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Indecisive/Help me with my team!

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I’m one of those types that can’t decide what to use on a team because I like so many kinds  of Pokémon. Anyways, my current team is Infernape, Garchomp, Honchkrow, Azumarill, Magnezone, and Espeon. I love my team, but I must admit it’s frail. So, I’ve trained up an Alolan Muk, Gardevoir, and Vaporeon. Espeon and Azumarill have more offense, but Gardevoir and Vaporeon give me more defense. Alolan Muk and Honchkrow same situation, only A. Muk gives me a third ground weakness. I LOVE honchkrow, but it’s one shotted by pretty much everything and struggles in the many double battles in this game. However, Moxie Sucker Punch has come in clutch quite a few times. What do you guys think?

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I'd say keep honchkrow, 2 immunities with sucker punch and moxie plus you love the Mon and I always encourage people to use the mons they love.


Maybe switch out espeon for a Sylveon? Pixie plate pixilate hyper voice hits pretty hard and with max hp and max defence invested in can be a really bulky Mon with wish support. You can also choose to run lefties on it.

You can also choose to switch out azu for A-ninetales. Nasty plot blizzard can hit hard plus you can set up veil so the rest of your team can take hits better as well.

You'll definitely need your magnezone to tank some steel and poison types with these 2 though.

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I'd say replace espeon and azumarill with the two you mentioned. Vaporeon has great hp and the bulk of a water type. Gardevoir works well with magnezone and has great sp. def. Keeping Honchkrow would be for the best since it's a very good sweeper and has a great ability. The fact that it's you favorite is also a great reason to keep it. Those are my suggestions.

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If you want something defensive, my suggestions would be Rotom-W, Aegislash and Ferrothorn. Rotom would give you the ground immunity, it has Wisp and an electric move so it could replace Magnezone. And if you want a steel type, Ferro and Aegislash can cover that easily if you swap out one more mon. Keep in mind that you can rotate out Pokemon as necessary. You don't have to use 6 and never anything else. I'd also suggest picking up an Excadrill since that mon is broken and could go in place of Garchomp if you are fighting fairy types and it actually has more attack as well as rapid spin in case you ever need that.


Again, I highly recommend having multiple battle ready mons in the PC so you use whatever you need for a particular battle. Honchkrow for example would fare much better in singles while Rotom-W+a ground type gives would give you free EQ and Discharge without hurting your own mon in doubles. A very nice combo.

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I'm just going to go ahead and agree with Gheist. I have at least 3 to 5 battle ready pokémon of each type, fully EV trained. Sure, some have more use and I tend to pick them out more than others (I mostly take my Blaziken instead of my Arcanine, for example) but I can confindently say that I have all bases cleared when it comes to typing and advantages just because I can select from such a huge roster and be confident in their abilities/moves/stats.

My best advice would be to encourage you to have a big selection of mons. And if at first you dont succeed, try again.


Call it superstition, but I never take out my super fang HM Slave Bibarel. Has worked well so far. You could also get yourself a noibat pretty early on and get it to Noivern easily. It's a powerful dragon/flying with access to moves like dragon pulse, boomburst and again, super fang, for that solid 50% health damage.

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