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Episode sectioning


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Earlier in the week I mentioned that I was going to put Episodes 8/9 together (i.e two gyms in one release)

I'm kinda reconsidering that

In either case, the episode 9 content is going to be somewhat shorter than a typical episode, so I figured I'd just lump it all together

On the other hand as I'm working on this, I realise I kinda enjoyed releasing the Apophyll arc in two separate parts. It also allows me to be more flexible with fixing things between them.

Would you guys rather have a shorter episode sooner or a longer episode with a longer wait time?

(Note, as far as updating, I realised that the music alone is 80% of the download's bulk so I can release update packs that will reduce game download size when updating to >50 MB, so the huge downloads shouldn't be so much of a consideration)

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You should probably do them separate. Gradually letting episodes out will help people keep that flow of gameplay when 9 is released. Plus it'll give you more time to review over any bugs and things that may be in episode 9.

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To me it depends on what was/is in the current episode- when 6 was the latest we knew something big was probably going to happen in 7 just based on the preview at the end, whereas in this case it'll be a whole new area (maybe even region if that's an appropriate word?) and we don't know what to expect. Personally though I spend a while on them anyway as you've seen so I wouldn't mind longer ones as it is.

tl;dr depends how it's built up but most of the time I like wasting spending more time on it at once as opposed to finishing quicker and not having as much to do

EDIT: in retrospect it's the same either way- more waiting for more game, less waiting for less game. The end result would be the same anyway I'm sure so you do yo' thang gurrrlll

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I'd prefer the two, longer episodes. It'd allow for more events to happen, and more for you to work with, rather than all of whatever happens at once.


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Do what you gotta do ^w^ ... i think itd be best to do one at a time... it would allow faster releases on other episodes as well as bug fixes ^^ i have a list that i need to post here =__=... i gotta tell ya though... a friend of mine (who is apparently a friend of one of the beta testers? of the game introduced me to the game at school... i started playing it and it spread like wildfire... people wanted to play so badly... i started last week and I already finished episode 7 ^w^)

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Personally, I'd like the two in one release. It'd be nice to have a nice chunky bit of game play to hold me over. Also, longer waiting time would equal better results. So that's not really an issue for me.

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