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Rhian's arrow strikes head on.

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A blast of light magic from Naomi renders the swordsman unconscious.

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"Annoying people in armor," Kris Grumbled to herself as she moved away from the area she was in since she couldn't do much of anything there. 




 "Hmm...?"  She said as she was about to pass Rhian "But she's so grumpy." She said right before puffing her cheeks in defeat.  "Fine...." She pulled out one of the medicines she has and handed it to Rhian "Here use this, you're making your cutie worry about you. You are so lucky it likes you so much. So hurry up."      


Kris moves to M13 and uses a Vulnerary on Rhian 

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Ceridwen grinned as not only did she get the best of her opponent, but the others followed through and made her little baiting successful. Then she flew on down towards the other group, hopping off of Ynddi (the dragon backing off of the front line) and placing herself to stand by some of the other armored members of the group and to be at the front line. When she saw just who was at the front line, though, an amused smile appeared on her face.


Sharon, are you supposed to be here?”

L12, dismount

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”Hmm... I should probably... but then I won’t have very much left for later...”


Dulcie mutters to herself as she advances with the group, considering whether or not to heal herself. She’s so focused on the choice she bumps into Fallon.



”Then again, these bruises are quite distract— oh!”



”I’m so very sorry! I didn’t even see you there. Forgive me, Mister Fallon.”


She pauses, looks to the side, and then makes up her mind.



“...Hold this for me, please, wouldn’t you? Just for a moment.”


Hardly waiting long enough for an answer, Dulcie thrusts her bow into the scholar’s arms and begins tending to her “wounds”.


Dulcie moves to [M, 11] and uses a Vulnerary.

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A final attack from Michi brings the fighter down, and he retreats to tend to his injuries.

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Archer 5 to O15 and attacks Johanna.

The archer thinks he has this in the bag, but in his eagerness, forgets to focus. His arrow sails over Idriss' head.

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Archer 4 to N16 and attacks Johanna.

The second archer moves to make up for his partner's blunder, but Idriss is now on the alert, and barely swings out of the way of the attack, emitting a growl of warning.

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Fighter 5 to K13 and attacks Rhian.

The axe comes down on Rhian's armor, clanging loudly upon impact.

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Soldier 3 to L14 and attacks Rhian.

The injured spearman follows up with another blow.

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Fighter 6 to M15 and attacks Seymore.

The two axemen exchange blows, each coming away a little dazed.

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"Huh?" She looks up and sees Ceridwen in front of her with an amused expression, which makes her pout with displeasure. "What do you mean?? I've got just as much right to be here as you! You only just finished your apprenticeship anyway!"


Sharon to N15 and attacks Argos.

She launches her javelin at the swordsman, striking him head-on.

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Cav 7 to U12.


Cav 8 to V11.


Cav 5 to V10.


Cav 6 to W11.





Sitting up straighter on his dragon's back, Joshua peers at the scene down below, letting out a firm huff at the sight. "What are you doing, Johanna? Rushing in recklessly like that forces your men to their deaths." A deep rumble sounds from beneath him, followed by a restless shift of scales. "Mm. I know it has been long since we've seen battle, friend. But it is out of the question." He looks back out over the sloping hills and trees below. "She was lucky this time, and only that."



"Hm. It looks like you will have to try harder than that to catch me!" Feeding off his rider's enthusiasm, Idriss gives a loud bellow before lifting into the air and barreling himself and rider at the archer.


Johanna to O14, attacks Archer 5, Cantos to P12.

The bowman that had gotten ahead of himself pays for his zeal, and is forced to retreat.

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Turn 7




Argos recovers 2 HP.


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"The hell are you on about?" She shot a glance (it was too brief and too confused to be a glare) at Kris. Talking to the air, and then whoever she talked to said she needed the medicine? . . . Granted, it had helped her stay on her feet, but it was still bizarre. She shook her head as she stepped back, nearly bumping into Ceridwen as she tried to aim a shot.


L12 after Ceridwen moves, shoot fighter

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Sharon’s irritation didn’t much lessen Ceridwen’s amusement — Sharon reminded her very much of a certain someone when he and Ceridwen had been 15, except that Sharon was even worse about it.


Yes, but I DID complete my apprenticeship, and I only started participating in mock battles when I was allowed to ride Ynddi, and supervised at that. Oh well! Hope you’re ready for a bit of a spar then, Sharon.”

Ceridwen elected to be the one to face Sharon down, jogging on down with loud metallic clattering from her shields, largely because she didn’t know if she trusted the others who might not realize how young Sharon was (or realize how... Sharon Sharon was) to hold back on her more than they otherwise would in this battle, like Ceridwen was going to, electing to knock the apprentice around with her lance a little instead of going for a pulled stab.

N14, Slim Lance Sharon.

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Fallon stumbled a bit when Dulcie bumped into him, but recovered in time to see Johanna flying back to the group. "Stop being so reckless."  he said with a frown. "Flying into a group of archers like that will get you killed in a real battle."  She should have known better as a commander...unless...is this her first battle as one? he thought as he took hold of Dulcie's bow. Strange. Very strange. "...It's no problem." he told her absentmindedly while looking for an opening in the ongoing fight.

