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Charlotte gym battle


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Hi guys, I'm struggling with Charlotte gym battle. Her team seems to out sped all of my pokemon. Please help me in anyway. Here are all my pokemon that I've focus on so far:

Blaziken - 69 : bulk up, brave bird, blaze kick, sky uppercut

Crobat - 66 : venoshock, cross poison, air slash, leech life

Skuntank - 65 : Night slash, flamethrower, acid spray, belch

Sharpedo - 69 : Surf, ice fang, crunch, destiny bond

Darmanitan - 64 : belly drum, flare blitz, overheat, superpower

Zebstrika - 69 : discharge, charge, wild charge, agility

Stunfisk - 64 : fissure, thunderbolt, revenge, muddy water

Swoobat - 68 : psychic, air slash, assurance, endeavor

Clawitzer - 69 : crabhammer, water pulse, aura sphere, dark pulse

Braviary - 69 : crush claw, brave bird, sky drop, tailwind

Flygon - 69 : Dragon claw, hyper beam, dig, earthquake

Meowstic - 69 : psychic, shock wave, covet, sucker punch

Scrafty - 69 : rock climb, brick break, crunch, high jump kick

Camerupt - 69 : fissure, eruption, rock slide, earthquake

There are still a few below level 60 including castform, mamoswine, mismagius, altaria, arcanine and turtonator.

May I also know what is the base speed of charlotte's pokemon?

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You have no rock types so you should go get some. You should also have trick room. Trick room is essential in this gym battle so make sure to teach it to one of your pokemon. I'd teach it to your Meowstic. That will solve the speed problem. I think there is a cave near Calcenon city that has some like golem and rhydon. One of those two will be able to easily sweep her pokemon if trick room is successful. I hope this helps.

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Well, seems it's your first run. There a lot of people who could trade you good mons for your play, including myself, but it spoils all the fun. So let's try with what you have:


One strategy that worked for me on my first playthrough (I didn't have any lead on IV/EV and natures) was a full team of fire mons, as Ame suggest on the entrance of Charlotte's Gym. All water moves are lame here so try this strategy:


If I remember right, Charlotte uses doubles, so start with Flygon and Crobat. Crobat will not suffer from Earthquake, so spam as much as you can. If I remember right, she starts with Darmanitam (it's been a while since I last faced her) so try to take it off first, because it'll have Rock Slide, good move against Crobat. Also, Crobat is much likely to outspeed them, if it doesn't have a bad nature for Speed. Focus Sash for Flygon may help here too.


Then, the rest of the team will be composed by: Blaziken, Camerupt, Arcanine and Turtonator. Spam Fire moves now, I'd start with Camerupt and Turtonator with Eruption + Overheat, than Arcanine and Blaziken with one Bulk Up + Blaze Kicks.

On my try I had 6 Fire mons, so it worked well for me.


You can also try Meowstic with Trick Room (as Youmu said) or use it with Fake Out (to stop one of the foes) and Mamoswine + Focus Sash (just to make sure) with Avalanche to change the field. With this strategy, you can try using Clawitzer and Sharpedo but I think she will have means to return the Field to it's former.


I don't know if the team remains the same, but the pokemons I remember have those base speed stats:

Darmanitan: 95 (Normal Form), 55 (Zen Form)

Typhlosion: 100

Rotom: 86

Delphox: 104

Volcarona: 100

Ninetales: 100


Good Luck

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First of all, thanks for the help. Most of my pokemon has speed stats of more than 100 (maybe I misunderstood something?). My crobat which has 182 (Brave nature, bad for speed) is still slower than hers. I've tried meowstic with trick room method but it always got outsped and killed by darmanitan and typhlosion. I don't have a focus sash by the way. I used it in one of the gym. 

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I don't know exactly, but as far as I know, Gym Leaders' pokemons have like 31 IV in all status plus good natures and pertinent EVs. Maybe someone who knows the code can help more with this. Considering that option, and assuming you don't have good IVs and good EV training plus bad nature, her pokemons should outspeed you naturally. Crobat is one of the fastest mons, if has a range of speed from 121 - 200 at lvl 50 (depending on nature, EV/IV) and Typhlosion has a range from 94 - 167 on the same lvl. Also her Super-heated field doesn't give speed to her mons, I read on my PokeGear. Unless all her mons have a Quick Claw with 100% of chance of attacking first, this should be the explanation.


Just to help a little bit more, after my first run, I started breeding mons like crazy, looking for 5 IVs mons. I built my team with perfect IVs, EV training for Speed and Attack/Sp. Attack and proper natures. It was hard to find any opponent faster than my mons after that.

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So there are three ways of going about this:


First, as mentioned earlier is to have a Trick Room Team. You can use the Rock  Types that you can get in the previous route after setting up Trick Room. Be careful, because Charlotte's Darmanitan has Superpower


Now the way that I defeated her was to set up Tailwind and Rain Dance. I believed I used Noivern in order to do this. Be careful, because Darmanitan has Rock Slide (you see the trend? It would be best to get rid of that  Darmanitan ASAP) I used this in my 2nd playthrough in this game


The third way is using Pokemon that have Flash Fire (Arcanine). If you have X-Defense and X-SpDef use those. Be careful, because DARMANITAN. AGAIN. If I remember correctly, it also has Bulldoze...or Earthquake, so if you have an Air Balloon, that would be ideal. The Typhlosion shouldn't be an issue since it tends to spam Eruption.


You can also do a combination of some of these ideas. Hope this helps.

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Finally beat Charlotte. All was left was arcanine with 1/8hp. Here is what I did. I use meowstic and swoobat in the beginning. I use fake out on typhlosion and trick room. Who would have thought that the swoobat survived the rockslide but not the eruption. The trick room activated successfully. They both are very likely to die early on.


After that, call in flygon and camelrupt with balloon and start spamming rockslide and earthquake. When Charlotte called in volcarona, I use blaziken with balloon for brave bird to take it out. At last, I called in arcanine and the beat up blaziken to take out ninetails. I did use one revive in the process.


The difficult part of this battle is that the trick room doesn't last that long. The balloon are really important so you don't take out your own teammate with earthquakes. To note that the enemy has hidden power which can be really annoying.


Thanks again for the help guys!

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While it's true water is weakened on the starting field, the burning field does NOT weaken water attacks. Depending on your team and whatever pokemon she has out it might be beneficial to keep the burning field at least until Ninetales comes out.  You don't want burning field + sun as even resisted it'll likely 2HKO anything without crazy special bulk.

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