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As we all know, many Pokemon have gotten the short end of the stick throughout multiple generations. They now rot in the depths of PU and whatever that's even lower than that. From the legendary Articuno to the lowly Luvdisc. Let us take a moment and not only pity their situation but also consider how they could be buffed to return to the realm of viability.


Buffing Rules (taken from the buffs in Sun and Moon):

  • +40 stats points at maximum (very rare; only on Masquerain as of now) (try to go for equal or less than +20 if you do decide to buff stats)
  • Ability changes are allowed.
  • Learnset can be altered to grant access to better moves.
  • Maintain consistency with stats and abilities; if you're going to buff one Eeveelution's stats, you'll have to buff all the others' as well.
  • No "create-a-move," "create-an-ability," or "create-a-mega-pokemon" here. We're still operating within the scope of Gen 7.


What Pokemon will we be buffing?:

Pokemon that are NU or lower.


How much should I buff?

Try to buff by one or two tiers. Like PU to NU/RU, and NU to RU/UU.



To kick things off, I'll give you... Buffed Glaceon!


Spr 7s 471.png

Hidden Ability: Ice Body -> Slush Rush

Learnset Changes:

TMs - (+) Flash Cannon

Level Up - (25) Ice Shard -> Freeze-Dry


You know how Leafeon gets Chlorophyll as its HA? The logical move would be to give Glaceon the same treatment! With a more diverse set of offensive moves, it can now take on the unique role of being the special version of Alolan Sandslash. Its base 65 speed lets it outspeed scarfers with a base 102 speed under hail, and its new access to Flash Cannon and Freeze-Dry lets it punch through fairies and water types. Coupled with an already-good base 130 special attack, and you got yourself a weather sweeper that can wreak decent havoc in middle tiers. Oh and it can still run Z-Celebrate. Only villains do that, though.


Of course, Glaceon still has quite a few weaknesses preventing it from breaking into UU and above comfortably. The greatest of which would be its abysmal matchup against Steel-types, and another would be its weakness to the very prevalent Mach Punch/Vacuum Wave and Bullet Punch. Those are things that will demand team support for, but if you're running Hail offense, you should be prepared for these things, no?


Oh and it's pretty much a worse Kyurem aside from Speed, but shh.


Sample Set:

McFlurry (RU Hail Offensive)


Glaceon @ Life Orb
Ability: Slush Rush
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Ice Beam / Blizzard
- Flash Cannon / Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Freeze-Dry


The coverage moves should be self-explanatory. You can also opt for Specs + Modest to score an OHKO with HP Fire against non-Specially Defensive variants of Escavalier. Replacing one of the coverage moves for Hail is not recommended, though. Man, if Baton Pass weren't banned, I'd totally put it in here.



However, with Glaceon's viability now bound to the viability of hail teams, its success will hinge more on how mons centered around Hail are buffed.

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I waited too long for this one!



Hidden Ability: Hydration -> Lightning Rod
Tm: Earthquake
Tutor: Liquidation
Lvl Up: (37) Brine -> Icicle Crash/Spear


Lapras is an all time fan favourite pokemon either due to the anime or because it was the og surfing pokemon. Lapras has found itself in the depths of PU with its only niche being a counter to water types thanks to Water Absorb and Freeze Dry. But Lapras could had so much more potential, especially with the great movepool it has.

1st of all I want to start with its movepool additions. Lapras desperately needs more physical moves! As a pokemon that is blessed with the great set up move of Dragon Dance it's so lame that Lapras' physical movepool sucks! First its physical STABS suck with the only options being Aqua Tail/Waterfall and Ice Shard/Avalance. While the water STABS are workable a better move between power and accuracy is prefered that's why I thought Liquidation would fit (especialy on Curse sets). The Ice STABS though are terrible for DD sets, since Shard is already a priority so the speed boost doesn't matter and Avalanche is so weak if you don't get hit first making the speed boost working against you. So Icicle Crash or even the less reliable Icicle Spear would be so much better for the physical set up sets of Lapras. Lastly about moveset, Earhquake is a great coverage move that is not too stretched to get since it is widespread to a lot of pokemon and Lapras should get that as a Dinosaur-like pokemon.

