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Stickers...i want them.



already beat shelly and ill soon go to bysbyxion wasteland and i only have 2 stickers. the one i started with, and the one for saving the girl stuck in the big building in Beryl Ward and talking to her friend in Peridot. I'm certain there is at least one more available but i have no idea where or how to get it.

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  On 7/6/2013 at 1:17 AM, Caesar said:

When is a windy day?

Check the entrance to the Obsidia slums. If there are hoppips flying around then it is windy

Edited by Kev
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  On 7/6/2013 at 10:54 PM, Caesar said:

Any reason I can't find the boy with the scolipede horde after rescuing him?

Did you go talk to the mother at Lapis ward after rescuing him from the drifloon? He only appeared for me after I went to the mother then back to Jasper ward.

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Here's a little guide I did. I didn't include the fourth one, because I wasn't quite there when I made the video :P

But the fourth one in in the Railnet behind a locked gate thing. You have to line the tracks up with it, and there's a guy. You save his life, and then meet him and his girly friend in the Obsidia PokeCenter.

Edited by Nickaboo92
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Find them for the stickers:

The boyfriend is in the pokemon center in obsidia after you rescue him,

the little boy you rescued is in the Lapis Ward, in the house next to the PokeMart.

Next to the north staircase that connects the Jasper and Peridot Wards at the bottom, there are some buildings on the East side of the stairs. Go inside, and soon you will find the right one. There was originally only one but now there are two people inside. Talk to the friend who was worried, and she will give you the sticker.

Rescue them!

The boyfriend is found in the railnet, but you have to adjust the tracks so that the gate opens to the west side. It is south a bit from th entrance.

The little boy is by the Abandoned power plant where you battle Shade, and you either beat or catch the Driftloom.

In the Beryl Ward, go through the woods, and go as high north as possible, and when you re-enter the Ward, you will reach a single accessible building. Go inside, and you enter the elevator. If you are able to access it, you can get to the 2nd floor. talk to the girl and she will escape.

Someone send me a message to remind me what the last one was. I can reach the 5th floor now. I believe there may soon be something to do with the little boy in the Main Street of Obsidia, but no current events (that I know of) will allow you to help him.

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There is a new sticker you can get now with episode 9...A woman in front of the Pokemon Center in Spinel town gets teleported to the Chrysola Forest...Talk to her, she asks for medicine...Give her medicine, she leaves, meet her back at town, and Ta DA! new sticker! I dont know if you can do this after the plot of episode 9, since you stop the teleporting source....

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Where in Spinel town is that lady? I healed her, but I haven't seen her.

Nevermind, 5 minutes after I typed this I found her on the bench (she wasn't there before tho).

Edited by AveMatic
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I took out the Abra so that nothing will Teleport anymore, but the lady on the bench in Spinel Town that teleports and hurts her leg won't Teleport now. I read up above that you can still do this event after terminating Abra, but as far as I've gathered that doesn't seem to be the case. Is there a specific requirement i.e weather that has to be in effect for her to teleport?

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I think it has to be clear weather... I THINK...

But i've never seen any reports of the event not working after the Abra thingy... Maybe it's not supposed to work?

i don't know, i'd love to test it but going ALL the way back to Spinel Twon is kinda of annoying...

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