno. I fold.
He did some amazing stuff.
Anyway the burning church reminded me of one of his pictures of a ruined chuirch, though that on as in the snow.
Now I see an owl witha stray feather hanging from its wing. The owl itself kinda looks like tarly.
Iss there an Owl Pokemon?
Noctowl. ok.
You know what kind of Pokemon there i not?
Also dolphin but I don't care about that as much.
Like okay
they have hyena
random uniquitous four legged cfurry cute mammals everywhere
which is ok
but tey don't have a wolf proper
Whcihc ios sad because there are SO many amazing potential things for it
n-not like i wanted a cute wolfie anyway... baka gamefreaksenpai desu!
speaking of desu soooooo exvited for rozen maiden season 3. jily . eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. okay that was me squaealing, not falling asleep on the eeee key. I dunno why I said eee key and not e kehy. E key. Yes, good.
so it's three sevnenteen and im still not tired. i didnt even have any caffiene. wtf.
stop bodg
go the fuck to sleep.
this is what i get for stying up so late last night
soo i totally skipped out on my class this morning because lol fuck waking up to go stand at the bus stop in the snow at seven in the morning
i mised the review session fo rthe test and i was super afraid that iw as going to fail since it's m first 4000 level clss and ive had a class before with this instructor and failed it
but this test
i naield it
see what idid there i rhymed
anyway im super relieved about tht
now i just have to geta thee other like 98549384 papers out of the wy abnd by tghat i mean like three.
but before that i have to sleep.
wwhat if i didnt go to sleep but instead
windows motherufcking updates just pops up beind my dark screen rpgram and then so i dont see it and just decieds to randomy lre restart my compuer midsentence.
...Actually I wanted to be more upset about this but it autosaved for me so I can't
As I was trying to say, what if I didnt sleep but instead stayed up all night working onm my schoolwork
because that thought alone makes me substantially more tired
okay lets think of all te other boring things i could be doing\
i could be
doing chores
i could because wsalking somewhjere or on the bus
i could
this isnt working
why am i not tired
that had a nice rhtym to how it was typed, the ugh did,l it's a shame you all will never know it
actually I'l be surprised if anyone is still reading this
once ig et dumber ill get intot he one liner phase. I just need my four root beers
Now I'm seeing a very cute honey maid, and I'm not sure wht a honey maid is, but that's definitely what my mind is calling her. She's in a yellow dress and apron with brown hair in pigtails and holding a lovely giant four story choclate cake.
She's adorable. perhaps the only good use of the colour yellow
ou go hypnogagia.
if youre wondering how ic an see tht update since im not looking at the screen its because the white pop up box is siubstantially brighter tjam tje bblack screena dn lights up my room a lot, which ic an see throughmy eyelids
isnt that ust the wirdist thought, seeing through one's eyelids? when I was younger I would close my eyes and look at the sun and just see my eyelids as a bright red and i was like is the sun red??????????
wht i was seeing was the light reflecting throgught he pink of my flesh
wow late night relevaltions
i just had a vision of a man vomutting a sowrd
mind, what r u doin
it was a very long, thick, orange sword. he was an ansime samurai, with that stereoptyical stupidpontail thing really high on his head. I'm all for having ponytails on boys, but not lik the warrior wolf tail things. as cool as that sounds, it is a fashion no no. \
Mulan was an amazing movie and also a really stupid one.
no iw ouldnt do that to you
its like the new rick roll
but not rick
and not a roll
and not like a rick roll at a ll.
carry on.
okay i am getting little tired. very little, nbuit i will write about it in the hopes of making it more true. i meow
ther's the vatigue
half my bod jut ern numb.
eho eatns a story?
whaat if i wow i feel like im moving am i moving like in a c ar am i bieing kidnapped
i want to press yes
what does yes do?
oh right i forgot cain had them too
im talking about a pizzle set up im seeing in my head
its forcing itself ou t of the oicture though
i saw that dominiong grab
thaz not what i meant to say
ome girl like peaked into the camera jus t like hi sup and move along
but irecognzie him ! siretaltely
'm going to pretend that was a leeible sammich btu really all they neededwas to down the wter supply mean i take long to break than a kit kat bar
i liek how it says shut up before hitting the ground
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