Finally I want to talk about its abilities. While Water Absorb is a great ability that gives its niche of countering Water types its other abilities are meh. Shell Armor is not the best or the worst out there but it is quite fitting on Lapras' theme. Hydration on the other hand is so unreliable with almost no usage and even if GameFreak wanted to give it some connection with rain, they would better be giving it Drizzle to begin with. But outside of that I had a quite different approach for an ability and that was Lightning Rod. While I'm not a fan of removing weaknesses for pokemon through abilities (Sap Sipper Swampert is the most common I hear and hate) Lightning Rod could make sense on Lapras. Even though it doesn't have a developed horn it could work as an redirecting tool kinda like Seaking's horn. That would give Lapras an easier way to come in on pokemon like Lanturn and electric types in general, get a way to boosts its Sp.Att. for its special sets and also threaten said electric types with its new coverage of EQ on physical sets


Sample Sets:
Bulky Special Attacker


Lapras @ Choice Specs  
Ability: Lightning Rod  
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Hydro Pump  
- Freeze-Dry  
- Ice Beam 
- Hidden Power [Fire]/Thunderbolt

Dragon Dance Sweeper


Lapras @ Icium Z  
Ability: Lightining Rod 
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant/Jolly Nature  
- Dragon Dance  
- Icicle Crash  
- Waterfall/Liquidation
- Earthquake

Curse Set Up


Lapras @ Leftovers  
Ability: Lightning Rod  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def  
Adamant Nature  
- Curse  
- Icicle Crash  
- Liquidation  
- Substitute/Earthquake


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Lets do another gen1 Water/Ice type yea?


Now Dewgong is pretty much just a worse Walrein, and even with some buffs will still probably be so; but we can try.


Stat Changes: 80 Def -> 90 Defense, 95 Spdef -> 105 Spdef (Total boost, +20)

Moveset Changes:

Breeding: Slack Off (Walrein/Slaking)

TM: Aurora Veil, Calm Mind, Scald


Just looking at Dewgong's stats you can see that it is one of the many Gen1 Pokemon that have been left by the wayside in lieu of newer Pokemon that do the same thing but better. So in an attempt to make Dewgong have at least somewhat of a different use than Walrein, I gave it access to Slack Off. This lets it run its main PerishTrapper set pretty much the same way it always has except now it is able to have a actually useful recovery move that isn't Rest. The boosts to its defenses makes it on par with Walrein physically while giving it a bit of an edge in special defense, both of which help it a lot with trapping.

I also gave Dewgong access to Scald because it is based on a Sea Lion, which do not exclusively live in cold waters. Thus I think it makes sense that it would be able to use Scald despite being an Ice type. Scald, in conjuction with Calm Mind also give it a pretty good Wall set, being able to neuter physical attackers while boosting it's Spdef to be able to take on special ones. 


Aurora Veil is Aurora Veil, nuff said there, gives it something that Walrein does not have.



Not much can be done for Dewgong in terms of making it an offensive threat without massive boosts to one of its attacking stats (although it totally could be done), especially if one of its abilities were also to be replaced with Slush Rush/Swift Swim.



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I'm kind of new to competitive. I still despise EVs and IVs but I am now a fan of Smogon and have been more careful with my items, abilities, moves, and BASE stats. I really decided to do competitive when earlier today my Pidgeot (Non-Mega) beat a Yveltal in Pokemon X. I was fighting some girl with the most cliche team ever. A starter, mega, and legendary. Pidgeot, Krookodile, and Chesnaught somehow won, though. But that's getting off topic. ANYWAYS, I have some lovely ideas for buffing mons. And BOY, do I know what I'm gonna do for the first one.

Image result for cryogonal

I love me some Cryogonal. After watching the Mine Song one million times, I noticed how Cryogonal and "This triagonal sign" rhymed. And If you say Lazytown memes are dumb, one Lazytown meme made me find out about Reborn. So that's wonderful. Anyways, Cryogonal got a little buff in SM, but I was like, LAME! And Cryogonal needs stuff like Shadow Ball and even better Amnesia. Yes. I am aware that a snowflake cannot get Amnesia. But Pokemon never made any real sense. So while I'm on that topic, Cryogonal should maybe get Slush Rush or Snow Warning which now that I think about it Is way better. So Cryogonal should probably use this set If I got my way and Cryogonal was better.


