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Looking for a few perfect IV mons from any breeders with extras!


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Alright, this is kind of a long list, but I'm looking for any of these mons with perfect (or near perfect, so like the unused atk or sp. atk stat doesn't have to be 31) IV's from any breeders that might have extras of them!


  1. Honedge (0 speed IV’s) [Sassy]
  2. Riolu (w/ Bullet Punch & Meteor Mash) [Jolly]
  3. Klefki [Careful]
  4. Froakie (31/Even #/31/30/31/30 IV spread for HP Fire) [Naive]
  5. Torchic (w/ Low Kick) [Adamant]
  6. Bulbasaur (31/Even #/31/30/31/30 IV spread for HP Fire) [Calm] 
  7. Ferroseed (w/ Leech Seed) [Careful/Sassy]
  8. Mimikyu (w/ Swords Dance if possible) [Jolly]
  9. Rowlet (w/ Swords Dance if possible) [Jolly]
  10. Popplio [Modest]
  11. Litten (w/ Fake Out, U-Turn, & Fire Blast) [Brave]
  12. Rotom [Bold]
  13. Shuppet (w/ Gunk Shot & Destiny Bond) [Adamant]
  14. Drilbur [Jolly]
  15. Abra (31/Even #/31/30/31/30 IV spread for HP Fire) [Timid]
  16. Carvanha (w/ Psychic Fangs) [Adamant]
  17. Numel [Modest]
  18. Tangela (w/ Leaf Storm)(31/Even#/30/31/31/31 IV spread for HP Ice) [Sassy]
  19. Porygon [Timid]
  20. Onyx (w/ Heavy Slam & Earthquake) [Impish]
  21. Houndour (w/ Fire Blast) [Timid]
  22. Aron (w/ Earthquake) [Careful]
  23. Goomy [Timid]
  24. Timburr (w/ Mach Punch) [Adamant]
  25. Swinub (w/ Icicle Crash) [Jolly]
  26. Meditite (w/ Fake Out) [Jolly/Adamant]
  27. Sableye (w/ Recover) [Careful]
  28. Shuckle [Relaxed]
  29. Sneavel (w/ Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, & Pursuit) [Jolly]
  30. Magnemite (31/Even #/31/30/31/30 IV spread for HP Fire) [Timid]
  31. Starly (w/ Double-Edge) [Jolly]
  32. Horsea (31/Even #/30/31/31/30 IV spread for HP Electric) [Modest]
  33. Nidoran (Male) [Timid]


I can trade you a perfect Gible, near-perfect Honedge [Sp. Atk stat isn't perfect], Dewpider [Sp. Atk isn't perfect], Alolan-Vulpix [Atk stat isn't perf], Togepi [Atk stat isn't perf], Electrike [Atk stat isn't perf], Skrelp [Atk stat not perf], perfect Buizel, Trubbish [sp atk isn't perfect], or Budew [atk stat isn't perfect]. Beyond that, I have a lot of other rarer various mons that have raw IV's, but I'd be willing to trade them as long as whoever takes them breeds an extra for me! 🙂 Let me know!

Edited by devinthheaven
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