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Propaganda's Stream


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Hey all. It shouldn't be that big of news, but I have started a weekly stream and whatnot. I'm doing it solo unless Edge (most unreliable cohost ever) is there to make fun of me in the most delightful way possible. Anyway, the stream will be every Saturday starting around 11 am MST, and will go until I either run out of tea or enthusiasm.

You can find my stream here:


Do feel free to request PC games for me to play, and I'll try to make it a possibility.

Games Currently Available for streaming:

Fallout 3

Castle Crashers


Scrbibblenauts Unlimited

Portal 2


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Crayon Physics

League of Legends

It's late, and I just finished my can of tea, so bye~ Oh, I hope to see you there and all that jazz~

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Whatever you're playing, I'd be happy to join up and be a guest of your stream or something if at all possible, especially since over the next week my internet is going to be like 5x better.

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  • 1 month later...

So uh, as y'all may or may not know, my comp fried. However, I can stream Black Ops II from my PS3.

I'll stream later tonight, and if any of you would like to join in, feel free to add me @: Captain_DInosaur

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  • 2 months later...

Oh wow, this is still a thing. Anyway, I'm bored and I'm gonna stream this weekend. The link in the OP is still my channel link. Consider this my first stream leading up to having my computer back :D

On tonights menu:

Black Ops 2: Race against the Rage

I'll be playing to have some giggles at some poor bastard's expense.

Again, if you want to join in and have a PSN account hit me up at: Captain_Dinosaur

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Oh wow, this is still a thing. Anyway, I'm bored and I'm gonna stream this weekend. The link in the OP is still my channel link. Consider this my first stream leading up to having my computer back :D

On tonights menu:

Black Ops 2: Race against the Rage

I'll be playing to have some giggles at some poor bastard's expense.

Again, if you want to join in and have a PSN account hit me up at: Captain_Dinosaur

That would mean I would have to own BO2 and I'm not sure I'm willing to do that. =/

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  • 2 months later...


Tomorrow, time permitting, I'm going to be streaming the community's favorite game:



The stream is set to start at around 11 *MOTHERFUCKING EDIT* MST. If any of you goobers want to play, all you've got to do is message me here, and I'll give you the vent info & all that jazz.

Half-asleep Erick, u crazy.

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I'd keep in mind Edge also intends to continue streaming sometime tomorrow, so you don't have to split the viewers or something

Noted. Chose the earlier time with respect to him.

How long ago was that now?

Too long.

I want to see LoL trollpick stream. Like On-Hit carry Lulu. And support Ahri. And AD Kassadin.

I'll see if I can get my goober friends in on this.

entitulado_zps5f83c457.pngSome suggestions:

  • Pokémon Showdown
  • Minecraft hardcore mode
  • a random Pokémon game on a emulator with a randomizer, nuzlocke
  • Mortal Kombat 9

Thats all i got

Minecraft and nuzlocke sound fun.

Placeholder for future edit, cuz mom is a fuckhead and wants iHOP.

I'm sure some mod will edit this together because they love me.

I'm gonna be using this entire week as a testing period for my stream. I'll make sure the topic is up, but I'll be on tonight at about 6MST. Feel free to give me suggestions on shit I can improve and such.

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  • 1 month later...

To commemorate the fucking end of this god awful semester and to being off of work for the next 3 weeks, I'mma stream just about every day until Jan. 4.

Stream schedule is as follows:

Minecraft Private server antics with my crew: 1:00 pm MST

League of Dongers: 3:00 pm MST

Mario Yoshi's fucking island: 7:00 pm MST

Whatever the fuck follows: 8:00 - 'Til I'm bored of talking to you losers.

Suggestions, recommendations, want to join in the shenanigans, post 'em. Woo, half-assed post.

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