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Hmm... I remember having a pokemon get pokerus pretty early on in Gold version when I first got it when the game was still new. My main team was around lv20 at the time, and I was too young to realize the benefits of "strategy". So I guess I was just lucky back then? And just for future reference, if someone were to get a pokemon with pokerus, what would be the indicator for the condition for Reborn?

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I was referring more to the icons like how, according to the pokemon wiki, there will be a little icon next to the pokemon's health bar. What I meant was- which version of the icon will be used?

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Then perhaps you should get one of your beta testers to use a hacked version where you tweak the code to force the event to occur. If there's one thing my programming class taught me, it's that if there's potential for a bug to occur, force it to occur so that you know more about the bug and can prevent it from occurring in the final product.

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