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Inuki realises his other title was redundant but cannot think of a better one


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ok so im the first things i'm going to talk about is elementary school.

idk why

i just feel like it

i actually wanted to do it yesterday or like two days before but i never ended up doing it

because tori volunteers or some shit at my old elementary school, so thats why



ok so sections here we go

Ok so kindergarden.. was gr8. well sorta. i didn't hate people yet, so that's a plus. plus we had snack time and recess and toyish time stuff that when it was over we got to sing along to some kickass music to clean up to c:

but the teacher for the first half of it was a total bitch. like she sat me next to this one girl who was kinda annoying really but i was just asking her for a pink crayon and she starts to talk midask and is like "she's gonna get you in trouble best stop talking" or some shit and im like lol you sat me here except not i just went all redfaced like always. the principal was also a huge dick he didn't let us talk at lunch like how do you expect 5 year olds to stay quiet during lunch r u stupid??? and then my first grade teacher happened and it was k c: like she came in half way and was great

shaving cream days were fun too yet looking back i really do not understand what the point, purpose, or skflsjdfsljflsdf what?

first grade wasn't even exciting that i remember? like i don't remember it at all, same for fourth grade.

oh except i think i met ashley then

she was nice.


nah she was


but i really liked her

like a lot

and i was like 6?

i should be thinking about cooties not how cute she was

i guess i matured too fast

ha ha ha

i guess i'll use this part to note how guys were jerks and girls were nice to me.

if only that carried over to today

except you know it kinda does. i actually am pretty sure i have more female friends than male friends.

but lol that was kinda enforced by the fact that i was a really really feminine kid. wouldn't have it any other way

the boys were always sad though, when i always asked to be on the girl's teams during educational battles where questions were asked and answering right got you points

i was also the only person i ever saw who was able to win "Around the world" a game where you go around the class 1v1ing people in math

fucking boss

ok so second grade was weird

like one kid literally jumped me

and hurt me a lot

except not really

but it was the thought that counted

and the teacher was like lol shut up youre fine faggot

and my mom was like hahhaha no

and shit went down

the teacher's aid was also a bitch

but eh

i don't even remember anything good about that year

there was also a shitton of mold in the classroom and im allergic to that shit

so i was sick like 100% of the time


third grade had like the best teacher ever she was awesome

but once when she was talking about how my paper was like a fucking masterpiece

she made special note of my "hyperbole"

and i was like

bitch please there was no hyperbole i was going 300 miles per hour check your privilege

4th grade i dont even remember so lets talk about the other things that happen in elementary school

ok so the gym teacher was fucking intimidating like eek

but our school had a mini-golf course

i got a hole in one by hitting the ball into a tree!

but yeah gym was fun

except kickball

kickball fucking sucks

Art was neat. though the teacher had really really big eyes

i was also allergic to wool so as a safety measure i had to use this like paper string stuff which was great because it was easier to get into holes asdjkasdasjdhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah fuck you other kids im special

i was shit with clay though

and art

and the teacher drew a start of something for me once

and this one girl was like "she didn't draw that" and i was like yeah she did and she was like " im not your friend anymore cause you lie" and im like "we were friends lol?"








And then 5th grade happened

and i got me first B

i was actually a straight a student


but the world didn't fall apart when i got my B

so it was like oh



and then i started to become a failure

anyway the teacher was a JERK

she always made fun of me </3

for no reason

but i was also the best person in the math ever

like in math lab

the teacher didn't even know the answer or how i got to it

so i explained it to the entire class

and like lol

also dividing fractions

what the fuck kids

how do you not understand this shit

all you have to do is FLIP IT



I should also note that i hate people

i had a perfect way of subtraction

where i simply carried a negative 1

but negatives didn't exist back then


wasn't allowed or some shit

fucking sucks

actually i was totally allowed my mom was just like "ew thats stupid and not by the book"

there was also this REALLY REALLY WERID SHIT that was like... guess division, i really don't even remember how or what i'm pretty sure the book person was on drugs at some point but like legit it was like.. estimated division where you didn't do any work and you just kinda like... 843/9 and it's like "THAT'S 50" and I'm like ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

oh and ashley broke up with me

but she didn't really because our relationship didn't actually happen apparently?


the untangled parallels we weave

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I had a lot more fun reading this than I should have

AROUND THE WORLD <333333333333333

jk hated that shit because one girl was always fuckong faster than me and would ruin my.perfect streak

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I won Around the World. Twice. c: Also I won it once for history, but that didn't count. I remember when I was smart c:

Also kickball is much more fun now that I can slam that shit.

Edited by Jory
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I loved both of those games, but we always ended up playing kickball more often cuz we could take one ball out for lunch and play it until class started up again. I sucked at kickball for while because it took a bit to get used to kicking the ball from a pitch. But then I ended up as one of those guys where they knew to spread out in the outfield. Me an' several others could kick the ball and have it land at the other end of the blacktop- a full 6 side-to-side basketball courts. And if you can catch that shit in dodgeball, it's even easier to catch it in kickball.

Also, since topic about life things, etc., topic moved to Trainer's Joural

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so everyone here is completely wrong for liking kickball over dodgeball.

So here's the things I forgot about elementary school

shit why can't i remember anything about 4th grade legit

in fact i can't even remember anything about the stuff i forgot about before but check back here for stuff cause if i remember it'll go here.


ok so my journal got glue exploded onto it and made it like completely unusable </3

home ec was COOL



cause the teacher was a bitch :C

Typer shark was cool too

i was da bess.

i impressed girls

hahaha no i didn't

you know i'm just gonna end it here brb

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  • 4 months later...
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im talking with wolfie about school so i figured i'd put meaningful quotes here cause that's exactly why i made this topic

[9/15/2013 11:59:42 PM] Inuki: did you know if you give me thin strips of wood and glue i will not make a plane i will make a mess

[12:00:14 AM] Crys: Did you have instructions or did you have to make one from scratch?
[12:00:21 AM] Inuki: i had instructions
[12:01:40 AM] Inuki: sadly the instructions didn't say "be really passive and never get the glue from the 20 other kids that also need it and make sure to break every piece of wood youhave in 3 different places especially when you put pins in it and if you ever do happen to get glue make sure it's already all dried up and in the case that it ISN'T make sure to get the one that HYPER DUMPS IT" because if it did i'd have gotten an A
[9/15/2013 11:53:03 PM] Inuki: meanwhile zzzzz i was like the only one in my class in middle school to get a 6 like the first time on that assignment
[9/15/2013 11:53:17 PM] Inuki: like you literally had to keep writing and rewriting it until she gave you a 6
[9/15/2013 11:53:27 PM] Inuki: and it was SO DUMB cause it was about a friend's fashion choices
[9/15/2013 11:53:35 PM] Inuki: and it was like lol have you seen me im a nerd?????????
[9/15/2013 11:53:41 PM] Inuki: who am i to judge
[9/15/2013 11:53:57 PM] Inuki: but i did it anyway so i just made shit up SO MUCH based on being polite as possible
[9/15/2013 11:54:06 PM] Inuki: and it worked and i had so much free time in that class it was dumb
[12:06:31 AM] Inuki: meanwhile 11th grade was 3 years ago what the fuck

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