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12 hours ago, Blocky said:



What do you think about my team? BTW I'm planning to train wishiwashi.

Goodra lv. 79; HP/264

Held Item: Lucky Egg; Ability: Hydration

Nature: Hasty

Best Stats: Atk/191, Sp.Atk/196, Sp.Def/268

Moves: Rain Dance, Outrage, Bulldoze, Muddy Water

Gardevior lv.83; HP/218

Held Item: Amplifield Rock; Ability Synchronize

Nature: Relaxed

Best Stats: Sp.Atk/244, Sp.Def/209

Moves: Trick Room, Charge Beam, Draining Kiss, Psychic


Klefki lv.83; HP/205

Ability: Prankster; Nature: Bashful

Best Stats: Def/163, Sp.Def/160

Moves: Play Rough, Foul Play, Swagger, Flash Cannon  


Aerodactyl lv.88; HP/266

Held Item: Hard Stone; Ability : Hard head

Nature: Naughty

Best Stats: Atk/255, Speed/264

Moves: Crunch, Fly, Iron Head, Rock Slide


Magnezone lv.85 ; HP/235

Ability: Sturdy; Nature: Hasty

Best Stats: Def/209, Sp.Atk/257

Moves: Magnet Rise, Thunder Wave, Discharge, Flash Cannon


Tsareena lv.90; HP/273

Ability: Leaf Guard; Nature: Adamant

Best Stats: Atk/308, Def/218, Sp.Def/222

Moves: Hi Jump Kick, Play Rough, Trop Kick, Acrobatics


Banette lv.90; HP/248

Held Item: Banettite; Ability: Cursed Body

Nature: Careful

Best Stats: Atk/259, Sp.Atk/171

Moves: Hex, Shadow Claw, Sucker Punch, Phantom Force


Clefable lv.83; HP/268

Held Itam: Leftovers; Ability: Magic Guard

Nature: Rash

Best Stats: Sp.Atk/204, Atk/159, Sp.Def/153

Moves: Brick Break, Moonblast, Comic Power, Meteor Mash


Druddigon lv.82; HP/241

Held Item: Quick Claw; Ability : Mold Breaker

Nature: Timid

Best Stats: Atk/216, Def/164, Sp.Def/172

Moves: Bulldoze, Outrage, Rock Climb, Superpower


Floatzel lv.81 ; HP/251

Nature: Brave; Ability: Swift Swim

Best Stats: Atk/233, Speed/203, Sp.Atk/188

Moves: Surf, Ice Punch, Dive, Waterfall


Charizard lv.89; HP/248

Held Item: Shell Bell; Ability: Blaze

Nature: Docile

Best Stats: Atk/199, Sp.Atk/246, Spped/213

Moves: Flamethrower, Solar Beam, Fly, Brick Break


I've added all the info on my team


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You could put power whip on goodra, just because it's a really strong move and she has the opportunity to learn it. Replace, for example, bulldoze


Gardevoir's STAB is way too weak: use Mooblast or Dazzling Gleam instead of Draining KIss for example. And she isn't slow, trick room is unnecessary for her. Put calm mind instead, it's great for her. Maybe keep charge beam, or replace by destiny bond, it's also good on her.


Aerodactyl's moveset is good except for fly; you could replace it by sky drop and have it hold a flying gem. If not, keep fly. It's only because you lose two turns, and the opposing trainer might switch to something that counters him.


Consider replacing tsareenas trop kick by power whip; if you do that, replace acrobatics by, for example, zen headbutt for poison-type coverage, and make her hold wide lens to improve power whips and hi jump kicks accurate


If you're going to make a mega banette, forget about sp.atk moves; take out hex, and don't keep two moves of the same type on his moveset; choose between Shadow claw and phantom force. Up to you, honestly, both moves have ups and downs. Sucker punch is good. Now, for the two other moves if you decide to take my advice, maybe gunk shot and confuse ray/destiny bond?


I would recommend iron head for druddigon, as it covers both his fairy and ice weaknesses.


As for floatzel, you don't really need three water-type moves on the same moveset; pick dive or waterfall, surf isn't very good because it's special and floatzel has Higher attack. Rain dance and crunch wouldn't be bad too.


On Charizard maybe replace fly by Air Slash; brick break would require a mixed attacker, so see if you can find an option to it, to make a special attacker Charizard.


Sorry for the long post, and remember these are only advices, i'm just trying to help you get the maximum potential out of these Mons 🙂




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10 hours ago, UnicornJesus said:


You could put power whip on goodra, just because it's a really strong move and she has the opportunity to learn it. Replace, for example, bulldoze


Gardevoir's STAB is way too weak: use Mooblast or Dazzling Gleam instead of Draining KIss for example. And she isn't slow, trick room is unnecessary for her. Put calm mind instead, it's great for her. Maybe keep charge beam, or replace by destiny bond, it's also good on her.


Aerodactyl's moveset is good except for fly; you could replace it by sky drop and have it hold a flying gem. If not, keep fly. It's only because you lose two turns, and the opposing trainer might switch to something that counters him.


