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Help with teambuilding?


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Do you guys have any advice on how to round out this team better(especially a bulky water to finish the Fire/Water/Grass core)? I've started Reborn a few times, but I always ended up starting over because I didn't want to do all the grinding needed to keep 15 different Pokemon at the necessary level (although I know I might need more like 8). I just beat Florinia, so I'm starting to have enough options for some decent teambuilding. My current plan is to start out with an idea of my ideal team, and keep swapping out current members for better options until I get there.

The only pokemon I really want are Typhlosion and Tangrowth, since

-they can both learn Nature Power

-they have good synergy

-Regenerator is a great ability, and

-having a ground resistance in my Grass type would be nice (would rather not get a Grass/Poison type)


Right now I have Quilava, Bibarel (Moody strats FTW), Jigglypuff, Noctowl, Pineco and Trubbish. I just beat Florinia, and here's my dream team right now:



Ability: Flash Fire
Modest Nature
- Lava Plume
- Nature Power
- Focus Blast
- Swift


Tangrowth @ Assault Vest

Ability: Regenerator
Adamant Nature
- Power Whip
- Nature Power
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide


Vaporeon @ Leftovers?

Ability: Water Absorb
Calm Nature
- Acid Armor
- Aqua Ring
- Surf
- Ice Beam


Clefable @ Expert Belt?

Ability: Magic Guard/Unaware?
Bold Nature
- Moonblast
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave/Toxic



Ability: Intimidate
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Foul Play
- Brick Break
- Swagger


Bronzong @ Light Clay?

Ability: Levitate
Relaxed Nature
- Gyro Ball
- Zen Headbutt
- Light Screen
- Reflect


What do you think? What changes should I make?

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Well, my Ideal team is different haha but let's try:


Some of the moves you want are TMs that are not available yet: Earthquake, Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. You may trade with someone who has the moves and could teach. Also you can try TM Breeding. 


As I mentioned breed, having 5 IV mons plus right Nature and EV training really ease the game. The problem is that TM Breeding + IV Breeding don't work well on Reborn, maybe I've done something wrong, but I didn't get what I wanted when I tried, the mechanics just didn't let. So this is something to mind.

I never tried a strategy with Nature Power, but in my view, something so random would not benefit too much. You don't have anything that change the terrain like Grassy Terrain or something like that so you would wait to a proper terrain to use the move. Something pretty useless, in my opinion.


If you want something bulkier for Vaporeon, which I think is good enough, you can try: Blastoise, Azumarill, Swampert or Milotic.


You seem to like Walls, not my preference, so I can't help too much in building your team, I would only change Swift for Eruption in Typhlosion because as it's really fast it can hit with full power at least once on the battle, Swift is not that strong. Also change Foul Play for Crunch on Krook, usually Psychic and Ghost types are Sp. Atk based, so relying their attack status to damage is not that good. Crunch has 80 BP and STAB on Krook, it's better in my opinion. Also for Krook, you should use Life Orb or Black Glasses. 


Hope it helps, good luck

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Looks like a good team!


Typhlosion with holding what? I'ts Modest so i'm assuming scarf? If so i would always run Eruption for maximum damage. Actually Timid specs should run eruption as well.
And maybe switch swift out for hidden power grass for some extra coverage?


AV Tangrowth is always fun to use. I'm guessing max attack and max hp? You could consider to make it a bit more defensive and have it run Giga drain with knock off. You'd have a bit more recovery and knocking some items off is always helpfull.


I personally prefer slowbro over Vaporeon. Max hp max def. bold natured with calm mind psyshock scald and slackoff is a pretty good core. And it gives your team a potential mega evolution.


I don't really see why clefable is on your team though. It's another quite defensive mon and for the special power are way better opportunities. I'd recommend to swap it out for greninja. It's also a special attacker with a lot of coverage moves but is a lot faster and also hits a lot harder. You don't need the bulk cause you have vaporeon/slowbro and tangrowth already to tank hits.


Krookodile is awesome especially ingame! Too bad that your set is so thrash no offence xD. You don't really need inimidate cause of your defensive mons. Krookodile has amazing attack so why would you use other mons' attack with foul play? Give it knock off or crunch. Break break hit steel rock ice and normal. 2 of those are already covered by EQ. I'd say give it Iron Tail or stone edge to cover ice and fairy or ice and bug. After 2 moxie boosts you probably won't have to hit an iron tail or stone edge anymore to just OHKO mons so most of the time you only have to hit 1. Last move is for you to decide, could even be Stealth Rocks to set up some hazards.