This Battle Is MINE!

Ice Beam


Iron Defense

Protect/Toxic/Flash Cannon

Ability: Snow Warning

Item: Never-Melt Ice


And A side of the Mine Song


Next Up on my weak little list Is a Water Type. Oh, I mean Dark-Psychic type. Seriously, though. Why is Malamar not part Water?


So I'm actually pretty shocked that MALAMAR is in NU. After all, It's a good troll.


Opponent: lol used Swords Dance

Malamar: Oh? (Uses Topsy-Turvy)

Opponent: I hate you.

Malamar: Superpower.

Opponent: Hah! You lowered your stats!

Malamar: Oh? Malamar's Attack and Defense rose

Opponent: Of COURSE it has contrary.


What else can be said about Malamar? It's not bad, It just could be better. I know how. First, make It a Water type. Then there would be know more fairies. Yeah, I don't like fairies. They're dumb. And I truly learned this In Pokemon Spork. A certain Witch thought Sylveon could be more viable with more coverage. But I need to stop getting off topic.

Image result for fairy pokemon meme

Malamar needs more ways to take advantage of Contrary. And I know how. PSYCHO BOOST. Yes, It's Deoxys' signature move, but it could easily be expanded onto more Pokemon. Like how First Impression somehow got onto Farfetch'd. A plus two special attack boost every time? Yes, please! SO, in conclusion, Malamar should be like this:


Ultimate Troll

Psycho Boost


Knock Off

Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Happy Hour

Item: Normalium Z/No Item

Ability: Contrary

Note: Would be Water type maybe


Welp, I'm done. 


One day Cryogonal will be really buffed. I will sneak into Game Freak and leave a note that says:

Buff Cryogonal to have 999 BST before doing anything else! 


Then my Cryogonal sign will laugh in the face of my pitiful enemies...

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Alrighty, lets do a mon that I really like. 



Basculin! I really like this fish, its just underwhelming in a few too many ways. Let's try to fix that a bit.


Type: Water -> Water/Fighting

Stat Changes: 92 atk -> 100 atk, 98 speed -> 103 speed (Total Boost: +12)

Moveset Changes:

Breeding: Ice Fang, Poison Fang, Rock Smash (Sharpedo), Psychic Fangs (Bruxish/Sharpedo)

TM: Brick Break

Level-Up: Tail Whip (Level 1) -> Wake-Up Slap, New Move at Level 1 -> Submission, New Move at Level 56 -> Close Combat


Poor Basculin, it already has pretty decent stats for low tiers, and pretty great abilities for both of its forms. It's movepool however was completely lacking, consisting pretty much of 3 moves, Physical Water STAB in Waterfall/Liquidation, Crunch, and Head Smash/Zen Headbutt depending on the form. I wanted to give it a little something so that it isn't essentially just less fun Sharpedo. 

Thematically I think that it would make more sense for it to become part Fighting type rather than Dark type, as it is shown to be more aggressive and wants to just get into straight up fights with anything, as well as it already getting a great Fighting move in Superpower. I gave it the stat boosts not because it necessarily needed them, but because it just helps boost in that little bit more to make it more of a threat in conjunction with everything else I have given it. 103 as a speed tier is a great spot for any offensive Pokemon, and a solid base 100 attack gives all of its attacks just that little bit of oomph that they need.

The rest of the changes for it are pretty straightforward for a fast physical attacker (although some of the moves like Brick Break and Rock Smash are merely for thematic reasons). Being part Fighting type now gives it STAB Close Combat/Superpower, which in conjunction with Adaptability, hits extremely hard on things that do not resist it. Gaining access to Submission also then gives both forms a decent fighting type move to use if they are not running Adaptability. Access to all of the Fang moves are also self explanatory, with Ice Fang finally giving it an Ice move that it can make use of, Poison Fang letting it hit Grass/Fairy mons hard, and Psychic Fangs letting it take on other Fighting types easier as well as hitting Poison types that can shrug off water moves more effectively. 


Basculin honestly doesn't really need much to actually make it usable, the only thing it truly needs to not be stuck with being outclassed by everything is a better movepool but hey, if I'm gonna buff it, I'll give it something a lil extra.

