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Curious if any of the rest of you Reborn fans are also fans of the Yakuza series? Admittedly, I'm a fairly new fan. I had played Yakuza 4 back on the PS3 back when it was first released. Felt a little lost (I was taking up the 4th game in a series after all) so eventually set it aside, but I enjoyed what I played.


Fast forward to about 2 months ago when I picked up Yakuza 0. Hoo Boy! I was instantly hooked on Zero. The characters, the combat, the mini games, the world and the story: everything was incredible! I found myself both getting a rush and wiping away a tear throughout various scenes! It takes a lot to elicit such emotions from me during games these days...I'm dead inside after years of JRPGS, haha! Anyway, after putting 80+ hours into a game I was ready to laugh away as a beat-em-up at first, I knew I was hooked!


So last night I finally started up Yakuza Kiwami. For those not in the know, Kiwami is a PS4 remake of the original Yakuza game from the PS2. Once again, I can tell I'm playing something special! Kiwami 2 (a remake of Yakuza 2) is being released in a few months and I'm already excited! Can't wait to see the series through to the finish! It's so cool to think that I've got 4 full games to go after this one!  


I've seen folks throw out terms like "Japanese GTA", and that's a very big misconception. Not that GTA is a bad series or anything, but the two really couldn't be more different, to the point you can't even really compare the two. 


But yeah, figured I'd make a thread for folks to discuss this awesome series if they see fit! 


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  • 2 months later...

After sitting Kiwami down for a month to finally do my Metal Gear Solid franchise playthrough, I picked it up again last night. Immediately remember why I love these games so much. I can't recommend them enough. 

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