If you make the changes i stated above. you'll be pretty week to bug attacks (you could also switch out krook for dragon dance flygon which is gr8 behind screens). I get the idea of screens and you probably like to use it so i would swap out your bronzong for a sylveon. It also gets both the screens in its moveset and a pixielate hyper voice can still hit pretty hard. Last move can be wish for the extra support. You could also choose for veil ninetales with nasty plot blizzard and moonblast. Also a hard hitter with a screen. You could also give slowbro the screens and make the last mon a fast hitter which resists bug. You can make that choice on your own.


Overall your team looks fun to use and pretty decent but in my opinion it's too defensive with screens. You'd be stalling your own screens out while you should be hitting harder with some more fragile mons behind the screens.

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Depends on how late into the game you're talking about. I'd definitely swap out the Vaporeon for a Rotom-W or maybe a Milotic. If you really want to keep it, at least teach it scald over surf for the burn chance. Next I'd swap the Krookodile either for a Garchomp or Excadrill depending on what you're looking for. If you pick Exca, either choice scarf or life orb SD. If Garchomp, SD+Firium Z although I don't think we have access to that yet. It would work great if you can get screens up.

Next you have no rocks. Clef gets rocks easy fix. And expert belt is just bad. Give it lefties. You might want to teach Tangrowth knock off too. One of the most broken moves in the game.

Those are a few obvious changed I can think of but you should definitely have other Pokemon in your PC and rotate them out as necessary.


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16 minutes ago, Trufa said:

I never tried a strategy with Nature Power, but in my view, something so random would not benefit too much. You don't have anything that change the terrain like Grassy Terrain or something like that so you would wait to a proper terrain to use the move. Something pretty useless, in my opinion.

Well, if you read the field effects, nature power can be really fun to use. For example, when you fight kiki, the field effect changes nature power into meditate. Meditate becomes a +3 boost in attack in the same field so that would be very usefull for such a bulky mon with decent attack as tangrowth in that fight.
Overall the fields turn it in powerfull attacks as, T-bolt, Dark pulse, Energy ball, Flamethrower, ice beam, wood hammer.

Another big example is in the mirror field. You play against the ice type gym leader on this field and nature power becomes mirror shot in this field. The field also doubles the power mirror shot and makes it never miss.

In the new world it even becomes special rend! And the field effect doubles the power of special rend. That's extremely powerfull.


So to say nature power is useless is totally not true. A fast special attacker (like typhlosion) could benefit a LOT from this move now that i think of it and look at all the field effects.

Edited by N1Dude
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Thanks for the advice! Reborn is a really interesting game, so I want a different team to take advantage of it, instead of a more standard OU team. I want my team to be able to handle a variety of terrains (hence Nature Power, Lava Plume, Surf).


I'm not interested in trading with other players to get more starters, Pokemon with TMs I don't have yet, etc. because I want to handle the challenge as best as I can from inside my own game.


Should I be trying to breed 5IV Pokemon? Do other trainers, gym leaders, etc. have good IV/EV Pokemon?

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29 minutes ago, Trufa said:

Some of the moves you want are TMs that are not available yet: Earthquake, Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. You may trade with someone who has the moves and could teach. Also you can try TM Breeding. 


As I mentioned breed, having 5 IV mons plus right Nature and EV training really ease the game. The problem is that TM Breeding + IV Breeding don't work well on Reborn, maybe I've done something wrong, but I didn't get what I wanted when I tried, the mechanics just didn't let. So this is something to mind.

TM breeding got eaten in the Generation update that brought in infinite use TMs, unfortunately.

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Just now, Nazrat said:

Thanks for the advice! Reborn is a really interesting game, so I want a different team to take advantage of it, instead of a more standard OU team. I want my team to be able to handle a variety of terrains (hence Nature Power, Lava Plume, Surf).


I'm not interested in trading with other players to get more starters, Pokemon with TMs I don't have yet, etc. because I want to handle the challenge as best as I can from inside my own game.


Should I be trying to breed 5IV Pokemon? Do other trainers, gym leaders, etc. have good IV/EV Pokemon?

I understand that, but a Typhlosion without Eruption isn't near is effective. And Eruption makes a lot of use out a lot of field effects as well (i guess). But you can always run both if you'd like.