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Time for some love for Normal types!



Ability No2: Early Bird -> Speed Boost


Egg Moves: Extreme Speed (Zigzagoon line, Arcanine, Pikachu line, Lucario)

                    Stored Power (Eevee line, Munna line, Meowstic, Oranguru, Woobat line)


Poor Girafarig, it has a so unique design but it's so forgettable and weak that no one uses it even in PU. So how about we give it some love!

First things first, can we talk about one of its abilities being Early Bird? It's not a bird, giraffes are not even close related to birds! Yes I know it is probably named something else in Japan, but that doesn't make it any less useless. So how about we spice things up with SPEED BOOST! The ability that made Blaziken broken is now available to Girafarig. Giraffes might not be the fastest things out there but neither are chickens. Speed Boost can help Girafarig with its very mediocre speed set up for sweeps in addition with its set up moves like Nasty Plot, Calm Mind and Work Up. Or it can even try a more gimmick set by trading its mediocre offensive stats with the opponent through Power Swap while it's boosting it's speed. Ofc, Baton Pass was banned from smogon recently, but that doesn't make it less viable in formats outside of smogon. Girafarig could be an amazing passer for special attackers with CM and NP in conjuction with Speed Boost.
And while we talk about stat boosts, I want to mention its newly added move, STORED POWER. We all know how broken this move can be but it's still not the most reliable out there. But Girafarig would probably be one of the best mon pulling Stored Power sets. The slowly but guaranteed Speed Boost, the plethora of boosting moves and Girafarig's Psychic typing will make Stored Power sets a nightmare to face. Ofc, it's not everything broken. Girafarig is lacking a good typing defensively, its bulk is pathetic and can be revenged kill by many priority moves outside of Shadow Sneak after it lose some health through Substitute while it tries to stall some turns for Speed Boost to stack up.

And speaking of priority moves, I think Girafarig deserves some love from the pysical side too. Neither of Girafarig's offensive stats is threatening but base 80 Attack is decent enough to hit with STAB EXTREMESPEED! Since I'm going with a more faster version for Girafarig why not give it the move that push the speed to the extreme? It already gets Agility so Extremespeed is not so absurd.


Sample Sets:

Choice Specs


Girafarig @ Choice Specs  
Ability: Speed Boost  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Modest/Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Hyper Voice  
- Psychic  
- Dazzling Gleam/Signal Beam  
- Hidden Power [Fire]/Hiden Power [Fighting]/Thunderbolt/Energy Ball/Trick

LO Special All Out Attacker


Girafarig @ Life Orb  
Ability: Speed Boost  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Modest/Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Psychic/Stored Power  
- Hyper Voice  
- Hidden Power [Fire]/Dazzling Gleam  
- Protect/Substitute/Nasty Plot

Stored Power


Girafarig @ Leftovers  
Ability: Speed Boost  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Stored Power  
- Protect  
- Substitute  
- Calm Mind/Nasty Plot

Choice Band


Girafarig @ Choice Band  
Ability: Speed Boost  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant/Jolly Nature  
- Psychic Fangs/Zen Headbutt  
- Extreme Speed  
- Earthquake  
- Double-Edge/Return/Crunch/Sucker Punch/Trick

LO Physical All Out Attacker


Girafarig @ Life Orb  
Ability: Speed Boost  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Psychic Fangs/Zen Headbutt  
- Extreme Speed  
- Earthquake  
- Protect/Substitute/Work Up

Baton Pass (non smogon formats)


Girafarig @ Leftovers  
Ability: Speed Boost  
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Baton Pass  
- Nasty Plot/Calm Mind/Work Up/Amnesia/Curse  
- Protect  
- Substitute/Amnesia


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Here's a mon i'd really like to see changed.



 Type: Grass -> Grass/Fairy

Moveset Change: 

Move Tutors: Earth Power



That's all Bellossom really needs. It's always been overshadowed by other grass types but if given the Fairy typing it clearly deserves then it will be a force to be reckoned with. It already has access to Quiver Dance plus Chlorophyll which negates it's speed problem. It has a large amount of recovery moves so it's staying power is guaranteed. And with a coverage move in Earth Power it will be hard to stop it once it gets going.


