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Are These Pokemon Actually In These Locations Anymore?



I know through updates and patches, the On The Hunt lists and even the in-game Pokedex may become both incorrect. Have any of you seen these Pokemon in these locations? I have been searching for some of these for upwards of an hour each. Is there some other pre-requisite needed? Like maybe only at certain times? Or were they moved/removed?


Golduck: Celestine Mountain. The Dex claims it is there and the On The Hunt list says you can obtain it by Surfing. 


Slowpoke: Route 4. The Dex claims it is here and On The Hunt says you can obtain it via Super Rod. 


Doduo/Dodrio: Beryl Ward. The Dex claims both can be found here and while I KNOW I have seen Doduo pre-renovation, I am unable to find either now.


Lapras: Ametrine Mountain. On The Hunt says it is here and I have literally seen videos of people find it here. I am all the way through Episode 17...


Snorunt: Ametrine Mountain. As usual, yeah, says it should be there. Is it outside or inside? 


Staravia: Route 3. 


Hawlucha: Route 2


Phantump: Route 4.


As I said, I have been searching for each of these for so long, I am nearly certain they were moved or that I'm failing to hit some other pre-requisite or there is some restriction on their availability(?). I am willing to accept that I'm just THAT unlucky, but I figured I'd ask.


Thank you 

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Golduck: yes, but I remember it's in Ametrine map not Celestine. Look around Amaria's home.

Lapras: I remember it's Friday, not Saturday.

Snorunt: Inside, I remember it's pretty rare and caught one around PULSE site.


Everything else I'm not sure. Hope it helps you a bit. At times like these, it's always nice to have pokemon with sweet scent.

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Most of these are pretty rare encounters which is probably why you haven't seen them:


Slowpoke's a 5% encounter. 

Doduo/Dodrio aren't obtainable at night so depending on when you're checking you might not see them. They're around a 15-20% encounter rate combined in the renovated Beryl Ward depending on where exactly you check

Lapras as mentioned is only on Friday

Snorunt is inside and only a 4% encounter

Staravia isn't obtainable at night. It's a 10% encounter during morning/day. You can also find Starly during the morning.

Hawlucha is only obtainable in the morning, 30% encounter rate

Phantump is only obtainable at night and is a 5% encounter rate

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Guest Relinquished

In ep 16 that i went through it thoroughly and battled in the wild endlessly, all of those were present, plus Staraptor, in the exact same location as Staravia; but an extremely rare encounter. I am impressed you didn't ask about Klang; this is what took me whole ages to encounter, in the wild!

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