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Stuck on Aya :/


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Got my team here and I'm majorly stuck on Aya, and could use a little help. My team is...

1) Gigalith Lvl: 41 526.png

Attacks - Smack Down, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Stealth Rock

2) Gardevoir Lvl 44 282.png

Attacks - Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Magical leaf

3) Drapion lvl 40 / Toxicroak lvl 42452.png or 454.png

Attacks Drapion - Venoshock, Honeclaws, Night Slash, Toxic Spikes

Attacks Toxicroak - Mud Bomb, Revenge, Venoshock, Faint Attack

4) Exploud lvl 43 295.png

Attacks - Crunch, Uproar, Strength, Rock Smash

5) Unfezant lvl 44 521-f.png

Attacks - Air Slash, Roost, Air Cutter, Quick Attack

6) Samurott lvl 44 503.png

Attacks - Aqua Jet, Revenge, Grass Knot, Water Pulse

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Pretty sure you won't be able to brute force your way through it. I tried using Gigalith too thinking I'll just spam Rock Slide and resist all the poison lololo except that didn't work at all because she has a lot of super effective moves on her team and I never really got a chance to use it.

Looking at what you have though, can you get Sucker Punch back on Toxicroak somehow? You'd probably be able to deal with Gengar easily with it. If not, Drapion would be your best bet in that area. Try to use Gardevoir in the beginning because it'll just get one-shotted by Drapion or Gengar later on anyway. If you haven't seen her full team yet, I believe it's Muk, Tentacruel, Nidoqueen, Gengar, Drapion, and Seviper- maybe that'll help you plan ahead or something. I won 2-0 so it's probably going to be close no matter what you do, unless you're Inuki. Trying to think of things that aren't really far out of the way and don't need tons of training...

As far as I remember, Magneton is really good here, as a way to deal with Tentacruel plus the poison immunity- all the better if you manage to get off Thunder Wave on Gengar, because that should allow Gardevoir to come in and snipe it. That's basically exactly what I did, except I had Lanturn instead and Mawile as a Steel-type. You miiiiiight have to get lucky to dodge a Focus Blast, but it's worth a shot, I think. Drapion is probably going to be the biggest issue because of the Dark-type and its sole weakness is Ground, something I don't think anyone reliably has covered at this point. You should be able to handle Nidoqueen with Samurott, but idk for sure.

Might edit with more but for now there's that

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i didn't have that much trouble with aya since i kind of swept it with my flygon and luxray (earthquake/power and crunch).

the only thing that troubled me was the muk, i would leave him till the end and he would just keep disabling my moves while his evasiveness was at max D: try to avoid this i guess.

goodluck ^^

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Well, what we could do is create specific threads for specific kinds of problems within the Reborn game. That'd make it easier to reply to many individual questions and problems, and would be a lot more clean than a million threads asking different questions.

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my Crobat's acrobatics and Gravler's bulldoze came in handy with her

and I think having one thread for everyone's problems will get very disorganized very quickly. Many question will go unanswered as new posts bury old ones before they can be addressed.

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Wait, nevermind. I was thinking of something totally different.

Uhm, Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch ERRYTHING No, but seriously, get Sucker Punch on one of your Pokemon. That'll take care of Gengar. Gardevoir's Magical Leaf won't really do anything against her poison types, so...maybe replace it?

Edited by SapphireSkyWillow
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my Crobat's acrobatics and Gravler's bulldoze came in handy with her

and I think having one thread for everyone's problems will get very disorganized very quickly. Many question will go unanswered as new posts bury old ones before they can be addressed.

That's why I recommended making specific threads for different kinds of problems in the games. That way, it wouldn't all be sorted all in one thread. Per quote:

"Well, what we could do is create specific threads for specific kinds of problems within the Reborn game."

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also, instant love because Garde <3

Just try and remove whatever you can and let Garde get a few CM's up. Remove Grapion at all costs. Gigalith can be amazing for that.


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You could try catching a Sandshrew, they're in that cave where Team Meteor took Victoria before you fought Shelly. If you do catch one, make sure it has a speed boosting nature, well except timid for obvious reasons. It doesn't learn Earthquake till level 46, but, it should still prove very useful. At the very least, more reliable than that Gigalith. :P

Other than that, it just comes down to luck, and how long you're willing to keep at it. She's easily one of the hardest leaders in the game so far, if not the hardest one. But... just keep at it and you'll win eventually.

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Gah, I'm in for a rough battle with her. @.@

Poison vs Poison, for the most part.

I believe Magmar and Crogunk, soon to be Toxicroak will be my best assets. I'm going to have only one shot with Magmar, if he manages to Level Up I'm so boned.

Seeing as my Heavy Hitter is literally one level above the cap... Feraligatr is almost useless as a result... >->

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Yeah, I had an Alakazam on my side(which was Modest btw) and still barely won 2-0. And I had other threats like Togekiss and Scrafty. Also, focus both attacks on a certain pokemon of hers each time. May sound noobish, but the quicker you get a pokemon of hers down, the better. The most threatening, of course.

Anyway, Patrick. If you don't feel like training up a Sandshrew. Lead with Gardevoir and Toxicroak. Like stated above, focus on one pokemon only. Super potion when needed, and if need be, sac Gigalith to heal someone important. One last thing, my Alakazam took a Shadow Ball from her Gengar, and I know that Gardevoir is more bulky. So she should be able to take a hit and KO if at the right amount of HP.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys, same problem here.

I'm a little bit stuck on her.

My Team is:

Golem lv 39

- Earthquake

- Smack Down

- Rock Blast

- Stealth Rock

Feraligatr lv 45

- Water Gun

- Ice Fang

- Crunch

- Cut

Magmar lv 44

- Fire Punch

- Sunny Day

- Faint Attack

- Confuse Ray

Ninetales lv 38

- Flame Burst

- Confuse Ray

- Quick Attack

- Faint Attack

Crobat lv 49 (He was lv 45 when i battled Aya for the first time but now he is a little bit useless)

- Acrobatics ( No item holding at the moment )

- Bite

- Confuse Ray

- Poison Fang

Emolga lv 46 ( Same thing as crobat )

- Acrobatics ( No holding item )

- Spark

- Agility

- Volt Switch

EDIT: Was no problem after all

Edited by DICK
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Try adding a bit more variety, you have 2 flying and 2 fires. Keep Ninetails to nullify her tentacruel the first round, but add magneton/magnezone for a good steel type.

Camerupt was my star for this battle as soon as tentacruel was knocked out.

Arbok and Banette were great for me too with arbok using glare and mud bomb/crunch and then banette using will-o-wisp and hex.

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  • 9 months later...

My Noibat and Drifblim are way to weak for this battle. My only hopes are my Gardevoir, Gyarados and Pyroar. Venusaur helps with Dragalge and Nidoqueen a bit

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Pay attention to dates mate. This topic is kinda old already. Locked.

I'm having some problems here, so sorry for the double post. But locked.

EDIT: Yeah, solved.

Edited by Vinny953
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