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how 2 donk pls (Starmie/Accelgor)


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So I'm entering an Intermediate tournament (Doesn't allow EX's and Ace Specs) and I built this donk deck for it so yah, here it is, I'm looking for critique and stuff like that, you know? Kay Kay, here it ish! (NOTE: This tournament is Unlimited, so yah)

3x Shelmet

2x Accelgor (Slashing Strike)

4x Staryu

3x Starmie (Swift)

1x Emolga

1x Smeargle (Portrait)

2x Crushing Hammer

3x Hypnotoxic Laser

3x Level Bal

4x PlusPower

2x Pokemon Catcher

3x Random Receiver

1x Town Map

2x Bianca

1x Black Belt

3x Colress

4x N

4x Skyla

1x Pokemon Center

1x Eviolite

3x Rescue Scarf

4x Grass Energy

5x Water Energy

Card Ratio: 14/37/9

Strategy Thing: Donk it on turn 2, or try to, idk.

Edited by Pocky
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  • 3 weeks later...

I love this deck as I really don't like using ex's (I think they are a cop out and VERY LITTLE game and deck building skill is needed to win), I don't even like using the trio of pokemon that do outrage (reshiram/zekrom/kyurem, another no-skill strategy).

Anyway I've been using a similar deck online and had lots of success. I usually don't donk on my 2nd turn, I just think it works well vs poison/spec condition decks, and vs most EXs (they take 3-4 energies to attack and by that time you have 2-3 slashing strikes in equaling 120-180 dmg!) I was able to destroy a 4x Cobalion EX deck, a KeldeoEX/Blastoise, an all fire VictiniEX/ReshiramEX, and squeaked by vs a mewtwoEX/Darkrai (hammertime). So it works!!

I was wondering where this tournament was because I'm always looking for non-EX games!??!

And kudos for using an excellent and original deck and hopefully you had some luck in your tourney!

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Ayyy~ Thanks for reading, and thanks for the advice! (It was about time that someone would come along >>)

Anyway, I was actually thinking of getting more accelgors since I've had more success with him.

Also, the tournament I'm entering is the reddit pctgo tournament (link here: http://www.reddit.com/r/ptcgo/comments/1es9k9/announcing_the_reddit_ptcgo_open_tournament/)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I used to play TCG a lot in the past, I actually specialised with donk decks for a good part of the time I used to play. Is the format unlimited or limited? I'm guessing with the Smeargle it's unlimited?

Considering that the EXs and Ace Spec trainers in place, it's the intermediate rule, so any cards can be used, which is good, because I think some of the older cards are really good. So here is a list you could follow:

This is your main attacker. This will get you your donks. Also, notice you go FIRST with this, so your opponent as no way to do anything.

Flash Bite, use it and spam it. :P

Again, not an attacker, just spam Set Up

May seem random, but what happens if you start with Uxie? Your stuck with wasting a energy for retreat, free retreat with this guy.

The rest is pretty much only trainers :P

4 Junk Arm

4 Poke Turn

4 Super Scoop Up

4 Plus Power

3 Expert Belt

4 Plus Power

3 Pokemon Catcher

3 Juniper

3 Dual Ball

4 Pokedex Handy910is

4 Quick Ball

3 Pokemon Seekers

3 Poke Blower http://pokebeach.com/scans/stormfront/88-poke-blower-+.jpg (Use the 1 card affect, not two, just want to spread the damage around :P)


4 Special Dark Energy

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