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A discussion on pokemon teams and some suggestions please


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Alright, I've just been reading some of the posts on the forum. Apparently episode 19 is the last episode and episode 18 unlocks every single pokemon ever available apart from legendaries. I think we're on episode 17 right now? This means that after episode 18 there will either be some major team changes or maybe everyone will just roll with their trusted partners from the beginning.


My trusted partners which have gone through every single gym till now are as follows(they are EV trained only):

Emboar, Greninja, Noivern, Nidoking, Magnezone and Granbull.

These pokemon provide excellent type coverage and pretty much are good for any battle because of huge type diversity. While these may be my long trusted partners, they aren't the most strongest pokemon out there. Also, none of these pokemon have a mega evolution and Greninja will never get battle bond.


My favorite Pokemon team which I would love to use in any game consists of these pokemon:


Sceptile, Charizard Mega X or Y(I have but a bad one), Gyarados(Have obtained), Greninja(Have Obtained) Electivire(Have Electabuzz but not Electivire), Hydreigon, Garchomp(Have Obtained), Tyranitar and Metagross. Maybe Nidoking(Have Obtained) because it's just so diverse but it's still outclassed.


My reborn team obviously only has Greninja and Nidoking. My question is that would it be worth it to go out on a hunt for these pokemon once episode 18 is released and change my team ? And is it actually necessary for beating the game?

My current team already has no megas so that is a big power cut but these pokemon are not the hardest hitters too.


Do comment your guy's opinion and also your team if you want. With the end near, I feel like blazing through the game might be better but maybe a stronger team would be necessary.

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I'd say add Gardevoir, but don't swap it for Magnezone. It's "overused" as a core in reborn, but there is always a reason it is. the Garde-zone core is easily one of the strongest due to the ability to synergize with basically everything you wanna toss into the team

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I won almost every gym battle in reborn thanks to meowstic with reflect, light screen, trick room and psychic with light clay and prankster....This one pokemon was the core of my battles.

The others important are swanna with tailwind, and electivire with electric field or sylveon with misty terrain

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I mean, it never hurts to have some extra firepower. I wouldn't say having the best is required to beat the game though. I had a squad of absolute trash that I managed to get to E17 with on my second playthrough. If you want to spend the time, it would probably be good to at least dump the Embroar (infernape is available at the restored azurine island) and maybe switch out the Granbull. Sceptile is also available in one of the forests after the city restoration. You could also optimize your current teams natures, moves and items if you haven't already. Experimenting or doing some research has helped me a lot. 


Those are just some suggestions. Your squad looks fine as it is if you're not into doing some grinding.


Edit: Spelling

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