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Brand new team from before


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 So couple of days I had a team which help me complete episode. However, I think it is time for a new team. I have chosen the four of the six pokemon I want to use they are







I not sure what to do add. I was looking at rotom heat or vikavolt but not sure




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a Snorlax could be good, to add a bit extra bulk to your team. 

you could maybe grab a lapras to cover about the same ground as the sharpedo and vanilluxe and get an extra mon instead

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Definitely a steel type to deal with ice types and fairy types you're missing coverage on. I'd recommend excadrill, a-sandslash or metagross because I'm more partial to physical steel types, but I guess magnezone is also a gud choice.

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Salazzle is perfect for balancing your team, its a must! 

For the last mon, I suggest mawile.  Its only weak to ground(decideye/flygon) and fire (sharpedo/Flygon) and gives you a lot of resistances.


So defensively, You will have a completly balanced team, with at least one resistance to each type and an immunity to 6 types! 😄 

Offensively, it will depend on the movests 😄 


Have fun! 

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19 minutes ago, luis said:



Salazzle is perfect for balancing your team, its a must! 

For the last mon, I suggest mawile.  Its only weak to ground(decideye/flygon) and fire (sharpedo/Flygon) and gives you a lot of resistances.


So defensively, You will have a completly balanced team, with at least one resistance to each type and an immunity to 6 types! 😄 

Offensively, it will depend on the movests 😄 


Have fun! 

Salazzle is very good I've used one before so I'm not sure if I would use it again. Mawile is also very good so I may use that

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Rotom-heat and Vikavolt are both strong so it all depends on the coverage type you need, be it may a bug type or a fire type. Though for an electric type, Magnezone is the best mon of all.


If you go with Rotom-Heat, Fairy or a Psychic type would be fitting for the last lot. Gardevoir, Sylveon, Ribombee, Clefable etc. are all good choices.


If it's with Vikavolt, go for a Fire type for the last member. Arcanine is one of the most versatile out there. Can also be a fighting type coverage which you lack, having access to the OP move Close Combat.

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