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LF: Aqua Jet Corphish


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Hi there people,


I'm looking for a good IV'd Aqua Jet Corphish. Shiny or not would be awesome but doesn't really matter.

I'm willing to trade a lvl 1 shiny rhyhorn

a lvl 22 shiny lucario with perfect IV's in hp, att, and sp. att.

or a lvl 1 pineco with perfect IV's instead of sp. attack.


I don't know if it's fair to ask for a Perfect IV's (or 5 perfect IV's except sp. attack) corphish with aqua jet (shiny or not) compared to what i can offer you guys.


I'm curious to see what you guys will give me for my offer :).



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I have what you need right here. Not shiny but 4 perfect IVs in HP/Attack/Defense and Speed. It also inherited a Net Ball, has Adaptability but Modest nature. I can throw in a heart scale so you can try your luck at the nature changer in 7th street.


anyway, I'd like a shiny just to add to my collection but no need for amazing IVs 


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12 minutes ago, Eduarte said:

I have what you need right here. Not shiny but 4 perfect IVs in HP/Attack/Defense and Speed. It also inherited a Net Ball, has Adaptability but Modest nature. I can throw in a heart scale so you can try your luck at the nature changer in 7th street.


anyway, I'd like a shiny just to add to my collection but no need for amazing IVs 


16 minutes ago, Shellshocker93 said:

I just hatched some so i can give you one, they're not shiny though

Wellp, i did not think straight while typing this post. 
Forgot to mention that it's for a TR team so 0 speed IV's or anything less than 10 actually would be awesome as well.

So 31 IV's in Attack and HP and less than 10 IV's in speed with aqua jet are needed.


Well if you can miss the heart scale that would spare me some time getting one ^^.


Which shiny do you prefer?

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Just now, Eduarte said:

@N1Dude oh! I guess I could spare the mother than. about the same but instead of the 31 Speed she has 31 Sp.Def. does that work?

That would be awesome :),

And again which shiny do you prefer?
My id is: N1Dude

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6 hours ago, Eduarte said:

No problem.

I'm just about done with my Pokédex so, if you need any other Pokémon just send me a message and I can make it happen.

Wow nice!

Of you could give me a giratina, an Arceus and a mewtwo that would be nice.

Thanks in advance!

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14 hours ago, Eduarte said:

Legendaries are unobtainable, period. At least so far.

Please consult the obtainable pokémon list available in the home page (as well as linked below)



I was just kidding dude. 😂

Ofcourse I know that lagendaries (except phione) are not obtainable yet.

I was just messing with you, did not expect you to react so serious about it 😋

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