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E18 Obtainability Updates [Spoilers]


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I wonder if Shroomish will be a early game pokemon or placed further away considering how strong Spore Breloom can be, A personal guess is that it won't be accessable until after the Bug Gym, or maybe not until after the town get rebuilt.

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Guest Relinquished

I don't like Dragonite much, but i like the fact it is now available!!! Shroomish, grrr... Most of my episode 16 runs, were "rigged" with Shroomish popping out of the Police egg!

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Guest Relinquished
21 hours ago, BRS swag said:


And wild/repeatable availability, too! Cheers for common barney, lol! 😛 


Also, Marill is now wild/repeatable, as of today's update... Gotta love how random egg mons, finally are unshackled from the nightmare of RNG; or whatever this damned thing is called.

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3 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:

Looks like you're spelt Bibarel wrong

Bibrael cant use fly and my current team doesn't have a flyer on it, dragonite can switch roost and fly out for any hm i need then switch them back, while being able to fight when i need him too. However dont think that doesn't mean prince Bibarel hasnt seen his share of time carting me around the map,  but I think his poor little feet could do with a rest. ☺

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Guest Relinquished

Now, only: 


a. Larvesta remains to be freed from egg chance,

b. Scyther and Bagon to be available and

c. Torchic, Snivy, Froakie, to be met outside starters selection.


Let's revive an older minigame, shall we? Place your bets, then! Pick up the ones you believe will make it into this episode and why you think so; or the ones you believe they won't and why!


I believe Larvesta and Snivy will make it... Larvesta because it is the only and the last one of the random egg chance obtainable exclusives and Snivy, because at this point in the game, it won't make any difference at all... Scyther not, because "hardy", as already discussed, bagon not because "Mega" (bigger bad-ass than barney, alas), torchic  not, because it is always overpowered (bulk up and speed boost, anyone?) and froakie not, because it is like Budew... Whoops.

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There's also Oshawott and Litten, as far as I can tell. They're kind of weird because it's possible to get them both, but unless I missed something you can only do that by taking advantage of the fact that each appears in two limited events rather than one (the first when you choose your starter, the second when you complete the job applications sidequest for Magma/Aqua). But unless there's some way to get both of them from events other than the starter choice regardless of what gang you join, I think another event for them still needs to be added in.

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If Garchomp is available then Salamence should be too though I agree that it's mega might be too broken for the Saphira gym battle.


I highly doubt Larvesta is going to be released. Even if only rock and dragon are left for gym leaders, quiver dance Volcarona with fiery dance is too op. If there's no stealth rocks on the feild then it's basically free set up and sweep.


Froakie should definitely make it. I use a Greninja as my starter Pokemon and even with the life orb, protean and 31 sp attack ivs there are times when you just need to switch it out. And since battle bond is never going to be available for some reason, Greninja is never going to get better than what it already is. It's also super frail so even rock types should be able to endure hits in sandstorm and take it out.


Blaziken might be released because bulk up speed boost isn't enough to dish out massive damage. Also it takes damage on one turn which is basically always taking damage of half it's hp. If it doesn't kill the next turn then it always dies. And the gym leaders are rock and dragon which easily take it on.


Snivy should make it but I'm a bit iffy about it because Contrary Leaf Storm can really mess up someone's day. And the other sp attacks it can use after Leaf Storm are pretty threatening as well.


Scyther obviously won't make it because technician Mega Scizor with swords dance bullet punch is too op.

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Hurrah. I guess I know my Charizard replacement now.


Mega Metagross, Garchomp, Volcarona, Greninja are my final team members for now. Only need Volcarona. Let's see what other broken pokemon are going to be released. If there's a Zapdos released sometime then the team is set for life.

Or maybe I'll just breed myself an unburden Hawlucha with a Salac Berry or something. Maybe even one of the reborn special seeds.

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12 minutes ago, Gh0stStark said:

 I'm so hoping Duskroc will be a thing this ep. Even though the beast, Tyranitar, will be available. 

US&UM mechanics are being imported so thats pretty much confirmed

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I still hope Scyther becomes avaible, Even if not until after we beat Hardy so we can't use him during Hardy.

I can still probably sweep Hardy with a combo of Metagross/Any good flying pokemon/Aegislash Unless it turns out he is doubles with would make me sad when I find out :v

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I wonder if the Regis will be avaiable in Ep18. Lets be fair, you can already get mons that far surpass them in strength, and some other minor legends like type:null and phione have been released. Maybe not Regigigas, but seeing the Trio would be really cool. And would add a lot of room for evil puzzles.

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Guest Relinquished
1 hour ago, Cyrikyty said:

I wonder if the Regis will be avaiable in Ep18. Lets be fair, you can already get mons that far surpass them in strength, and some other minor legends like type:null and phione have been released. Maybe not Regigigas, but seeing the Trio would be really cool. And would add a lot of room for evil puzzles.

No chance, sorry. All mythicals, legendaries etc, are going to be in the final episode/postgame, only. At least, fortunately enough, that is going to be the very next one...

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Honestly it shouldn't even matter that much. Literally any Pokemon team is possible at this point with the amount of Pokemon available. And I wonder if anyone will even use legendaries for the final fights in episode 19 if they're available. It's not like the game is unbeatable without them. And I personally wouldn't like to replace my members for others so late.

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maybe we will get the option to bring 1 legendary pokemon against the elite, because of the potential of each of them having there own legendary pokemon.

I mean why should Anna be the only one witha legendary ?

Maybe it would go like this (depends on which of them we will fight):

Anna: Nostra(Jirachi)

El: Arceus or Bennett: Genesect

Laura (Shaymin-Sky)

Heather (Lugia/Ho-oh/Rayquaza or Yveltal)


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