Consider replacing tsareenas trop kick by power whip; if you do that, replace acrobatics by, for example, zen headbutt for poison-type coverage, and make her hold wide lens to improve power whips and hi jump kicks accurate


If you're going to make a mega banette, forget about sp.atk moves; take out hex, and don't keep two moves of the same type on his moveset; choose between Shadow claw and phantom force. Up to you, honestly, both moves have ups and downs. Sucker punch is good. Now, for the two other moves if you decide to take my advice, maybe gunk shot and confuse ray/destiny bond?


I would recommend iron head for druddigon, as it covers both his fairy and ice weaknesses.


As for floatzel, you don't really need three water-type moves on the same moveset; pick dive or waterfall, surf isn't very good because it's special and floatzel has Higher attack. Rain dance and crunch wouldn't be bad too.


On Charizard maybe replace fly by Air Slash; brick break would require a mixed attacker, so see if you can find an option to it, to make a special attacker Charizard.


Sorry for the long post, and remember these are only advices, i'm just trying to help you get the maximum potential out of these Mons 🙂






8 hours ago, Blocky said:


For my Floatzel, should I re-learn Aqua jet or have her learn another physical attack  to replace Dive/Waterfall?

Bantette didn't learn to use confuse ray at any point, so Should I replace hex and Phantom force/Shadow Claw with Will-o-wisp and Gunk Shot/ Shadow Sneak?


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If you can teach Banette will-o-wisp it's better than confuse ray (he can learn confuse ray by breeding). And yes, replace 2 ghost type moves, but keep one: Shadow claw or phantom force.


As for floatzel, both dive and waterfall are good STABs for him, no need to relearn aqua jet or go get another move; simply pick one of them.

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You can technically run trick room with gardevoir (with that relaxed nature, or better Quiet), but that mon is rather frail to wield it. Plus, you would have to build your entire team around it (not helpful if you have to deal with wild pokes).

If you're going to run Trick Room (priority -7), it is more advised to put the move on a more bulky mon, like Reuniclus, Slowbro etc. Minimal IVs and speed-lowering natures woul be nice as well in that case.

You can relearn Dive and waterfall over each other in this game, so switch around if you feel it works better on the field.

Some of the natures are...peculiar. If some of the odd mixed sets (like Rash Clefable) work surprisingly well in Reborn, I'd like to know about it (If Belly Drum+Salac Berry, that could be funny). Timid Drudiggon is a bit...unfortunate.

Klefki is an annoyer pokemon. It might help you more if you give it support moves instead of full attacking coverage (Foul play can work, though. Just don't combine it with Will-o-wisp). Thunder Wave could help, since your team isn't very fast overall. Choose what would help you out the most.

You could add an ice-type for coverage, perhaps. If you don't mind putting a swinub and a beartic in the daycare together (for Icicle Crash), Mist Mamoswine is a personal recommendation of mine (Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Eartquake, Mist). Gives you a priority user (Aqua Jet on Floatzel does so, too. Strong priority can prevent you from being swept sometimes) and a field disruptor as well as a strong attacker in one.

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On 7/23/2018 at 4:44 PM, laggless01 said:

You can technically run trick room with gardevoir (with that relaxed nature, or better Quiet), but that mon is rather frail to wield it. Plus, you would have to build your entire team around it (not helpful if you have to deal with wild pokes).

If you're going to run Trick Room (priority -7), it is more advised to put the move on a more bulky mon, like Reuniclus, Slowbro etc. Minimal IVs and speed-lowering natures woul be nice as well in that case.

You can relearn Dive and waterfall over each other in this game, so switch around if you feel it works better on the field.

Some of the natures are...peculiar. If some of the odd mixed sets (like Rash Clefable) work surprisingly well in Reborn, I'd like to know about it (If Belly Drum+Salac Berry, that could be funny). Timid Drudiggon is a bit...unfortunate.

Klefki is an annoyer pokemon. It might help you more if you give it support moves instead of full attacking coverage (Foul play can work, though. Just don't combine it with Will-o-wisp). Thunder Wave could help, since your team isn't very fast overall. Choose what would help you out the most.

You could add an ice-type for coverage, perhaps. If you don't mind putting a swinub and a beartic in the daycare together (for Icicle Crash), Mist Mamoswine is a personal recommendation of mine (Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Eartquake, Mist). Gives you a priority user (Aqua Jet on Floatzel does so, too. Strong priority can prevent you from being swept sometimes) and a field disruptor as well as a strong attacker in one.

I don't the thunder wave TM, do you know where I could find it?

What other annoying moves would be good for klefki? 

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On 7/27/2018 at 6:41 AM, Blocky said:

I don't the thunder wave TM, do you know where I could find it?

What other annoying moves would be good for klefki? 

Well, take your pick. Screens, status, (field moves?) etc. Whatever supports your team best. You can also go for Prankster set up as well (e.g. with Calm Mind) if you like, though. Not sure if that works that well, however.

There is a thread in the 'on the hunt'-section that lists where you can find items. If you need to find anything in-game, that subforum will likely have answers.

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