Well, cyndaquil is available pretty early in the game i guess, but i'm not sure but froaky is only available as your starter. So you could just start a new run and choose froaky as your starter 😋


Breeding 5IV pokemon is deffinately not necessary to complete the game. I did softreset a lot of static mons and wild mons which i planned on using to get decent IV's. 4 IV in speed or 22 or higher already makes a huge difference but again this is not necessary but does help you a lot.

What i've read on the forum is that the gym leaders won't have max EV's until Charlotte. That's why people start having a lot of trouble with Charlotte. For the IV's it's like first mon, 10 in all stats, second 15 or so. and their ace 31 in all stats (i'm not sure, you can look it up on the walkthrough/playthrough topic on this forum).

EV training your mons isn't necesarry either but does help you out a lot. But to EV train effectively you'll need a lot of stickers from the departmend store to get the power items (right?) so those will be available in the game later on. Otherwise EV training is going to be a pain. When i started EV training i never heard of power items so i EV trained a Goodra to full HP and sp.attack. Took me like 4 hours. You could buy friendship berry's to "control" the EV's on mons a bit by bit to gain more EV's on the stats you want them. But you'll need some leftover money cuz those things got expensive. 1200 per berry and 1 takes 10 EV's away.

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in Reborn Scrafty is never a bad choice. A moxie Scrafty with good speed and attack EVs is invaluble. Just spam High jump Kick and Crunch and you'll be pretty much fine. 


EV training is not hard, so you should definately do it. After the city itself is restored, you can buy disks that fully reset EVs in Peridot ward. These art very helpful (and cost-efficient) for EV training.


I personally like using Kabutops as one of my mons, as it has high speed and attack and learns aqua jet really early. It does have an unfortunate 4x weakness to grass, so you should definatly consider before using.

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@Nazrat Really balanced team, congrats 😄  


Just minor suggestions:

- Typhlosion: Give it choice specs/scarf and eruption+flamethrower instead of swift and lava plume

- Tangrowth: With that nature,I would go with rocky helmet since its sp Def is not that good. 

-Vaporeon: Yes for the Leftovers. I would swap surf for scald and ice beam for baton pass 😄 Make it a team player! If you manage to pass acid armor+aqua ring to a calm mind clefable, you automatically win 😄 

- Clefable: Magic Guard and life orb. I would go with moonblast+ calm mind+stored power+ moonlight/minimize. Screw coverage that thing will be unkillable 😄 

- Krookodile: Krok is amazing 😄 Give it moxie and a choice scarf/band. Superpower for brick breack, knock off/pursuit for foul play and stone edge/outrage for swager. Go full offensive 😄 

- Bronzong: Its my least favourite of these mons but it really fits the team. Nothing to say


If you need me to trade you any of these mons/TMs let me know.


Good luck!


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46 minutes ago, Nazrat said:

Should I be trying to breed 5IV Pokemon? Do other trainers, gym leaders, etc. have good IV/EV Pokemon?

Yes. Or at least breed for decent IVs. Definitely EV train.


1 hour ago, N1Dude said:

In the new world it even becomes special rend! And the field effect doubles the power of special rend.

Its spacial rend. The move rends (tears apart) space.

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Just now, Gheist said:

Its spacial rend. The move rends (tears apart) space.

lol, I know, i know what it does, what the purpose is of the move and how you spell it. Guess I wrote it wrong in excitement cause of my native language.

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Just gonna throw an option in here that happens to be a personal preference of mine.  It seems as if you're looking for your water type to offer a bit of bulk, so maybe consider this.


Walrein @ Leftovers

Ability: Ice Body

Aqua Ring/Toxic





Walrein isn't exactly what you think when you're looking for bulky water types.  What this set brings to the table is what makes it unique.  If you can breed aqua ring onto it, the passive healing it will get from Aqua Ring, Ice Body, and Leftovers does wonders if Walrein is going to be stalling and chipping.   If you'd prefer to make Walrein deal more chip damage, you can always swap out aqua ring for toxic.  You'll be sacrificing a bit more healing, but offering more passive damage. The other strength of Walrein is the threat it poses in double battles.  While its offensive stats don't make it a sweeper by any means, Walrein's ability to consistently deal damage to both opponents in a double battle with either of its offensive moves is quite admirable.  And with the prevalence of double battles later in the game, Surf and Blizzard become more valuable as the game progresses.  Not to mention, if you set up Hail for Ice Body, you'll also be giving Blizzard 100% accuracy for the most reliable damage.  While this set isn't exactly for everyone, it's a set I recommend every now and then just in case someone wants to give it a chance.

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