It will still have trouble because of it's mediocre speed and it will still fear poison types even more now. But at least it won't be at the bottom of the barrel like a lot of other grass types are. 

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Here's on of my favorite mons.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor golurk transparent

Stat changes: 

Attack 124 -> 144 (total +20)

Move changes:

Level up - (25) Mega Punch -> Shadow Sneak

Move Tutor - Knock Off


I feel like Golurk doesn't have any qualities that stand out, it has average stats and a shallow predictable move-set. By increasing it's attack and giving it these moves Golurk can finally stand out as a powerful wall-breaker with more versatility. Would've had added a powerful reliable ghost type move but shadow bone and shadow claw don't seem that fitting.

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Damnit GF, how do you screw up a mon with a BST of 523?



Learnset Changes:

- TMs: (+) Taunt, Flamethrower, Overheat

- Breeding: (+) Fake Out (Breed w/ Persian, Delcatty, Purugly, Liepard, or Meowstic)

- Tutor: (+) Knock Off

- Level Up: (70) Parting Shot
Stats Changes:

+10 Def, +10 SpD (+20 total)


Luxray is this odd mix of Flareon and Electivire. It hits less hard than the former, and has worse coverage and speed than the latter. Its biggest selling point over the two is its bulk, but with it having to run Guts and Wild Charge (recoil) to stay relevant, that selling point may as well as not exist.


And that brings us to our new and improved Luxray. With access to Flamethrower, Overheat, Knock Off, and Parting Shot, as well as improved bulk nearing that of Incineroar's, it can safely move on from its past as a Guts attacker.


Now, you might say that you'd rather use Incineroar. However, Luxray's resistances, while technically worse than Incineroar's, do beat out Incineroar's plethora of weaknesses. With the two only sharing a Ground weakness (which can be remedied with Luxray's coverage), they can function as a solid AssVest Intimidate pivot core - being two of the three mons (the other being Mega Manectric) that can accomplish such task. And, on top of that, it still has niche moves like Taunt and Fake Out, as well as its original Guts set, allowing it to surprise opponents when they expect the (likely) better Intimidate set.



Really tempted to slap a Dark typing on Luxray and call it a day, but that doesn't fit its portrayal in the games and the anime.

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Here's another forgotten electric type that is just outclassed in everything!



Stat Changes: Sp. Att. 80 -> 100 (+20)

Lvl Up: (1) Blaze Kick

Egg Moves: Zing Zap (Togedemaru)


Poor Zebstrika, has a such a cool design but damn it's outshined by almost all other electric types!

Zebstrika has an amazing speed tier of 116 that is only shared with Whimsicott and 3 amazing abilities but unfortunately its attacking stats are so mediocre. 100 Attack is something, but in this age of powercreep is just okayish, while its Sp. Att. is sitting at the pathetic base 80. But the most unfortunate thing about our zebra friend here is that its movepool while its cool on the special side, it is completely luckster on the physical. That's one way to completely screw its offensive capabilities...
So for the changes I left it simple with this one. They might not be enough to make it jump tiers, but they are certainly enough to make it shine over other electric types in the lower ones.
For the stat changes, a simple +20 Sp. Att. is enough to make Zebstrika put its special movepool in work and making it a great mixed attacker. With both attacking stats usable Zebstrika can go either pure physical, special or mixed making it quite unpredictable.
As for moves I chose 2 physical moves, 1 for reliable STAB and 1 for coverage. Zing Zap makes so much sense for Zebstrika that I was really mad that it didn't got it in USUM as an Egg move. While it is weaker than Wild Charge, it doesn't have recoil which sucks with Zeb's low bulk, and the 30% flinch chance is amazing with the great spped stat it has! For the coverage move I could go with Flare Blitz giving it the power that it needs to break through Grass types, but I think Blaze Kick makes more sense in my mind. Zebstrika already have fire coverage in Flame Charge, but it very weak and is mainly used for the set up rather than the coverage.

