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When will we be able to evolve pokemon that require an item during a trade?


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I was wondering when we will be able to obtain pokemon like Steelix, Kingdra, Electrivire or Magmortar or Porygon's evolutions since I'm using Porygon and I checked in the obtainable pokemon list, that Porygon 2 or Porygon Z aren't obtainable.

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You will; that's just a matter of when their respective evolution items will be found. The Link Stone works like a normal trade, so if you wanted to evolve, say, Seadra, you would just need to use a Link Stone on it as Seadra holds a King's Rock

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Honestly, anything could happen, so just keep an eye of the List of Obtainable Pokemon. Not like I've been keeping track, but there's a decent chance that you'll see that Pokemon's evolutionary item around...somewhere.

Note: Ame derped. You don't evolve Seadra holding a King's Rock; you will need a Dragon Scale. (If you even find one or Seadra yet in the game...)

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  • 2 months later...

i know this was off topic but my combusken is really strong and if my pokemon die i use him (he usually just sweeps the rest of the pokemon. but now he grew so much he wont listen to me and i need him for the second gym leader :huh:

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your problems might me solved in the form of the common candy, and item introduced in the next episode wich will be released today, i dont know if the candy will be availeble for you before the 2nd gym though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Firstly, I'm quite confused as to why you brought this back.

At any rate, you don't trade Kadabra. You use a Link Stone on it. Depending on which version of the game you're running, you can have up to 3 legitimate Link Stones.

The use of the Link Stone is much faster than leveling up a Ralts into a Kirlia, then finding a Dawn Stone. If you want a physical attacker, go with Gallade

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