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"Hmph! Futch gave me permission to be here, you know," Sharon insists, firmly confident of the rightness of her actions and neglecting to mention any role she might have had in contribution to said 'permission'. "What kind of Dragon Knight just sits around counting clouds when there's a fight going on? You know the Captain's watching."


The two exchange blows, and Sharon staggers slightly, but regains her footing and levels the most fearsome look at Ceridwen that her fifteen years can summon. "Try that again, I dare you!"

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Rhian's arrow strikes the fighter, denting his armor.

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Fallon's admonishment draws Johanna up short, and some of the wind leaves her sails, replaced with mild embarrassment. It... it hadn't been so bad. I dodged the arrows and came out fine. But behind the half-hearted indignation, she knows he's right. He usually was. "You don't need to worry about me," she replies, keeping her voice as calm as she can. 'Anymore' goes unsaid.


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Seymore is terribly unused to being in the thick of major combat-and he's right on the frontlines! Thank heavens this is a mock battle, or Seymore might've felt even more overwhelmed than he already did. After beating back the fighter that charged him, he sees a battered-looking Soldier, who has eyed him up in kind. The Soldier's spear swiftly points itself at Seymore's direction, and Seymore couldn't quite maneuver back into a safer throwing distance-so instead, Seymore pivots around the Soldier to try to get a tiny opening, winding up at L13 and sending the Hatchet right at the chest.


Seymore had not the slightest appreciation of the feeling of adrenaline in his veins until now; everything seemed a bit slower and a bit brighter, for some strange reason. An odd sensation. A welcome one, too.

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Despite his inexperience, Seymore is able to get the hit in on the soldier, who quickly retreats.

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"Your bow was watching out for you. you should be happy." Kris said to Rhian as she started to move. She turned back to Rhian as though someone called her name. "Also it says you talk really cute like when you sleep."  She said with a grin before skipping off away from Rhian. and then chucks a knife at the fighter who was getting to close.


Kris moves to K15 and throws a knife at Fighter 5

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Having adequately slathered that delicious paste upon herself, Dulcie retrieves her bow from the scholar.



”Thank you,” she says with real sincerity, “very much.”


And with that the young archer strides her way around Fallon, delivering an arcing shot to the axeman there.


Dulcie moves to [M, 13] and shoots the Fighter at [K, 13].

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Kris' knife sails out of nowhere and strikes the fighter.

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Without giving the axeman the chance to recover, an arrow from Dulcibella's bow knocks him to the ground.

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"You're lucky to even be an apprentice..." Argos mutters quietly to himself about the little dragon knight throwing javelins around. He shook his head, no best not dwell on those thoughts thoughts. While he would love to pay back the girl for her little gift, he knew far too well he didn't fair so well against lances. Or at least, his father was pretty damn good with them. He turned his attention towards the axe fighter, however.



"I'd pay attention if I were you!" The lad spoke once more before taking a large running swing at the man.


Move to M14 and introduce the fighter to the weapon triangle

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Argos bests yet another axeman, downing him with two swift blows.

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"Oooh that girl looks cute in that armor." Naomi clapped her hands together. She then opened up her tome and aimed an open palm forward. "Too bad I'm gonna have to blast her. Try not to get hurt too bad!" 


Move to N13 and crit Sharon

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"...You alright?" Fallon asks Naomi after watching her deal a devastating burst of damage to Sharon. "It's been a while since this has happened....I'll be here if it becomes too much."  he says quietly.  He had seen her do this before, but not during a live combat situation. He wasn't quite sure what it would mean. "But first... I need to get rid of the last one."


Move to N15 and attack the archer.

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P-11, vuln the big boss



"Here boss, can't have you getting chased off the field too early. Catch!"

His words were followed by a bag of medicine flying at Johanna's face, clearly intended to be used right then.

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Though she's a little ways away, Johanna, keeping on the lookout for any other approaching enemies, doesn't miss the brief interaction between Fallon and the... girl. The little light mage... what's her name? She's too far -- and the wind is blowing in the other direction -- to hear what's being said, but the body language and look of concern on Fallon's face is enough. Suddenly, what small guilt she'd felt at blanking on the girl's name is eclipsed by something sharp  and intangible in her stomach.


Johanna quickly looks away, bewildered and annoyed by... what she'd seen? Her instinctive reaction?



Thankfully, a nearby  voice distracts her, followed shortly by something coming at her face. She catches it out of sheer reflex, and blinks down at the spearman. "Oh!  ...Thank you." It's hard to tell if his tone was intended to be a little derisive or merely blithe, but something about its jauntiness is appreciated in that moment. "I guess I should stop being so reckless." To parrot Fallon's words.

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Kerr gave a small shrug.



"Eh, it's working so far. Just remember what you told us at the start, right? We're here to make sure we're a good team, not individually competent. Probably applies to you too, at least I would figure so. Since you're our commander and all, you need to be able to direct us but also work with us. Be the embodiment of the Sovereign Rune if you buy into that sort of thing."


He smirked slightly, clearly telling himself a small joke somewhere in there.

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