Sample Sets:

Special Choiced


Zebstrika @ Choice Specs/Choice Scarf  
Ability: Lightning Rod/Motor Drive/Sap Sipper  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Thunderbolt  
- Volt Switch  
- Overheat  
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Physical Choiced


Zebstrika @ Choice Band  
Ability: Motor Drive/Sap Sipper  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Zing Zap  
- Blaze Kick  
- Low Kick  
- Pursuit

Mixed Scarf


Zebstrika @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Lightning Rod/Sap Sipper  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe  or 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Naive Nature  
- Zing Zap  
- Volt Switch  
- Blaze Kick/Overheat  
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Mixed LO


Zebstrika @ Life Orb
Ability: Lightning Rod/Motor Drive/Sap Sipper  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe  or 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Naive Nature  
- Zing Zap  
- Thunderbolt/Volt Switch  
- Blaze Kick/Overheat  
- Hidden Power [Ice]/Substitute


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  • 2 weeks later...

Eevee Squad Update (Yes, I'll be going through all the Eeveelutions)





Stat Change:

Spd: 65 -> 75 (+10 Net Gain)

Ability Changes:

Water Absorb / (Hydration) -> Hydration / (Water Compaction)

Move Changes:

Lv 45 Hydro Pump -> Lv 45 Whirlpool / Lv 50 Hydro Pump


Water Compaction gives Vaporeon more defensive power when switching into water attacks than Water Absorb, patching up her questionable Defense stat. The extra speed also helps with outrunning a large handful of Pokemon to help give her better momentum in combat. Whirlpool was a TM Vaporeon could use, but adding it to the level moves makes it ubiquitously available for anyone wanting to try out a trapper set after Vaporeon's received the Water Compaction buff.

Sample Set:

Cleric @Leftovers

EVs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 S Def


Water Compaction

- Scald

- Wish

- Protect

- Heal Bell





Stat Changes:

HP: 65 -> 75 (+10 Net Gain)

Ability Changes:

Volt Absorb / (Quick Feet) -> Quick Feet / (Lightning Rod)

Move Changes:

Lv 45 Thunder -> Lv 45 Signal Beam / Lv 50 Thunder


Jolteon's already pretty solid, but a little update is still well-appreciated. 10 more in base HP adds a chunk of survivability that will help Jolteon survive a handful more physical attacks. Swapping Volt Absorb for Lightning Rod also helps Jolteon's power. While the HP can be nice, the added Special Attack makes his pivots with Volt Switch sting a lot more, or just can set him up to sweep a little easier. Adding Signal Beam to the moveset just streamlines its presence on Jolteon's kit for the games that don't have tutor moves in the future (like base Sun and Moon for example.)


Sample Set:

Special Pivot @Choice Specs


EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Lightning Rod

- Thunderbolt

- Volt Switch

- HP Ice / Shadow Ball / Signal Beam

- HP Ice / Shadow Ball / Signal Beam





Stat Changes:

SpA: 95 / Spe: 65 -> SpA: 75 / Spe: 95 (+10 Net Gain)

Ability Changes:

Flash Fire / (Guts) -> Flash Fire / (Moxie)

Move Changes:

Lv 37 Lava Plume / Lv 45 Flare Blitz -> Lv 37 Fire Lash / Lv 45 Poison Jab / Lv 50 Flare Blitz


Flareon needed a lot of tweeks, as we all know. Mixed attacking is rarely done successfully unless you're a legendary and all your stats are high. I wanted to leave some Special Attack in the event that someone wants to run Overheat as a nuke against Physical Walls, but I really wanted to redirect that 95 investment into something that matters more: Speed. With this, Flareon is less of a sitting duck with her low HP and Defense. Swapping Guts for Moxie was also about swapping declining power for momentum. Poison Jab gives Flareon the Poison coverage that I think Gamefreak was going for when they gave her Smog. Since Fire's already super effective against Grass, there's not a ton of use for Poison, but Fire / Poison / Fighting is actually resisted by only 19 Pokemon. Fire Lash over Lava Plume is also about focusing more on Physical Damage, and gives Flareon an option that doesn't deal recoil damage as well as can cripple the Defense of any switch in.


