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So I'll keep this short...



Who wants to tell me where to get Petilil?!? :DDDDD

And Ditto. I know where you're supposed to get it and I went there, put Makuhita in the top left cage, talked to it, nothing. I'm doing something wrong.

and Shuppet

Edited by Ashka
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Has to be either a clear or windy day (I'm leaning towards clear but I could be wrong) and it'll be chilling in a click-able spot on (in?) the rooftop garden

Huh. That's what I thought, but then I thought I was wrong. Thank you! :)

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I found them a couple of times, I think it was while I was running around in Jasper Ward, can't remember where I encountered them.

I found the moss rock rock in chrysolia forest and a heart scale on a rock near the abandoned train.

Still having my issues finding the rail cave that was described in the capt's log.

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