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[early] Viking in Reborn !

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Hi guys !

I was starting reborn two days ago and for my starter and i don't want to choose Speed-Boost Torchic or Froakie. 

So i am starting with my favourite pokemon : Turtwig.

And i love giving nickname to my pokemon but for turtwig i always give him - when its a male - the name Olaf. Turtwig and Torterra made me think to some kind of Turtle-Drakkar.

So i decided to name all my pokemon in relation to the Viking.


Turtwig is Olaf

Mincinno is Valkyrie

Igglypuff is Loki


So my little question are :

1\ Is turtwig a good starter for pokemon reborn ? I mean i know that he isn't the worst ( wink wink emboar ) mine has got shell armor so is that ok for the gym/rival ? A player of Torterra maybe ?


2\ Have you got any suggestion for nickname in relation to the Viking ? That could be cool !


Bye !

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I've never played Reborn with Turtwig (and you just gave me the idea to do so whenever I play for the 1 000 000th time) and I think it's not bad of a starter because the first gym is Electric type and anyway, there are a LOT of event pokemon that can help balance out your team if you need to.

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Well the obvious thing to do would be catching any electric type and naming it Thor but here's some more interesting ideas. You could catch some dog like Pokemon such as Houndoom, Mightyena or even Arcanine and name it Fenrir. Next a snake like Pokemon so Gyarados, Milotic, Seviper or even Stelix and name it Jormundgandr (if you don't know what these are just Google them and find out. All from Norse Mythology). Next a flying type named Vedrfolnir. Then a beastly water type could be Hafgufa.

Lastly this would have actually been a good name for Torterra but if that's taken, you could still catch a grass type like Tangrowth and name it Yggdrasil. It is meant to be a tree however so it might work better on a Trevenant or even Sudowoodo.

Hope some of this is useful.

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