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Hows this for a starting team?


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Hows this looking for a team in the making? I got one last spot to fill and im looking for some suggestions on what to fill it with

Chimchar (Blaze) - Lv10

Iron Fist





Trubbish (Trashley) - Lv10



-Poison Gas


-Toxic Spikes

Whismur (Amp) - Lv10




Goldeen (Comet) - Lv7

Swift Swim


-Tail Whip

-Water Sport


Hoothoot (Noctis) - Lv4 (Just caught)

Keen Eye




What would be a good addition to this team? Where could i get it, and what ability should i get it with? Also, if you need to know the nature of each pokemon ill edit this post to show their natures

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... Where'd you get a goldeen? 0.o

Unless the fisherman at the center is selling a lie.

I recommend technician meowth: Scratch, Bite, Fake Out, Growl/screech/whatever. Good speed, attack, and all around the beginning area.

Pachirisu would be useless except for bide. Then it eventually learns spark and becomes way more useful. Grimer, along with your trubbish makes for a nice tanking option with mud slap to help out the team when you switch it out or it falls in combat. Don't really have any other suggestions for ya.

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Pachirisu is acceptable if only for

Julia's gym, which happens to be Electric, and unless you have a grass starter (hahahahahahahaha) that's about the best you can do in terms of resistances and general not-insta-die things. (Trubbish is also good here at least for Toxic Spikes)

Whismur is good if only for Uproar having 90 base power, at the start of the game. Hoothoot for the same reason. Hypnosis is also nice. You'll probably end up tossing out Trubbish eventually. Seconding Meowth- Technician is very good early game when everything you have is below 60 base power. Obligatory starter is obligatory... Hm. When Zubat becomes available it'll be a test of patience but likely worth it, I think.

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II would say Shinx is solid, it'll definitely help you when you have to battle Corey and his Crobat. And if it has intimidate that's always a bonus. Along with Porygon too, with it having conversion 2 and psybeam.

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