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Missed Choice Item?



I know you can get a Choice Specs/Band depending on what gang you joined after the application quest and now read in the walkthrough, that you can also get the other one. The problem is that apparently you need to have finished a sidequest at the very beginning of the game where you get an Onix, but back then I actually didn't know there was this sidequest at all. Now the NPC doesn't show up, did I miss this item permanently or is there still a chance to get it?

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If nobody can help you, I have a way for you to get Choice items:



Teach Thief, Fling and Recycle to any pokémon who learns these three (for example, Simipour); go to Clown Indra and look for a Pokémon who has the item you want (his teams and held items are here- http://pokemon-reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Agate_Circus, just scroll down and there they are. Once you find the pokemon with the item you want, you thief his item; then, fling it; and last, recycle the item. Congratulations, you now are the proud owner of whatever item you wanted ^^


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2 hours ago, CaptainMetal said:

I know you can get a Choice Specs/Band depending on what gang you joined after the application quest and now read in the walkthrough, that you can also get the other one. The problem is that apparently you need to have finished a sidequest at the very beginning of the game where you get an Onix, but back then I actually didn't know there was this sidequest at all. Now the NPC doesn't show up, did I miss this item permanently or is there still a chance to get it?

PM me and I will give you one. Will be on later or we can set something up for tomorrow which choice item are you missing?

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