Sample Set:

Physical Sweeper @Salac Berry / @Choice Scarf


EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Flare Blitz

- Super Power

- Poison Jab

- Fire Lash / Double-Edge





Stat Changes:

Atk: 65 / Def: 60 -> Atk: 60 / Def: 75 (+10 Net Gain)

Ability Changes:


Move Changes:

Lv 45 Power Swap -> Lv 45 Power Gem / Lv 50 Barrier | Gain Access to TM 53: Energy Ball


Espeon has a lot of overlap with Vanilla Alakazam and I wanted to further separate the two to make Espeon seem like an alternatively viable option. The speed difference is still there, which is one of the two big reasons why Alakazam has always been better, but by reinforcing Espeon's Defense, we are enhancing the advantages she has over her Psychic competition. With more HP and even more Defense, Espeon is a little better at taking a hit. Coverage was the other big one. Energy Ball means that Espeon now shares the more reliable form of Grass coverage with Alakazam, since she got Grass Knot as well, and the added Power Gem is thematically appropriate while giving her a coverage move that Alakazam doesn't have. He has Electric, and now Espeon has Rock. Two different tools with different values. Hopefully, this would help give Espeon a stronger niche. Barrier is really just there to be a usable option that isn't Power Swap. I would've loved a more powerful Psychic attack like Photon Geyser, but I'm not about to pass around exclusive Legendary Pokemon moves until Gamefreak does it first. All the really good Psychic moves are restricted to Legendaries, sadly. 


Sample Set:

Calm Mind @Leftovers


EVs 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

- Psychic / Psyshock

- Power Gem

- Shadow Ball

- Calm Mind





Stat Changes:

Spe: 65 -> 75 (+10 Net Gain)

Ability Changes:

Synchronize / (Inner Focus) -> Synchronize / (Poison Heal)

Move Changes:

Lv 29 Screech / 45 Guard Swap -> Lv 29 Psycho Shift / Lv 45 Clear Smog / Lv 50 Parting Shot


The major change here is Poison Heal, which I chose because it connects back to Umbreon's original concept of being a Poison Type, and the Pokedex entries referring to Umbreon's poisonous sweat. This means that Toxic Orb becomes a better Leftovers and protects Umbreon from status conditions. This is also why I gave Umbreon Psycho Shift. If you don't need the healing immediately, you can pass your Toxic onto your opponent in a more accurate Toxic, and then get poisoned again at the end of the turn. I also threw in Clear Smog to further emphasize the connection to Poison for Umbreon, which helps prevent setup, and Parting Shot as an option for giving your team a little momentum. The Speed boost is there to match the 10 point boost to all other eeveelutions as well as makes him a bit faster of a wall.


Sample Set:

Toxic Wall @Toxic Orb


EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD

Poison Heal

- Foul Play

- Toxic / Psycho Shift

- Wish

- Protect / Clear Smog / Parting Shot





Stat Changes:

SpD: 65 -> 75

Ability Changes:

Leaf Guard / (Chlorophyll) -> Chlorophyll / (Harvest)

Move Changes:

Lv 45 Leaf Blade -> Lv 45 Knock Off / Lv 50 Leaf Blade | Gain Access to TMs 71 & 80: Rock Slide and Stone Edge


Leafeon's biggest issue is lack of coverage. Like most Grass Types, there's a severe lack in anything that isn't Grass in Leafeon's kit, but Harvest can open up a lot of doors with Natural Gift. Added the Rock Type TMs also gives Leafeon the coverage he needs without Natural Gift, as Rock/Grass is pretty decent. Natural Gift can be paired with Leaf Blade and Stone Edge for some fantastic Coverage such as the Watmel Berry, or Salac can be used for Speed and Fighting Access. Yache can be used to give Leafeon an Ice Attack that becomes an Ice Resistance when up against Water Types. Really, it opens up a ton of options and customization for Leafeon. Adding Knock Off was really just there to streamline Leafeon's access to it in games without Tutors.


Sample Set:

Physical Sweeper @Watmel Berry / @Salac Berry / @Sitrus Berry / etc...


EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


- Leaf Blade

- Stone Edge / Natural Gift

- Natural Gift / Knock Off / Synthesis

- Swords Dance / Synthesis





Stat Changes:

Spe 65 -> 75 (+10 Net Gain)

Ability Changes:

Snow Cloak / (Ice Body) -> Slush Rush / (Unburden)

Move Changes:

Lv 25 Ice Shard / Lv 45 Blizzard -> Lv 25 Freeze-Dry / Lv 45 Earth Power / Lv 50 Blizzard


Glaceon suffers from being a slow Ice Type, which has never done anyone any favors. I saw an earlier post offering Glaceon Slush Rush which is great, but I think Unburden can work really well too. Keeping Hail up can be a challenge, and I think having options for Chardi, Chople, or Occa Berries can not only protect Glaceon from a nasty hit, but that will double her Speed and pair nicely with her defensive stats. If you really want to be ballsy, you can even go for a Petaya Berry and boost Glaceon's high Special Attack to dent enemies that much harder if not sweep them with your newfound speed. The 10 points in Speed also help keep Glaceon faster than many other threats after Unburden. I swapped out Ice Shard because Glaceon actually isn't a physical attacker and has no use for it. In its places is Freeze-Dry, which can make for a great way to handle Water Pokemon, and Earth Power, while offering slightly less coverage than HP Fighting, is similar in many ways and is slightly stronger.


Sample Set:

Special Sweeper @ Chardi Berry / @Chople Berry / @Occa Berry / @Petaya Berry


EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


- Ice Beam

- Shadow Ball

- Earth Power / HP Fighting

- Freeze-Dry





Stat Changes:

Def: 65 -> 75 (+10 Net Gain)

Ability Changes:


Move Changes:

Lv 45 Psych Up -> Lv 45 Hyper Voice / Lv 50 Psych Up


Not much to say about Sylveon. She's been one of the strongest, if not THE strongest eeveelution to date and is doing pretty well for herself. I added 10 more to Defense to help up her bulk a bit since she's slow, and also to match all the other boosts of the eeveelutions. Pixilate is already great, and all else I could really do is make Hyper Voice a permanent part of her moves set since that's basically what Pixilate was made for. Again, this is really just to make sure she always has it even in games without tutors. I'd like to change Psych Up to something else, but there aren't any other good Fairy Moves that aren't Legendary Exclusives.


Sample Set:

Cleric @Leftovers


EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA


- Hyper Voice

- Wish

- Protect

- Heal Bell / HP Fire


Overall, I just wanted to throw in an update to give the eeveelutions a little modernization and specialization. A 10-point boost for each form gives a little extra oomph, and the changes in moves and abilities help gives them all the extra tools they really needed. I wanted to make sure each hidden ability was the better of the two, so that's why some of them had their current hidden ability switched to their normal ability: to make room for a really spectacular hidden one.

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Stats changes: Spa 75>95 HP 60>70 (maybe 95 spa would be too much)

Abilities: Sand Force --> Levitate 

Here is, everyone's favorite Pokémon! Probopass is just another Pokemon with really good defensive stats, but suffers with no-reliable recovery and a bad-defensive typing.

Probopass also has a decently offensive movepool/typing/ability that is almost perfect to trap steel types, but why isn't perfect? Simple many physical steel types have ground coverage, normally Earthquake, so why not giving Levitate to it (Fits very well with it)?Even it couldn't trap steel types if it uses Levitate it would make it a generally better mon, walling so many things that relies on ground moves to hit Steel/Rock types, and if you still want to trap and kill steel types Magnet Pull still is available, and with a good Spa boost to make it more reliable. (I think giving reliable recovery would be also too much, and there isn't any that fits well)

However not everything is good, a weakness to the common Fighthing and Water moves, and a ground weakness Vs Gravity, Mold breaker or Zygarde (and Zydog) and the fact that it cannot much against grass types also hurts. And in monotype would be a excellent choice to mono rocks, looking for a sand rush excadrill check that actually can hold a iron head.



Probopass @ Groundium Z / Air Balloon
Ability: Magnet Pull  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Earth Power  
- Volt Switch  
- Flash Cannon / Hidden Power Fire  
- Power Gem / Stealth Rock / Pain Split

Bulky Levitate Pivot


Probopass @ Groundium Z  
Ability: Levitate  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD (160 HP / 252 Spa / 92 Speed)
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Earth Power  
- Stealth Rock  

- Flash Cannon / Toxic / Discharge

- Rock / Power Gem /Pain Split

Both sets could use 0 speed IVs and a Quiet nature to (check) Trick Room teams

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