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Help with my team


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Looking for suggestions for Pokémon to add to my team consisting of Arcanine, Greninja, Roserade and Ampharos. All suggestions are greatly appreciated 🙂  


I should note that I’m about to battle Shelly. Eggs have been Bronzor, Togepi, and Spheal. 

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If your Greninja has protean,  Swampert -deals with rock types. immunity to eletric. Arcanine can cover its only weakness.Can set up the rain for ampharos' thunder.

For the other slot, mimikyu - 3 more immunities(dragon, fighting and normal), your team con handle its weaknesses, ghost(greninja) and steel ( arcanine, swampert) and its has a nice movepool.



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The geodude-graveler- golem line you can get from under the grand staircase is EXTREMELY useful. It has some pretty glaring weaknessess to grass and water buuuut it also has access to natural stab eq, which can pretty much 1HKO anything without flying and break a lot of feild effects i.e. serras, Luna's, Blake's, cave, electric one (also it has sturdy which will give it an almost 100% chance to get at least 1eq off before it goes down)

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34 minutes ago, Whitelight said:

The geodude-graveler- golem line you can get from under the grand staircase is EXTREMELY useful. It has some pretty glaring weaknessess to grass and water buuuut it also has access to natural stab eq, which can pretty much 1HKO anything without flying and break a lot of feild effects i.e. serras, Luna's, Blake's, cave, electric one (also it has sturdy which will give it an almost 100% chance to get at least 1eq off before it goes down)

I second that. And even If you don't have any need for EQ, you can guarantee that you can set up stealth rocks

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Whitelight's suggestion is an excellent one, especially in some of the gyms you'll face soon (Shade / Aya). You should also consider adding Bronzong to your party (just make sure it has levitate, use an ability capsule if need be). It's a great utility 'mon that can set up screens / weather / spread sleep and put in work against multiple early-game leaders (Aya / Serra) etc.


If that Togekiss has Nasty Plot as an egg move, then it is another great pick for your team. Another useful option is Scraggy, which you get right after Shelly (if it has Dragon Dance + Moxie, then even better). 


Also, try and keep either Electric Terrain (Ampharos) or Grassy Terrain (Roserade) on your team, since terrain control will help support the other members of your team as well (particularly sweepers). 

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