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Pokémon Mystery Universe [RECREATED]


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Welcome, friends! I'm here to re-introduce you to the fangame of the name Pokémon Mystery Universe~ Or for some of you, I suppose introduce for the first time!

Pokémon Mystery Universe comes with, well, what you would expect. The features of the famous spin-off series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. Except in this case, you get to pick between 28 different starters! Four of each type available. (Normal, Fire, Grass, Ground, Water, Psychic, Electric)

I'll go ahead and give you a basic rundown on what starters are available for each type.

Normal- Munchlax, Togepi, Meowth and Skitty

Fire- Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic and Chimchar

Water- Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip and Piplup

Grass- Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Treecko and Turtwig

Ground- Hippopotas, Rhyhorn, Phanpy and Cubone

Electric- Pikachu, Pachirisu, Shinx and Mareep

Psychic- Ralts, Natu, Meditite and Abra

Starters that you did not pick are not available in any other way, other than special events labeled as "Holiday Cave."

As you'd probably think, these events only happen around holidays. Easter, Summer (not really a holiday, but you know), Halloween and Christmas.

If you're planning on playing solo, Fire is probably the best choice. If you're planning on playing with people that you know that play, you can choose any of the others. But don't let me tell you what to use and what not to use~

If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mashew or myself!

Download the game by clicking the image at the top of the post~

In-game names are;

- Mashy (Mashew)

- MattsWolf (Colin)

- Balalark (Nirvash)

- Guardios (Kirito)

- Melodice (Aurora)

- Dubstep (Phanpy)

- Prince Renzo (Renzo)

- Jory (Jory)

- Scorpius (Wes)

- Demyx (Aaron)

-Mael (Maelstrom)

-Cheezitz (Epic C)

-Lea (Tony)

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Woo. This topic looks a lot prettier than the last. Anyways like he said, ask us if you need any help. I think I'll have a channel up on the server called "PMU Support" for any quick questions and what not.

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I'd play but I've literally got a big backlog of games I need to play or finish playing:


Tales of Graces

Dragons Dogma

The Last Story

Tales of the Abyss

Portal 2

FF 13 & 13-2

Zone of the Enders HD Collection




Gravity Rush


PMD: Gate to Infinity

MH3U (although I think I'll just give up on it)

I wonder if I'm leaving any more out.

Not sure if I'd be squirtle (surprise) or abra. Although I wonder how you could really start as abra. What moves does it have?

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Oh dash it all, guess the crowd pulled me in. Gonna be true to myself and start off as the usual squirtle named Mael. Look for me.

We got you~

Also, player list updated with everyone else~

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